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LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/11 719 total posts
Name: Samantha
How accurate is...
the weight guess at the 36 week appt? I was told the baby is 8lbs 4oz already, and if he continues this trend, he could be 9.5 lbs+
DS was only 7lbs 6oz so my dr said its hard to believe that they could be 2lbs+ apart from each other. Hope so!
Thanks for sharing any experiences!
Posted 7/22/14 12:43 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09 20494 total posts
Name: Me
How accurate is...
At my appt at 37w4d, I was told DD was measuring 7lb10oz. She was born at 39w0d at 7lb5oz.
Posted 7/22/14 12:46 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 2/12 1789 total posts
Re: How accurate is...
For me, it was pretty accurate. But I know many women who were told one weight, and the baby wound up being a pound or so less or more than the estimate.
Posted 7/22/14 12:49 PM |
How accurate is...
My SIL was told the baby was 8.5 lbs the night before her birth she was born weighing 7.6 lbs
Posted 7/22/14 12:52 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/12 2637 total posts
Re: How accurate is...
Will find out in a few days/weeks, but my doctor said it can be off by a pound less or more.
Posted 7/22/14 12:52 PM |

Member since 6/09 10031 total posts
Name: Colleen
How accurate is...
For both of mine it was very accurate.
Posted 7/22/14 12:57 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/13 530 total posts
Name: M
How accurate is...
We were told 6lb5oz at 36 weeks and they told us or expect about 8lbs at delivery. I delivered at 39+1 and DS was only 6lb13oz so I find it hard to believe he only gained 8oz in 3 weeks.
Posted 7/22/14 12:58 PM |
Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11 7624 total posts
Name: Momma <3
How accurate is...
Mine was pretty accurate at 36 weeks. We had another done at 39 which was inaccurate.
Posted 7/22/14 1:08 PM |
Re: How accurate is...
Mine was probably 1/2lb off their estimation- so pretty close.
My friend just had her second LO and it was 1.5lbs heavier than the first and delivered the second one early, first one late - so it's def. possible for the babies to have a big weight difference.
Posted 7/22/14 1:15 PM |
My loves

Member since 2/11 2131 total posts
Name: A
How accurate is...
My estimate at 37 weeks was around 6lbs and to expect a 7.5-8lb baby. Then it jumped to over 9.5lbs at my 40 week appt and they wanted to induce right away. He was born at 9lbs even. So, I don't know how accurate the 36 week was - I find it hard to believe he gained 3lbs so quickly...
Posted 7/22/14 10:11 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 8/13 89 total posts
Name: Lucy
How accurate is...
Two days before I delivered (40 wks), sono tech estimated 7 pounds 12 oz. Baby girl ended up being 6 pounds 10 oz.
Posted 7/22/14 11:25 PM |
You are my I love you

Member since 7/09 18802 total posts
Name: DiamondMama
Re: How accurate is...
They told me over 8 under 9 (don't remember exact number) he was 8.7
Posted 7/23/14 7:13 AM |

Member since 2/09 18986 total posts
How accurate is...
Mine wasn't accurate all in fact they recommended a c-section based that she was measuring almost. 9 lbs and she was born 7lb15oz
Posted 7/23/14 7:44 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 10/11 2140 total posts
Name: Kristy
How accurate is...
Mine was very accurate
Posted 7/23/14 8:16 AM |
mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06 11426 total posts
Name: Ali
Re: How accurate is...
mine were pretty spot on.
Posted 7/23/14 8:40 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 12167 total posts
How accurate is...
I don't remember them ever giving me a prediction. I think DD was 5 pounds something at the time of the sono but I'm pretty sure they didn't give an estimate for her birth weight. She was born at almost 42 weeks and was 7lb15oz. During the NSTs I had when I was overdue I always asked about her weight and they wouldn't give any estimates then either.
Posted 7/23/14 9:31 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 4/14 158 total posts
How accurate is...
It was bogus for me. The doctors estimated her to be over 8lbs, well she was 6'10. It was way off for us.
Posted 7/23/14 10:37 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 11/10 751 total posts
Re: How accurate is...
Growth sonos can be off a 1lb in either direction. DC #1 had a sono at 38 weeks 6 days, estimated weight was 8lbs, dc was born less than 24 hours later weighing 6lbs 14 oz DC#2 growth sono at 38 weeks 2 days sono estimated 7 lbs 6oz and dc was born 12 hours later weighing 7lbs 8 oz. In this case is was accurate.
If the baby isn't in a great position it is hard to get accurate measurements. I believe they calculate the weight off of measurements from the head circumference, abdomen and femur length.
Posted 7/23/14 3:23 PM |
And then there were 4

Member since 1/10 5224 total posts
Name: Kayla
How accurate is...
At 36 weeks I was told 6 lbs 12 oz She was born at 39 weeks 5 days and 8 lbs 4 oz
So somewhat in line with their measurements.
Posted 7/23/14 3:57 PM |

Member since 11/13 2868 total posts
How accurate is...
the day I was induced at 39 weeks the nurse estimated he would be 8lbs. He was 6lbs 3oz.
Posted 7/23/14 4:32 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 7/13 1350 total posts
Re: How accurate is...
They said my best friend's baby was 8.6 at her 36 week appointment. He was 4 days late and only 8.13 when he was born.
Posted 7/24/14 12:55 PM |
different, not less
Member since 7/09 13160 total posts
Re: How accurate is...
Posted by Mrs213
Mine wasn't accurate all in fact they recommended a c-section based that she was measuring almost. 9 lbs and she was born 7lb15oz
This exactly for me too! Same weight and everything.
Posted 7/24/14 1:02 PM |
Big Brothers to Be

Member since 1/07 4521 total posts
Name: Maureen
Re: How accurate is...
THey were off the mark on all 3. Two they said would be big babies - one was 7'10 and the other was 8lbs. The one they didn't comment on was almost 9lbs.
Posted 7/24/14 10:52 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 5/12 499 total posts
How accurate is...
It was way off for us they told me I was having a 10lb+ baby I had a 7lb13oz baby...big difference
Posted 7/24/14 11:42 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 11/10 751 total posts
Re: How accurate is...
Posted by MrsT809
I don't remember them ever giving me a prediction. I think DD was 5 pounds something at the time of the sono but I'm pretty sure they didn't give an estimate for her birth weight. She was born at almost 42 weeks and was 7lb15oz. During the NSTs I had when I was overdue I always asked about her weight and they wouldn't give any estimates then either.
You can estimate it, I was told the baby gains 1/2lb (approx.) a week from about 34 weeks on.
Posted 7/25/14 8:27 AM |
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