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LIF Adult
Member since 3/06 1093 total posts
Name: M
Pre K child to Teacher Ratio
If you can please let me know how many kids tonteacher ratio you currently have in your pre k class I would appreciate it.
Thank you
Posted 2/16/12 2:54 PM |
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Member since 10/08 6368 total posts
Re: Pre K child to Teacher Ratio
At the school I just signed my DD up at for the fall, they said there are 15 kids in the class and 1 teacher who also has an "assistant."
So I guess, technically, it's 15:2.
This is for K3.
Posted 2/16/12 2:59 PM |
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Member since 9/05 7919 total posts
Re: Pre K child to Teacher Ratio
At my sons school there was at least 15 children and 1 head teacher and 1 assistant.
Posted 2/16/12 3:18 PM |
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Member since 9/08 3762 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Pre K child to Teacher Ratio
DDs 2 year old class has a 16:1:2 ratio
Posted 2/16/12 4:22 PM |
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Member since 8/05 14470 total posts
Name: Veronica
Re: Pre K child to Teacher Ratio
LOL AJ's class is PreK and they are older 2yr olds, 3yr ,4yr and some young 5yr olds. Generally all kids are average age of 3 or 4.
24 kids 1 Head teacher 1 assistant
Its the max the class can have.
Posted 2/16/12 4:30 PM |
Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05 12165 total posts
Re: Pre K child to Teacher Ratio
DD's (4) pre-k class has 24 kids, 1 head teacher and two full-time aides.
Posted 2/16/12 4:32 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 7/06 664 total posts
Re: Pre K child to Teacher Ratio
DS is in pre-school, in a three year old class.
There is one teacher, one assistant and 12 children.
Posted 2/16/12 4:43 PM |
going along for the ride...
Member since 5/05 16253 total posts
Re: Pre K child to Teacher Ratio
DD's 4 year class is 19 children, one head teacher and 2 assistants, and a parent (it is a co-op).
Posted 2/16/12 4:51 PM |
Mom of 3 - YIKES! =)

Member since 10/09 6758 total posts
Name: Katie
Re: Pre K child to Teacher Ratio
Catholic school pre-k 4 yr old prog 19 kids 1 teacher, 1 assistant
Posted 2/16/12 5:22 PM |
All moms are working mothers!
Member since 8/08 4311 total posts
Name: Super Mom
Re: Pre K child to Teacher Ratio
7:1 So any more then 7 kids there should be a TA in the room as well.
Posted 2/16/12 6:11 PM |
Life is Good!

Member since 7/07 7979 total posts
Re: Pre K child to Teacher Ratio
For 3-year-olds it should be 7:1, for 4-year-olds it's 8:1. But this is for OCFS licensed programs (daycare settings, programs over three hours).
Posted 2/16/12 8:24 PM |
Our family is complete

Member since 6/06 16494 total posts
Name: K
Re: Pre K child to Teacher Ratio
DD's class is 17 kids, 1 teacher, 2 assistants
Posted 2/16/12 8:34 PM |
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Member since 1/06 2294 total posts
Name: Renee
Re: Pre K child to Teacher Ratio
DD is in a 2 year old class now, 8 kids 1 head teacher, 1 assistant. Next year I believe the maximum is 16 kids with 1 head teacher and 1 assistant.
Posted 2/16/12 8:50 PM |
Lovin my Little guy :)

Member since 5/06 2280 total posts
Name: Marissa
Re: Pre K child to Teacher Ratio
Coming from a former Pre k teacher, who literally just left the position to be a stay at home Mommy, the ratio is 8 children to 1 teacher, 16 with a teacher and assistant. Those are the New York State licensing regulations Hope this helps!
Posted 2/16/12 9:13 PM |

Member since 3/06 22093 total posts
Name: *********
Re: Pre K child to Teacher Ratio
20 kids, 3 teachers
Posted 2/16/12 9:24 PM |
Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05 17076 total posts
Name: Kara®
Re: Pre K child to Teacher Ratio
18 kids, 1 teacher, 1 assistant (universal pre-K)
18 kids (9 "typically developing" and 9 "special needs", 1 teacher, 3 assistants, 2 volunteers (private)
Posted 2/16/12 9:25 PM |
Turning a new page

Member since 5/05 9731 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: Pre K child to Teacher Ratio
Madeline went universal pre-k. The classes are NEVER more than 18. They have 1 teacher and one teacher assistant, so 9:1
Posted 2/16/12 10:47 PM |