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How much milk approx. does your 2.5- 3 year old drink a day ???

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My 3 wishes

Member since 12/07

13625 total posts


How much milk approx. does your 2.5- 3 year old drink a day ???

Ever since we stopped the bottle ( and it was late- too late) my DS is giving us a very hard time with milk drinking...I have to keep on him, reminding him etc... and even then its a struggle...I have been trying to get dairy in him other ways, but he's used to about 18 -20oz a day and he's not coming close Chat Icon ...Just bought Ovaltine, figured I''d try to make it interesting- we'll see how that goes ! He'll be 3 next month...

Posted 9/15/08 1:36 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: How much milk approx. does your 2.5- 3 year old drink a day ???

DD will be 2.5 in 2 weeks..she drinks about 16-20 ounces a day...closer to 16 ounces though.

EtA: I only give it to her twice a day in a separate sippy i only use for Milk. Once in the am, and once in the pm. I use the nuby gripper sippers for milk.

Message edited 9/15/2008 1:39:20 PM.

Posted 9/15/08 1:38 PM

My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06

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Re: How much milk approx. does your 2.5- 3 year old drink a day ???

16 ounces each day also.

When I noticed they weren't drinking it I put a tiny bit of hershey syrup and they were back to drinking it.

Posted 9/15/08 1:40 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: How much milk approx. does your 2.5- 3 year old drink a day ???

Hardly any. She likes yogurt, cheeses and OJ w/ calcium though. Even with Ovaltine I am lucky to get 8oz of milk a day in her.

Posted 9/15/08 1:44 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: How much milk approx. does your 2.5- 3 year old drink a day ???

Um, some days none at all!

I do try to give her a cup of chocolate milk each day. I make it with the powder and just add a little bit.

She also has cheese and a big adult-szed yogurt. But I'd say maybe about 5 oz a day?

It's all I can get her to drink.

Posted 9/15/08 1:44 PM

My Everything

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Re: How much milk approx. does your 2.5- 3 year old drink a day ???

None. DD has never drank milk. She just doesn't like it. After BM/formula that was the end for her.

Posted 9/15/08 1:45 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How much milk approx. does your 2.5- 3 year old drink a day ???

I try to limit it to 16 oz. They both love their milk (ds is on soy) and would drink it all day long if I let them.

Posted 9/15/08 1:46 PM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

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Re: How much milk approx. does your 2.5- 3 year old drink a day ???

about 16 oz....8 in am and 8 before bed. she also eats a yogurt every day.

Posted 9/15/08 1:47 PM

Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05

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Re: How much milk approx. does your 2.5- 3 year old drink a day ???

DS (2.2 months) drinks about 16 oz. a day. His pediatrician said once they turn 2, you don't have to worry about how much milk they're drinking anymore, but like you, to ensure calcium intake, I use the Ovaltine and he loves it.

Posted 9/15/08 1:47 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: How much milk approx. does your 2.5- 3 year old drink a day ???

DS just stopped the bottle a couple of weeks ago and he's 2 1/2 so I understand. Some days he drinks no milk and refuses it. I've tried everything so I try to get him to eat cereal with milk in the morning or cream cheese on a bagel.

I just wanted to add that I've tried chocolate milk - and not even that works. He doesn't like milk. It worries me so much. I have a vitamin suppliment for him but still he needs milk.

Message edited 9/15/2008 2:34:38 PM.

Posted 9/15/08 2:33 PM

My girls

Member since 5/05

7027 total posts


Re: How much milk approx. does your 2.5- 3 year old drink a day ???

she gets one sippy(about 9 oz) in the AM, some days she drinks the whole thing, some days none, some days a few sips... and that's it.

But she eats tons of cheese so that's basically where she gets her calicium.

Posted 9/15/08 2:36 PM

My Children

Member since 5/05

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Re: How much milk approx. does your 2.5- 3 year old drink a day ???

DS is just over 2 and he gets about 16 ozs a day. He eats a lot of cheese though so he gets his calcium that way too.

Posted 9/15/08 2:44 PM


Member since 5/05

24989 total posts


Re: How much milk approx. does your 2.5- 3 year old drink a day ???

DS is 28 months and he drinks about 3 sippy cups a day of milk. One with breakfast, one with lunch and one with dinner.

Posted 9/15/08 2:45 PM

My 3 wishes

Member since 12/07

13625 total posts


Re: How much milk approx. does your 2.5- 3 year old drink a day ???

Thanks girls Chat Icon ....Luckily my DS does like cheese, so thats a plus...I guess I'll just keep trying to get it in him best I can- Its funny because I can't stand milk myself (unless its chocolateChat Icon ) but my DH is very hung up on him drinking his milk, so I'm probably pushing it more for DH than for DS Chat Icon One day maybe we'll figure this kid out- LOL !!!

Posted 9/15/08 3:14 PM

Mommy to 2 boys!

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Re: How much milk approx. does your 2.5- 3 year old drink a day ???

Posted by BlessedMommy

Hardly any. She likes yogurt, cheeses and OJ w/ calcium though. Even with Ovaltine I am lucky to get 8oz of milk a day in her.

Same here.

Posted 9/15/08 3:39 PM

Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

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Re: How much milk approx. does your 2.5- 3 year old drink a day ???

Julia drinks like 2 sippy cups full of milk a day, she also has it in her cereal, and chocolate milk too.

Posted 9/15/08 3:53 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

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Re: How much milk approx. does your 2.5- 3 year old drink a day ???

See, my DD is the opposite. She turned 3 last week and drinks about 3 full sippy cups a day of milk--she'd drink much more if I allowed it!

Posted 9/15/08 3:54 PM

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