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how do I get any housework done?? BFing mamas come in.

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2 girls 4 me!

Member since 8/08

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Mama mama mama....

how do I get any housework done?? BFing mamas come in.

DD is three months, and I'm EBFing. She nurses every two hours like clockwork. She catnaps, so I don't really have long stretches of time during the day. I have a Baby Bjorn but she cries whenever I put her in it. How do you get anything done around the house? Mine is a mess and I hate it. HELP!

Posted 3/10/11 8:34 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Love my crazy life!

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Re: how do I get any housework done?? BFing mamas come in.

I know I feel so guilty that I get nothing done all day! But then I feel even more guilty if I just stick them in their bouncy seats so I can do stuff!Chat Icon and we just moved it so we have so much stuff to unpack!

Posted 3/10/11 8:37 AM

Mommy to FOUR little men!

Member since 8/08

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Re: how do I get any housework done?? BFing mamas come in.

D I T T O! My house is an absolute wreck and lately DS doesn't nap for more than 30 minutes at a time. I already told DH that he is alllllll his this weekend bc I have some major cleaning to do. I'd love to hear how other Moms do it!

Posted 3/10/11 8:38 AM

Mom of 3

Member since 11/05

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Re: how do I get any housework done?? BFing mamas come in.

DS wanted to be held 24/7. He'd scream if I put him down. I got nothing done. DS would take 1 long nap in the swing. Does DC like the swing? What about the boncy seat? Maybe you can try another carrier to see if DC likes it. I hated the Baby Bjorn. It killed my back.

Posted 3/10/11 8:41 AM

My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

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Re: how do I get any housework done?? BFing mamas come in.

Taylor is 3.5 months and is the same way. I can't get anything done when I'm home and I'm working FT. To get anything done I feel like I'm not spending time with the kids and it's upsetting but what can you do? Chat Icon

ETA: She also will need to eat every 2 hours still when I'm home with her, but at daycare it's every 3-4 hours. Chat Icon I guess she just misses the b@@b! Chat Icon It's definitely tiring though. Chat Icon

Message edited 3/10/2011 8:53:39 AM.

Posted 3/10/11 8:52 AM


Member since 5/06

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Re: how do I get any housework done?? BFing mamas come in.

You may want to try another carrier like a moby wrap. DD LOVED the moby wrap and would fall asleep almost instantaneously. Also, the bouncy seat helped a lot at that time!

Posted 3/10/11 8:56 AM

Baby no. 3 coming soon!

Member since 6/09

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Re: how do I get any housework done?? BFing mamas come in.

DD is the same way-BFs every 2 hrs and hardly naps. My house looks clean on the surface, but it's been hard for me to do things like scrub the tub, dust, etc. Fortunately, she usually falls asleep when I run the vaccuum. I've been known to let it run, even after I'm done just so I can squeeze in a few more things, Chat Icon. I'll throw in laundry during one of her catnaps. But for anything more labor intensive, I usually wait until DH is home on the weekends.

Posted 3/10/11 9:11 AM


Member since 5/07

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Re: how do I get any housework done?? BFing mamas come in.

Have you thought about stretching out her feeding to every 3 hours? Around 6 weeks I started to do this and DS began to sleep much better as a result. She is at the age where she can take larger feedings and last longer so maybe try that. Offer a paci instead of the boob and try to hold her off an hour. When you get to the 3 hour mark she will eat more as a result and stay full longer. This saved my life- was so hard to do anything before this!

Posted 3/10/11 9:15 AM

2 girls 4 me!

Member since 8/08

7878 total posts

Mama mama mama....

Re: how do I get any housework done?? BFing mamas come in.

Posted by shiv

Have you thought about stretching out her feeding to every 3 hours? Around 6 weeks I started to do this and DS began to sleep much better as a result. She is at the age where she can take larger feedings and last longer so maybe try that. Offer a paci instead of the boob and try to hold her off an hour.

She spits the paci out after a few sucks. I can just see her thinking, "Hey! There are no snacks in here!"

I just ordered a sling. She likes the bouncer and swing in small quantities.

Chat Icon

Posted 3/10/11 3:01 PM

I love my little girl!

Member since 10/09

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Re: how do I get any housework done?? BFing mamas come in.

Looking back at my experience, I want to tell you to just enjoy your LO and forget about the housework! It all goes by so fast but there will always be something to do around the house!

However, I KNOW that this is not practical... I used to give DD to DH for an hour or so just so I could coo9k dinner, take a shower and straighten up. Then I would either vaccuum while holding her or have DH vaccuum while I was nursing. I also relied heavily on my mom and grandma. Do you have anyone who can help you out?

I kow it it difficult and it seems like it will never get better... but trust me, it will. Those 20 minute catnaps will get longer, the feedings will become less frequent too

Posted 3/10/11 3:53 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/09

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Re: how do I get any housework done?? BFing mamas come in.

DS is 7 months old right now and I still barely get half of the housework done that I want. I hate this clingy stage that has started. If I walk out of the room, the screaming beginsChat Icon He's not much of a napper eitherChat Icon

Posted 3/10/11 3:55 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

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Re: how do I get any housework done?? BFing mamas come in.

everytime i passed the washing machine, i would put a load in.

at night i had a "power hour"
one hour every night to go through and clean non stop.

nursing is hard and not forever, it will all come together.Chat Icon

Posted 3/10/11 4:00 PM

<3 Cutest Giants Fan

Member since 10/09

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Re: how do I get any housework done?? BFing mamas come in.

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I feel you- my house is a disaster area- I try and do light cleaning here and there when B is sleeping or if Mike is giving him a bottle- can you try pumping some bottles? It will free you up a little

Posted 3/10/11 4:10 PM


Member since 1/06

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Re: how do I get any housework done?? BFing mamas come in.

A Mei tie and or ring sling Chat Icon

Posted 3/10/11 4:15 PM

Mommy of an angel

Member since 10/09

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Re: how do I get any housework done?? BFing mamas come in.

DS was eating every 2-2.5 hours at 3 months and constantly wanted to be held. A sling (not the Bjorn-he hated that also) worked well for when I really needed to get things done but honestly, at that point in time, I mostly let things slide until DH got home and could help out. When I HAD to get things done, it was always in 10 minute increments.

Posted 3/10/11 9:13 PM

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