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LIF Adult
Member since 7/10 1801 total posts
How often do you reach out to your child's teacher?
How often do you reach out to your child(ren) teacher? In our district we don't get progress reports and parent/teacher conferences aren't until the end of the 1st trimester.
That being said, I was going to reach out to see how my kids are doing, but I don't want to be that annoying mom.
Posted 10/6/20 12:07 PM |
10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06 26792 total posts
Name: Shawn
Re: How often do you reach out to your child's teacher?
I don't normally reach out to DC's teachers. DD's teachers contact me, and DS is pretty self-sufficient, so I don't need to check in with his teachers.
That being said, especially this year, I'm sure most teachers expect there to be questions. Everything is different, so even a child that is normally totally fine in school, may have concerns about virtual learning, the virus in general, etc.
If you start sending emails several times a day, every day, THEN you'll be the annoying mom... Reaching out once at the beginning of the year is not that.
Posted 10/6/20 12:19 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/15 1068 total posts
How often do you reach out to your child's teacher?
I don't think I have ever reached out to my daughter's teachers. But, I don't think it's a problem to do so around October. By then, the teacher has sort of gotten to know your kid and can offer constructive feedback. If you have a question, you should ask.
Posted 10/6/20 12:51 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/08 22665 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: How often do you reach out to your child's teacher?
Depends on the age. More so when they were younger. Plus I'm involved in PTA a lot in elementary and on the board so was easy to stop in and talk. Now with covid hardly ever, but they are also older now. My oldest is in Middle school so don't really get involved and my younger is in 4th. Only once I had to email her bc he was frustrated with something.
I am one of those moms that says... please don't sugarcoat it. I know my son's not perfect. LOL They are really good boys, but I think they appreciate it.
Posted 10/6/20 12:57 PM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: How often do you reach out to your child's teacher?
I only reach out when/if there is an issue or if I have a question. I don't expect her to give me a progress report other than at parent teacher conference and report card times. There are too many kids in the class to expect regular progress reports on each child.
If there is an issue, of course I would expect the teacher to let me know and I will of course reach out to the teacher if I have an issue I want to discuss with them.
Posted 10/6/20 1:03 PM |
Bunny kisses are so cute!
Member since 5/05 19461 total posts
Name: L
Re: How often do you reach out to your child's teacher?
How old are your kids? In middle school, I am having my children reach out to their teachers for questions or concerns. My son was worried about his elective computer design class, so I had him write just that to his teacher. The teacher went over things with my son. I can see what my kids turn in, and grades must be posted within two weeks of an assignment. With that said most are graded within three days. My daughter had an assignment listed as not turned in. I had her reach out to her teacher. There was no assignment and the teacher did something incorrectly. I want my kids to be able to advocate for themselves. They are in sixth and eight. When my kids were younger, I would email their teachers with my kids questions. I did not expect a progress report until the end of the quarter or trimester. If there was a problem I would expect the teacher to notify me. I go look at grades weekly.
Message edited 10/6/2020 1:32:48 PM.
Posted 10/6/20 1:29 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/09 15660 total posts
How often do you reach out to your child's teacher?
I don't unless there is a specific issue. Which is far and few between
Posted 10/6/20 1:31 PM |
Member since 8/10 6011 total posts
How often do you reach out to your child's teacher?
I’ve never reached out. If there was an issue/concern, I assumed they would contact me.
Posted 10/6/20 2:22 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 12167 total posts
How often do you reach out to your child's teacher?
Only if there's a specific issue or concern. So many teachers are being expected to do what is essentially 2 full time jobs this year so I try to not use up any of their time unless it's really necessary.
Posted 10/6/20 2:26 PM |
I love my kiddies!

Member since 5/11 10413 total posts
Re: How often do you reach out to your child's teacher?
Never unless there's an issue or I have a question. The first 3 months will fly by and you'll be having your PT conference before you know it.
Posted 10/6/20 2:59 PM |
2 Boys

Member since 7/06 17795 total posts
How often do you reach out to your child's teacher?
I don't usually reach out but, I have this year - as it's unique.
Since they really don't know my kids - I have reached out and complimented what's going well, stated some issues I am having at home, and if there are any issues to contact me (since usually we meet them at meet the teacher night and they see my kids 5 days in person, not 2).
Posted 10/6/20 3:30 PM |
Mom of 3

Member since 11/05 13118 total posts
Name: B
Re: How often do you reach out to your child's teacher?
I never reach out to them, but they have reached out to me when there are issues. I am usually in pretty regular communication with my middle one’s teachers because he struggles with behavior although things have improved over the years. Once my older one was in 6th grade, it was up to him to reach out to teachers for assistance or questions about grades. If he needed some guidance, I helped him, but he needed to learn how to communicate with his teachers if there was an issue. He was usually able to resolve things on his own with either the teacher or by reaching out to his guidance counselor.
Posted 10/6/20 3:52 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/06 5435 total posts
How often do you reach out to your child's teacher?
i have a 1st grader and a 4th grader. we are in NJ, and they are doing a hybrid schedule this year... so they are home 3 days a week, and at school 2 days a week. it been overwhelming for everybody! the teachers are trying to livestream to the half of the class thats at home, while also keeping up with the half thats in-school, in front of her! so i try to not to reach out with little things.... both of their teachers have been sending out an email every friday to kind of update all of the parents on what they're doing, and the general outline for the next week so we have a head's up. so its nice. and then i just assume that they'll email me if theres an issue. Especially with my 4th grader- he is independent with his online work, and basically in his room, on the chromebook for 6 hours a days those days, watching the live-stream of the teacher doing her lessons at school. So ive gotten one or 2 emails from his teachers like " he didn't have his math book at home with him, can you come get it this afternoon so he has it for his virtual day tomoorrow?"... that kind of stuff. My younger 1st grader i have to hand-hold the entire day on his virtual days, so i'm more on top of what he needs to have and how hes doing and stuff.... but basically i try to assume no news is good news and let them contact me HAHA we have conferences in early november, so we'll see!
Posted 10/6/20 4:57 PM |

Member since 2/09 18986 total posts
Re: How often do you reach out to your child's teacher?
Every few days by email for my son (K) not as often for my daughter (2nd)
Posted 10/6/20 6:28 PM |
It's a girl!!!

Member since 6/10 21539 total posts
Name: Stacey
Re: How often do you reach out to your child's teacher?
Posted by BargainMama
I don't unless there is a specific issue. Which is far and few between
Posted 10/7/20 8:29 AM |

Member since 6/08 10312 total posts
Name: fka LIW Smara
Re: How often do you reach out to your child's teacher?
Depends on my kid honestly. In the past, I would do status checks, because my son would literally act like a jerk for two or three months before I got the call/email or found out during parent teacher conference. That was too late for me to intervene or do anything.
This year, I sent all my emails in the beginning on what I would need so it his remote days wouldn't be a total disaster like in April. He seems to be doing good, so i've only had one or two emails correspondence on missing work.
I don't see nothing wrong with sending an email on a quick check-in with all the changes these kids are dealing with in school.
Posted 10/7/20 11:24 AM |
I need a nap!
Member since 5/05 22141 total posts
Re: How often do you reach out to your child's teacher?
Posted by NervousNell
I only reach out when/if there is an issue or if I have a question. I don't expect her to give me a progress report other than at parent teacher conference and report card times. There are too many kids in the class to expect regular progress reports on each child.
If there is an issue, of course I would expect the teacher to let me know and I will of course reach out to the teacher if I have an issue I want to discuss with them.
Posted 10/7/20 4:57 PM |
Re: How often do you reach out to your child's teacher?
at least once a month in some form... maybe not about my child, but with some questions, or class mom stuff.... at least 1x per month. I think it's fine to check in with the teacher and ask about the child, etc.
Posted 10/22/20 2:43 PM |

Member since 5/05 3116 total posts
Name: A
Re: How often do you reach out to your child's teacher?
Only if there is an issue. But as a PP said, when DS started MS I encouraged him to reach out to his teachers if he has a question or concern. This year (he is a HS sophomore), he reached out to a teacher and we also did because he was really struggling with a subject and we wanted to know how we could help him since he is 100% remote.
Posted 10/22/20 4:15 PM |
Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11 7626 total posts
Name: Momma <3
Re: How often do you reach out to your child's teacher?
Last year (K) rarely - except for the not being allowed to bring chapstick to school issue.
This year (1), I will occasionally write in his agenda a short note. I am concerned about his reading progress as I feel like he missed so much being out of school last spring. She has assured me that he is a hard worker and making progress. I assume if he was truly far behind, she would have reached out to me by now with specific concerns.
Posted 11/2/20 6:55 AM |