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Hurricane Sandy Peeps: Check In
Just checking in to see how everyone is doing.
Still not back in our house. DHs friend was supposed to come by last night to begin process of putting in our new boiler. DH stayed @ home last night and I haven't heard from him yet so I am hoping that's good news.
Posted 11/17/12 8:14 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 10/06 1731 total posts
Name: Kris
Re: Hurricane Sandy Peeps: Check In
Doing good I guess....Thx We are too waiting for our new boiler to be installed. Hopefully today!!!
I'm going to try and get back to "normal". My yoga studio opened back up in LB so i am going to try and make it there for a class.
Hope everyone is doing ok...We will get through this!
Posted 11/17/12 8:53 AM |
Re: Hurricane Sandy Peeps: Check In
Just spoke with DH. The old boiler is cut out.
He slept at home w/ our electric space heater.
His friend is supposed to come back the weekend after Thanksgiving to install the new one.
This week DH is going to paint our basement walls and floor which will hopefully get rid of some of the "smell" down there completely. All of the walls and panelling down there are completely gone. We also threw out all the shelving and anything that could attract mold.
He also is going to build a new platform for the boiler.
I was just looking at new washer and dryers online, but I think that's jumping the gun a bit.....I think I need to physically be there so I can set up an appt. for delivery.
I do yoga too, and put my membership on hold for this month. Can't wait to get back to normal with my practice!!
Posted 11/17/12 9:02 AM |
Bunny kisses are so cute!
Member since 5/05 19461 total posts
Name: L
Re: Hurricane Sandy Peeps: Check In
Our boiler/furnace was removed and a new one was installed on Monday. It took them 6 hours to do all of the work, including fabricating the sheet metal to retrofit the unit into the existing structure. We were fortunate that we did not have water damage. It broke because of the cold/restart of the power/age of the unit.
Posted 11/17/12 10:14 AM |

Member since 1/10 21015 total posts
Name: Ang
Hurricane Sandy Peeps: Check In
Its gonna be 3 months before we can go back... My landlord owns a few other houses and he needs to take care of all of them... Not getting anything from FEMA. Just rental assistance! My sister just hired a contractor they should be back in soon after new years. My brother i believe is still waiting on a new boiler... And he started gutting the 1st floor.
Posted 11/17/12 10:46 AM |
So in love with my little man!
Member since 6/08 5172 total posts
Name: Mama
Re: Hurricane Sandy Peeps: Check In
My kitchen is being taken out tomorrow, the rest of the wood floors are coming up today. We took out all damaged drywall and insulation after the storm and most of the flooring. A flood restoration company is sanitizing this week. Still have not seen an adjuster from our flood insurance or homeowner's. Everything else is on hold until they come out.
Posted 11/17/12 12:10 PM |
can't wait to meet Sophia!

Member since 6/10 1441 total posts
Name: Danielle
Hurricane Sandy Peeps: Check In
I'm not getting anything from FEMA, not even rental assistance. They said the owner of the house needed to apply for my rental assistance??? Can anyone help me with this?
Posted 11/17/12 6:24 PM |

Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
Re: Hurricane Sandy Peeps: Check In
Flood adjustor, FEMA inspector & Town of Hempstead building inspector have all been by. Flood insurance told us if we're lucky we'll get a check in 6 months. FEMA emailed us a denial letter within 2 hours of inspection since we have flood insurance. Town coded the house yellow due to gas regulator being submerged. Waiting for National Grid to replace that.
All the furniture, flooring, sheetrock, personal belongings, etc that got wet has been removed & carted away by the town.
Mold guy coming on Tuesday to clean/spray all the flooded areas.
Plumber supposed to be coming this week to look at water heater & gas burner which are currently working but took on water so we're on borrowed time there.
Contractor coming by early this week to give his estimate for the renovations. Need to start looking at flooring & furniture options, but want to have a better idea of when work will be done.
Need to pick out a new washer (dryer is stacked so that's ok).
Posted 11/17/12 6:38 PM |

Member since 1/10 21015 total posts
Name: Ang
Re: Hurricane Sandy Peeps: Check In
Posted by mrsyoungmommy
I'm not getting anything from FEMA, not even rental assistance. They said the owner of the house needed to apply for my rental assistance??? Can anyone help me with this?
Did you say your house wasnt liveable?
Posted 11/17/12 6:53 PM |
Let's Go Rangers!
Member since 1/07 14818 total posts
Hurricane Sandy Peeps: Check In
All demo done. Electricians here now finishing up. Hot water, heat and power all on. Contractor coming Monday for measurements. Starting next Monday. I just want to go home. I am here now with the electrician and I am just laying in MY bed and its glorious :(
Posted 11/17/12 6:54 PM |
Let's Go Rangers!
Member since 1/07 14818 total posts
Hurricane Sandy Peeps: Check In
To clarify. I am not laying in bed WITH the electrician. He is downstairs lol
Posted 11/17/12 6:56 PM |

Member since 1/10 21015 total posts
Name: Ang
Re: Hurricane Sandy Peeps: Check In
Posted by GioiaMia
To clarify. I am not laying in bed WITH the electrician. He is downstairs lol
Lol it was a better post when it implied u were in bed with him
Posted 11/17/12 6:58 PM |

Member since 7/10 8027 total posts
Re: Hurricane Sandy Peeps: Check In
Posted by AngnShaun
Posted by GioiaMia
To clarify. I am not laying in bed WITH the electrician. He is downstairs lol
Lol it was a better post when it implied u were in bed with him
Just a question, for those not getting help from FEMA, how come? And are you appealing it?
Message edited 11/17/2012 8:14:19 PM.
Posted 11/17/12 7:50 PM |

Member since 4/08 7758 total posts
Name: colette
Re: Hurricane Sandy Peeps: Check In
Posted by GioiaMia
To clarify. I am not laying in bed WITH the electrician. He is downstairs lol
Holy God that made me LOL
You guys are going through so much, all of you. I really truly don't understand this relationship between FEMA, insurance, and flood insurance. Some folks seem to be getting coverage from all, some from NONE and it just seems so arbitrary to me
Posted 11/17/12 7:53 PM |
loving life

Member since 1/07 5413 total posts
Name: D
Re: Hurricane Sandy Peeps: Check In
Posted by mrsyoungmommy
I'm not getting anything from FEMA, not even rental assistance. They said the owner of the house needed to apply for my rental assistance??? Can anyone help me with this?
that is absolutely not true, i applied way before the owner and i got rental assistance as someone else asked is your house liveable, what did they say about that, i would def appeal that, call the number and speak to someone
Posted 11/17/12 10:28 PM |
loving life

Member since 1/07 5413 total posts
Name: D
Re: Hurricane Sandy Peeps: Check In
my landlord has been very slow moving, basement is still not completley gutted but he is finally putting his butt in gear when he saw mold/mildew growing he even had the audacity to ask us to help him out and pay rent, my dh laughed at him
a few of my neighbors got power back so thats a good sign, he won't get a boiler for another 2 weeks, i have no time line for moving back in
Posted 11/17/12 10:30 PM |
can't wait to meet Sophia!

Member since 6/10 1441 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: Hurricane Sandy Peeps: Check In
Posted by sunnygirl
Posted by mrsyoungmommy
I'm not getting anything from FEMA, not even rental assistance. They said the owner of the house needed to apply for my rental assistance??? Can anyone help me with this?
that is absolutely not true, i applied way before the owner and i got rental assistance as someone else asked is your house liveable, what did they say about that, i would def appeal that, call the number and speak to someone
My cottage is not liveable. It may or may not be cool with the town of Babylon though.
Posted 11/17/12 11:48 PM |
waiting on nugget!

Member since 6/10 4432 total posts
Name: N
Re: Hurricane Sandy Peeps: Check In
house is completely gutted, insurance assessor came last week and just waiting for at least a small portion from them so we can get the electrician in there to begin rewiring everything. We are staying positive and hoping that the house will be livable again by mid December. FEMA is giving us diddly squat.
Hope all you ladies are doing okay!
Posted 11/18/12 1:05 AM |
Too blessed to be stressed

Member since 4/09 6691 total posts
Re: Hurricane Sandy Peeps: Check In
Still not home. Our apt is fine TG (we're on 10) but the buildings are a wreck. 5 feet of water and boardwalk washed through our lobbies (Rockaway Beach).
I've been back 3 times since, and each time re-traumatized. I'm born and raised here. My parents have not seen Rockaway yet for themselves(only on tv) and keep saying they'll be home each weekend that passes.
Ang: looks like the bungalows on 108 were pretty ok. How about that boat on CBB for weeks tying up traffic
Posted 11/18/12 7:51 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 3986 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: Hurricane Sandy Peeps: Check In
Thank you for asking.
Much better now that we got power back in the house we actually live in.
The downstairs of the Lindenhurst house is gutted and the insurance co. came the other day so we are ready to move forward with reconstruction.
Hopefully it won't be too much of a nightmare.
to all dealing with this.
Posted 11/18/12 8:36 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/07 566 total posts
Re: Hurricane Sandy Peeps: Check In
Back in any day..boiler repaired and basement gutted..can't stand the damp smell..using dehumidiers/fans...DH sprayed all surfaces down with bleach/water mixture...anyone else not having a restoration company sanitize?
Posted 11/18/12 9:12 PM |
Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12 4571 total posts
Name: <3
Re: Hurricane Sandy Peeps: Check In
We are in Long Beach. Basement was flooded through but the water did not get up to our first floor (TG!)..we already paid out of pocket to have all electric rewired but are waiting on a plumbing company. No one seems to be available to put a new boiler and Hw heater in so still no heat and hot water. Just getting by with a 6yr old at this point! Flood ins is not giving much at all and HO ins is looking better. Fema is denying any coverage until they can see what ins is not covering so its a waiting game to just get an estimate so we can get aid! We are just paying out of pocket and HOPING we get something back! I also have a HORRIBLE dank nauseating smell in the house and can't figure out how to get rid of it. May just pay a company to sanitize. It smells almost like a fridge with old food in it. Just gross!
Posted 11/18/12 10:17 PM |
Re: Hurricane Sandy Peeps: Check In
Posted by Seta
Back in any day..boiler repaired and basement gutted..can't stand the damp smell..using dehumidiers/fans...DH sprayed all surfaces down with bleach/water mixture...anyone else not having a restoration company sanitize?
I know, the smell is bothersome. Some days it's there when I stop home, sometimes it's not.
DH is going to use some kind of sanitizer and then paint our entire basement (floors/walls) and we are hoping this helps.
I didn't get a quote personally, but I heard those companies can be super expensive.
I am also going to ask for a candles and BBW plug ins for Christmas .
Also, I have been stopping home daily and I have noticed that there are BUGS around. Not a ton, but several dead crickets in each room, and some other kind of bug.
I wonder if this is related to this.
Posted 11/19/12 8:21 AM |

Member since 1/10 21015 total posts
Name: Ang
Re: Hurricane Sandy Peeps: Check In
Posted by Mushesgirl
Still not home. Our apt is fine TG (we're on 10) but the buildings are a wreck. 5 feet of water and boardwalk washed through our lobbies (Rockaway Beach).
I've been back 3 times since, and each time re-traumatized. I'm born and raised here. My parents have not seen Rockaway yet for themselves(only on tv) and keep saying they'll be home each weekend that passes.
Ang: looks like the bungalows on 108 were pretty ok. How about that boat on CBB for weeks tying up traffic
The first time i drove in i was brining my dad to the Bungalow to shut the water off and we went down 100th St and turned onto SFP and we saw where the boardwalk was supposed to be for the first time and we both got really emotional. I had said when someone asked about feeling normal again... i said i wont feel normal until i can walk on the boards again...
My parents got lucky that their house is on the only 2 blocks in Rockaway that werent touched.
I will never make fun of my mom when she says 109th Street is the highest point on the penninsula. lol....
I havent been back to my house since last Sunday, they were starting to tow the cars that were abandoned on CBB, the boat originally landed right across the street from my house.... i dont know why they didnt take it away when they moved it out of the middle of the street... it really caused a lot of rubber necking and people pulling over to get out and take pictures. I almost got in a fight because i yelled at a guy to get the smile off his face when he got out to take a picture of the boat..
Message edited 11/19/2012 9:06:17 AM.
Posted 11/19/12 9:02 AM |

Member since 1/10 21015 total posts
Name: Ang
Re: Hurricane Sandy Peeps: Check In
Posted by cateyemm
Posted by AngnShaun
Posted by GioiaMia
To clarify. I am not laying in bed WITH the electrician. He is downstairs lol
Lol it was a better post when it implied u were in bed with him
Just a question, for those not getting help from FEMA, how come? And are you appealing it?
Insufficient damage to meet the minimum grant amount... idk what their minimum is. But thats just me as a renter... most home owners are being denied because of HO Insurance.
I havent decided yet. I barely had the patience to deal with them the first time... im not sure if i can do that again!
Posted 11/19/12 9:03 AM |
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