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Help! My cat's been peeing on the rug!
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Member since 8/11 4096 total posts
Help! My cat's been peeing on the rug!
I don't know what to do! We keep her litter box in the basement and the door is always left ajar so she can get down there. Lately she seems to have decided to just go on the living room carpet right outside the basement door. She doesn't always do it, just maybe every few days or so. She is old, 18 years, so I don't know if that has something to do with it. I know she still gets up and down the stairs fine so I don't think it's that. We've actually seen her pee on the carpet and then go right down the stairs so I know it's not that she doesn't want to or can't go down the stairs. But could it be that a her age she just can't hold it long enough to get down there? Im thinkjng that if it was a problem with bladder control ahe would be going all over the house not just in that one spot. I've tried using different carpet cleaners to get rid of the scent that might be attracting her to that area. Any tips on a good spray or cleaner to completely get rid of the scent? I really don't want to have to keep her confined to the basement especially at her age.
Posted 7/13/12 8:48 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Always My Miracle

Member since 9/05 9923 total posts
Re: Help! My cat's been peeing on the rug!
When cats are going outside their litterbox, they are trying to tell you something. The fact that your cat is doing it by the door would indicate to me that she is unhappy with where her litterbox is. While she maybe able to go up and down the stairs, she may have pain associated with it. If she associates pain with having to use the box, she is going to stop using it. Your best bet for your elderly pet is to put the litterbox where she does not need to use the stairs. If that doesnt work then I would take her to the vet for a possible UTI.
Posted 7/14/12 8:17 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/11 7391 total posts
Name: Name
Re: Help! My cat's been peeing on the rug!
Exactly what the pp said
Posted 7/14/12 5:12 PM |
Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08 19084 total posts
Name: Jib
Re: Help! My cat's been peeing on the rug!
Are you cleaning it enough to get the smell out? It's possible she still smells the pee there from the first time so she thinks it's an acceptable place to go. Even if you can't smell it, she may be able to. We use Nature's Miracle and it works very well!
Posted 7/14/12 9:17 PM |

Member since 4/09 3287 total posts
Re: Help! My cat's been peeing on the rug!
My mom's cat kind of started to get senile in her old age. She had a lot of accidents too and truthfully, we think sometimes she just "forgot" to go to the box. There were other reasons we thought she was senile/azheimer's....
Maybe put the box in a more convenient spot like PP said or even offer 2 boxes.
I would def take to a doctor to rule out UTI which is very common or other type of issues (Diabetes will make them go more frequently for example).
Good luck.
Posted 7/15/12 7:35 PM |
Love my babies!

Member since 8/11 4096 total posts
Re: Help! My cat's been peeing on the rug!
Posted by queensgal
My mom's cat kind of started to get senile in her old age. She had a lot of accidents too and truthfully, we think sometimes she just "forgot" to go to the box. There were other reasons we thought she was senile/azheimer's....
Maybe put the box in a more convenient spot like PP said or even offer 2 boxes.
I would def take to a doctor to rule out UTI which is very common or other type of issues (Diabetes will make them go more frequently for example).
Good luck.
She seems to have been showing signs of senility in other ways so maybe that has something to do with it. For the most part she still goes down stairs to her box. It's just every few days or so she 'forgets' or something. I tried cleaning the carpet really well with a cleaner that's supposed to block the scent so I'll see if that helps. She's been to the vet recently who said that for her old age she seems to be in great shape, no diabetes. I may put a box upstairs for her too, I was just hoping I avoid that since we have a small house with no good out of the way corners for a box and I didn't want a litter box to be a centerpiece in my living room.
Posted 7/17/12 8:32 AM |
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