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What size of clothing to purchase?

Forum Opinion Poll
Newborn 2 3.85%
0-3 months 2 3.85%
3-6 months 14 26.92%
9 months 25 48.08%
12 months 6 11.54%
18 months 3 5.77%

Hoping you ladies can offer some advice

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U are my best Christmas gift!

Member since 3/09

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Hoping you ladies can offer some advice

I have 2 baby showers both which will have clothing lines. I plan on purchasing various outfits but wanted to see what size you gals recommend? If you received clothing, did you have an overload in one size or specific article of clothing? I'm thinking onesies are rather common. Was there a size or item you wished you had gotten or received more of???


Posted 5/1/09 1:09 PM


Member since 4/07

22952 total posts


Re: Hoping you ladies can offer some advice

I wish I had gotten more 9/12 month clothing. You just have to make sure it is season appropriate.

At 6 months old, DS is fitting into 6/9/12 month clothing depending on the brand.

Posted 5/1/09 1:12 PM

Hello Summer!

Member since 5/08

5916 total posts


Re: Hoping you ladies can offer some advice

Posted by neener1211

I wish I had gotten more 9/12 month clothing. You just have to make sure it is season appropriate.

At 6 months old, DS is fitting into 6/9/12 month clothing depending on the brand.

I agree.. I wish I had gotten more 6-12 month clothes!!

Posted 5/1/09 1:13 PM

My loves

Member since 5/06

19150 total posts


Re: Hoping you ladies can offer some advice

I completely agree with the above. I think anything in the 6-9 or 12 month range is great.

ETA: But may I also say to please keep the tags on the clothes and give a gift receipt. We had a gorgeous clothesline made, but all the tags were cut-off. It was all 0-3 month clothing and DS came home from the hospital in 6-9 month clothing. I loved the clothes and wish I could've traded them for a bigger size.

Message edited 5/1/2009 1:18:27 PM.

Posted 5/1/09 1:15 PM

It's all about Sophia

Member since 9/07

1731 total posts


Re: Hoping you ladies can offer some advice

my dd had some much clothing for 3-6 that she never even got to wear she is in 6-9 anywayI had gotten alot of 0-3 and 3-6 and not much else so I would definately go for above 3-6 but be careful of the seasons I had gotten a 12m outfit that would be good for the middle of the winter but she will be in 12m by the end of the summer...

Posted 5/1/09 1:19 PM

party of five

Member since 9/06

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Re: Hoping you ladies can offer some advice

i got too many 0-3 months

Posted 5/1/09 1:21 PM

So Blessed!

Member since 11/07

6297 total posts


Re: Hoping you ladies can offer some advice

I voted for 9 months ~ I received way tooo much NB & 0-3 months and he did not last in that long ~ when it came to it ~ 6-9 months I needed more item or 12+ months

Posted 5/1/09 1:24 PM

Love my boys

Member since 2/08

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Mrs Dee

Re: Hoping you ladies can offer some advice

I chose 9 mos. Everybody gets things from NB - 6mos.

**Please think of the time frame though. I cannot telly ou how many summer outfits I got for 3 mos (dead of winter) and vice veraChat Icon

Posted 5/1/09 1:28 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/06

1893 total posts


Re: Hoping you ladies can offer some advice

I agree with the nine month size. I would also try to get something that can be layered - short sleeve shirt with pants and a sweater or something along those lines. I find that I am able to get a lot more use out of it that way since it can be used in multiple seasons.

Posted 5/1/09 1:34 PM

Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05

4313 total posts


Re: Hoping you ladies can offer some advice

After 6 months we were completely out of clothes. I wish people would have bought bigger sizes because we were overloaded with newborn, 0-3 and 3-6.

Posted 5/1/09 1:45 PM

wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07

16106 total posts


Re: Hoping you ladies can offer some advice

anything 9months +.. seems like everyone buys for the sizes under that.. probable b/c the cloths are littler and look so cute that tiny.

eta: a really cute item that would be nice to get on clothing line.. is a rain coat with matching booties.. never see those.. plus hard to find when you want them.

Message edited 5/1/2009 1:48:58 PM.

Posted 5/1/09 1:48 PM

Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05

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Re: Hoping you ladies can offer some advice

Posted by 2BEANS

eta: a really cute item that would be nice to get on clothing line.. is a rain coat with matching booties.. never see those.. plus hard to find when you want them.

I agree! I also recommend sleepers in the terrycloth material. Those are pretty good year round for night time. Sleep sacks would also be another clothing item that would be approrpiate!

Posted 5/1/09 5:32 PM

My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05

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Re: Hoping you ladies can offer some advice

Definitely 9-12 months; everyone seemed to get 0-3 & 3-6.

Posted 5/1/09 6:13 PM

lovin' my 2 little ladies!

Member since 5/05

7401 total posts


Re: Hoping you ladies can offer some advice

I got tons of everything up to and including 9 months. I only really started buying stuff for DD in 12 month sizes.

Posted 5/1/09 7:43 PM

My three little miracles

Member since 4/06

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Re: Hoping you ladies can offer some advice

I agree with everyone about size... I would say 6 months and up. Since it can be hard to judge how old the baby will be when larger sizes fit, I would get things that are "seasonless." I loved simple carters "sleep and play" outfits with feet. When DS was a newborn they were great for day or night and then I used them as pjs when he got older. They were good for the summer with the a/c on also.

Posted 5/1/09 7:44 PM

U are my best Christmas gift!

Member since 3/09

1267 total posts


Re: Hoping you ladies can offer some advice

Thanks for taking the poll & replying!
I am going to either get 9 months or 3-6 months or maybe one of each Chat Icon. I know some babies grow a lot faster than others and then I have to be season appropriate.

What are some staples you used regardless of the season? Sleep & play outfits, onesies, sweatpants, bibs?

Posted 5/4/09 1:30 PM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: Hoping you ladies can offer some advice

Posted by HighHopes

Thanks for taking the poll & replying!
I am going to either get 9 months or 3-6 months or maybe one of each Chat Icon. I know some babies grow a lot faster than others and then I have to be season appropriate.

What are some staples you used regardless of the season? Sleep & play outfits, onesies, sweatpants, bibs?

Onesies...Carter's are much better then Gerbers!

Bibs that are waterproof...meaning they don't leak to the clothes underneath.

Little Sweatjackets in size 9 months and bigger.

Posted 5/4/09 1:35 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/06

1206 total posts


Re: Hoping you ladies can offer some advice

I got so many 3-6 month clothing. I had to go out and buy a lot of NB and now as he is getting bigger, I have to buy a lot os larger sizes.

Posted 5/4/09 1:39 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/06

1206 total posts


Re: Hoping you ladies can offer some advice

Posted by shamrock124

Posted by HighHopes

Thanks for taking the poll & replying!
I am going to either get 9 months or 3-6 months or maybe one of each Chat Icon. I know some babies grow a lot faster than others and then I have to be season appropriate.

What are some staples you used regardless of the season? Sleep & play outfits, onesies, sweatpants, bibs?

Onesies...Carter's are much better then Gerbers!

Bibs that are waterproof...meaning they don't leak to the clothes underneath.

Little Sweatjackets in size 9 months and bigger.

I agre.....Carters onsies are so much better. Carters also carries the dribble proof bibs which are great cause they dont leak through. They are abit $$ but so worth it. For the 1st 3 months, DS wore a lot of the sleep and play outfits from Carters. I was just at the carters outlet and they are having a huge sale.

Posted 5/4/09 1:41 PM

I hope you stay beautiful baby

Member since 5/05

8356 total posts


Re: Hoping you ladies can offer some advice

I always like to buy clothes that are higher up in sizes. Most people will buy the smaller sizes.

Posted 5/4/09 1:58 PM

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