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How to tell if its true white gold??

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My princess!

Member since 5/05

6548 total posts


How to tell if its true white gold??

Is there a way to tell if something is true white gold?

My brother bought his girlfriend white gold claddaugh earrings but now thinks he got taken for a ride.

Is there any way to tell between white gold plated, silver and true white gold?

Posted 12/23/08 1:19 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: How to tell if its true white gold??

by the weight. And there should be a stamp on it, but that can be forgered.

Also, the softer the metal (ie the more pure the gold) the more it patinas. Unfortunately it takes time for that to happen, so it is not an immediate solution.

Message edited 12/23/2008 1:22:21 PM.

Posted 12/23/08 1:21 PM


Member since 5/08

1224 total posts


Re: How to tell if its true white gold??

Posted by MsMBV

by the weight. And there should be a stamp on it, but that can be forgered.

Also, the softer the metal (ie the more pure the gold) the more it patinas. Unfortunately it takes time for that to happen, so it is not an immediate solution.

What does "patinas" mean? My engagement ring was initially white gold but over time it started going from a silver color to slightly gold. Is that what you mean? I eventually had the entire band changed to platinum. I'm not a big fan of the color of gold.

Posted 12/23/08 1:59 PM


Member since 7/07

7639 total posts


Re: How to tell if its true white gold??

Message edited 11/22/2011 9:44:27 PM.

Posted 12/23/08 2:13 PM

Be a big girl!

Member since 5/05

4898 total posts


Re: How to tell if its true white gold??

Posted by kristinel

Posted by MsMBV

by the weight. And there should be a stamp on it, but that can be forgered.

Also, the softer the metal (ie the more pure the gold) the more it patinas. Unfortunately it takes time for that to happen, so it is not an immediate solution.

What does "patinas" mean? My engagement ring was initially white gold but over time it started going from a silver color to slightly gold. Is that what you mean? I eventually had the entire band changed to platinum. I'm not a big fan of the color of gold.

Mine did that also. I brought it to the jeweler, and he said the rings should be dipped in rhodium once a year.

Posted 12/23/08 2:24 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

5435 total posts


Re: How to tell if its true white gold??

whats happening to it that he thinks he got "taken"? if its becasue its turning yellowish, i think that happens with all white gold eventually. from what i've heard, white gold is really yellow gold dipped in rhodium ( another metal that gives it the silver color). white gold stuff needs to be redipped in rhodium every so often if you want to keep that silver color.
my wedding rings are white gold, and i've had them dipped twice to keep the silvery color. i didn't want platinum because it felt a little too heavy for me...

Posted 12/23/08 2:50 PM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: How to tell if its true white gold??

Posted by mrsmck
Mine did that also. I brought it to the jeweler, and he said the rings should be dipped in rhodium once a year.

Exactly. It means little imperfections in the malliable metal from wear. Rhodium is harder than Platinum and the purer white golds, so they recommend to dip them in Rhodium to keep the metal looking newer.

Posted 12/23/08 5:39 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 12/07

287 total posts


Re: How to tell if its true white gold??

From what I have learned there is no TRUE White Gold. Gold comes out of the earth Yellow all white gold is dipped in Rhodium to make it White. I just picked up my ring from being redipped and it looks brand new again!!

Posted 12/23/08 5:47 PM

Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05

32475 total posts


Re: How to tell if its true white gold??

I get my white gold ring dipped because they wear and turn. If that's what's happening then it's probably real gold, but the rhodium is what makes it white.

It should have a stamp on it like 14K or 18K..etc.

Posted 12/23/08 6:05 PM

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