I know how overwhelming it is... It's so hard to think about, but he will be ok!! You have one of the best NS around. Is it Leipsiger you saw? He's wonderful too! And the NS only uses amazing Drs, so Hunter will be in good hands no matter what.
I can't even tell you how many times I broke down... And with more surgery happeneing next year........I'm bound to again. I'm here for whatever you need Please call or contact me anytime you need! And if you need me to sit with you for a while during surgery, I will be there
I don't get on here much anymore and just saw this...I just want to add my thoughts and prayers to everyone elses and pray that the strength of numbers will help you and your family get through this....
Lots of prayers for you and your family. DS had to have surgery when he was 6 months old. i have to admit it was the worst day of my life but he did great and your DS will also do great! I was allowed to be in the operating room when they gave anesthesia (only for the mask :( once they did that i had to leave and then they gave him the intravenous anesthesia) you should see if they will allow you to do this also if you want.