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How do you keep your sanity?

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Brady's mom too!

Member since 5/05

1989 total posts


How do you keep your sanity?

Obviously we all have above average stress levels ... I think all moms of young children are stressed, but special needs parents take stress a step further.

How do you deal? Support Groups? Therapists? Exercise? Journaling? Talking to friends? An extra glass of wine?

Please share!

Posted 11/26/08 10:03 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

30683 total posts


Re: How do you keep your sanity?

I did go to a support group, but it was a short term thing. It was only for 6 weeks. I am looking for a good therapist to talk to, but I dont have the time. But I NEED to find the time.
I wish I could excercise. I dont have the time for that either, because I need to, I am gaining the weight back that I lostChat Icon
I guess my sanity is that when Im alone, I CRY, and CRYChat Icon
yes, I have been drinking more at night, which is probably hwere the weight is coming from.
I serously need help, and dont know where to turn. I also find that talking to other moms helps too...which is why we should all form a support groupon hereChat Icon

Posted 11/26/08 11:28 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

6870 total posts


Re: How do you keep your sanity?

Right now, being pregnant, I am crying way too much. I am fine one day and seeing so many good things in johnny...then the next day its an "off" day and I get really overwhelmed feeling...

It's especially difficult right now. No family/friends around here, hormones raging, toddler terrible 2 issues etc...

Sometimes exercise clears my head but I'm not too motivated today. Might sound silly, but I made a pact with myself to start going back to church. I think I need it right nanny (grandmother) always tells me it got her through eveyrthing hard in life. If it wasn't for her faith, she'd have nothing. I feel I may need that right now!!

Posted 11/26/08 12:29 PM

My Girl

Member since 7/06

3395 total posts


Re: How do you keep your sanity?

I don't. I just told my Mother, today, that I am now a shell of a person...

Ava's behavior completely sucks the life out of me.

I am going to look for a support group as soon as we get a diagnosis. I am also joining the gym on Monday. I also have a college girl coming to play with her for 3 hours every Tuesday afternoon.

ETA.. We should definately get a support group together.

Message edited 11/26/2008 9:20:36 PM.

Posted 11/26/08 9:19 PM

A Healing for Gregory

Member since 1/07

1217 total posts


Re: How do you keep your sanity?

I PRAY a lot. I cry a lot. I just take every day as a new day and work moment by moment. It's hard. If you ever want to chat, feel free to FM me. I've had a special needs child for 8 years now.

Posted 11/27/08 12:02 AM

Love my Boys!

Member since 12/05

4648 total posts


Re: How do you keep your sanity?

i lean on my dh a lot (when he's home which isn't very often) and i just try to survive each day. being pg, having insomnia,and ds not sleeping well has been REALLY hard. i feel so drained ALL the time so i just kind of set little goals for myself.....just make it till nap time, do x, y, z and soon it will be dinner time, then play a bit, then bed time, then me time. it helps a bit.

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Posted 12/6/08 11:10 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: How do you keep your sanity?

For me, it's the temper tantrums. Not the ones where he is being defiant. The "sensory tantrums" as I call them...the ones where he doesn't even know why he's crying or upset. Becuase I get frustrated for something that he can't help Chat Icon outlet is exercise. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/8/08 4:06 PM

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