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I am a nervous wreck

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Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


I am a nervous wreck

Alex started her new classes today - hebrew immersion in the morning, and the other 2 year old class in the afternoon.

DH just called, after dropping her off and observing the new class for an hour or so.

He said the teacher is typical israeli - not warm, soft or fuzzy at all, and really barks at the kids in hebrew to do this, that and the other. So we can understand why some of her teachers felt Alex needed a warmer environment, but the truth is, Alex has been coddled for the last 3 yeasr by her teachers, and we agree, it's time for her to have a TEACHER, not a grandmother, and for her emotional support to come mainly from us. And not only that, this is Alex's ancestry - this is how her father is, and how her family is in Israel.

On top of that, the class is really small - 5 kids, and apparently Alex adapted quite well - within 10 minutes, even though the teacher was speaking in hebrew, Alex was dancing in the room to israeli music with her new classmates.

And, on top of that, the teacher assistant is Rosalie - a sweet, sweet, grandmother who has been Alex's late care teacher for the past 2 years. Alex ADORES her, so even if the main teacher is a little on the harsh side, Rosalie balances her out. And Rosalie speaks english to the kids, which will ease her transition to hebrew.

He also said that they started a lesson on Rosh Hashanah and Israel first thing in the morning. I like that, as compared to the other teacher, whose philosophy was mostly free play. Here, Alex will be doing group activities and learning about Israeli culture.

So, now we wait and see.

In the meantime, my heart is in my throat! Everyone keeps telling that it's only because she's my first, and that with my second and other children, I won't care as much. But Alex is my little monkey, she is the world to me, I want her to be happy, but also adjust to new environments and learn things, rather than just play in water all day with babies.

This truly is the hardest part of motherhood!

Posted 9/15/08 10:54 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: I am a nervous wreck

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Posted 9/15/08 11:02 AM


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Re: I am a nervous wreck

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I'm so happy for you that it looks like she's adjusted well to the new class.

FWIW, I don't think it's just b/c she's your first. I was just as anxious for Andy's first day at school as I was for Sarah's. You just want your kids to be happy and with people who love them and are going to nurture them in a similar fashion that you would at home. I think it's totally normal.

Posted 9/15/08 11:03 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I am a nervous wreck

Just wanted to give you some Chat Icon 's.

Posted 9/15/08 11:10 AM


Member since 10/06

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Re: I am a nervous wreck

Posted by Bxgell2

Alex started her new classes today - hebrew immersion in the morning, and the other 2 year old class in the afternoon.

DH just called, after dropping her off and observing the new class for an hour or so.

He said the teacher is typical israeli - not warm, soft or fuzzy at all, and really barks at the kids in hebrew to do this, that and the other. So we can understand why some of her teachers felt Alex needed a warmer environment, but the truth is, Alex has been coddled for the last 3 yeasr by her teachers, and we agree, it's time for her to have a TEACHER, not a grandmother, and for her emotional support to come mainly from us. And not only that, this is Alex's ancestry - this is how her father is, and how her family is in Israel.

On top of that, the class is really small - 5 kids, and apparently Alex adapted quite well - within 10 minutes, even though the teacher was speaking in hebrew, Alex was dancing in the room to israeli music with her new classmates.

And, on top of that, the teacher assistant is Rosalie - a sweet, sweet, grandmother who has been Alex's late care teacher for the past 2 years. Alex ADORES her, so even if the main teacher is a little on the harsh side, Rosalie balances her out. And Rosalie speaks english to the kids, which will ease her transition to hebrew.

He also said that they started a lesson on Rosh Hashanah and Israel first thing in the morning. I like that, as compared to the other teacher, whose philosophy was mostly free play. Here, Alex will be doing group activities and learning about Israeli culture.

So, now we wait and see.

In the meantime, my heart is in my throat! Everyone keeps telling that it's only because she's my first, and that with my second and other children, I won't care as much. But Alex is my little monkey, she is the world to me, I want her to be happy, but also adjust to new environments and learn things, rather than just play in water all day with babies.

This truly is the hardest part of motherhood!

wow, while I am not jewish or israeli isn't that sorta RUDE saying she's TYPICAL .. and point out she is a rude *****?

Can't she just be a rude woman?

Posted 9/15/08 11:29 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: I am a nervous wreck

Posted by CathyB

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I'm so happy for you that it looks like she's adjusted well to the new class.

FWIW, I don't think it's just b/c she's your first. I was just as anxious for Andy's first day at school as I was for Sarah's. You just want your kids to be happy and with people who love them and are going to nurture them in a similar fashion that you would at home. I think it's totally normal.


Hang in there! I'm sure she'll do just fine!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/15/08 11:37 AM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: I am a nervous wreck

Posted by Theresa05

Posted by Bxgell2

Alex started her new classes today - hebrew immersion in the morning, and the other 2 year old class in the afternoon.

DH just called, after dropping her off and observing the new class for an hour or so.

He said the teacher is typical israeli - not warm, soft or fuzzy at all, and really barks at the kids in hebrew to do this, that and the other. So we can understand why some of her teachers felt Alex needed a warmer environment, but the truth is, Alex has been coddled for the last 3 yeasr by her teachers, and we agree, it's time for her to have a TEACHER, not a grandmother, and for her emotional support to come mainly from us. And not only that, this is Alex's ancestry - this is how her father is, and how her family is in Israel.

On top of that, the class is really small - 5 kids, and apparently Alex adapted quite well - within 10 minutes, even though the teacher was speaking in hebrew, Alex was dancing in the room to israeli music with her new classmates.

And, on top of that, the teacher assistant is Rosalie - a sweet, sweet, grandmother who has been Alex's late care teacher for the past 2 years. Alex ADORES her, so even if the main teacher is a little on the harsh side, Rosalie balances her out. And Rosalie speaks english to the kids, which will ease her transition to hebrew.

He also said that they started a lesson on Rosh Hashanah and Israel first thing in the morning. I like that, as compared to the other teacher, whose philosophy was mostly free play. Here, Alex will be doing group activities and learning about Israeli culture.

So, now we wait and see.

In the meantime, my heart is in my throat! Everyone keeps telling that it's only because she's my first, and that with my second and other children, I won't care as much. But Alex is my little monkey, she is the world to me, I want her to be happy, but also adjust to new environments and learn things, rather than just play in water all day with babies.

This truly is the hardest part of motherhood!

wow, while I am not jewish or israeli isn't that sorta RUDE saying she's TYPICAL .. and point out she is a rude *****?

Can't she just be a rude woman?

EXCUSE ME? First of all, thank for your thoughtful and kind response.

Second of all, clarify your reading skills before jumping down my throat - I never called her rude. Read the post again - "rude" is not there. For god's sake, this is my child's new TEACHER, I wouldn't call her rude.

Message edited 9/15/2008 11:39:24 AM.

Posted 9/15/08 11:38 AM

Complete Happiness :)

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Re: I am a nervous wreck

Oh Beth Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

No need to be nervous Chat Icon

Posted 9/15/08 11:41 AM

More a stranger than a friend

Member since 5/06

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Re: I am a nervous wreck

Posted by Theresa05

wow, while I am not jewish or israeli isn't that sorta RUDE saying she's TYPICAL .. and point out she is a rude *****?

Can't she just be a rude woman?

Seriously, you are WAY off base. She never once said the teacher was rude or a *****.

Beth, I hope this new class works out for you and Alex! You seem like a very caring mom and you are taking an active role in her life! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 9/15/2008 12:36:05 PM.

Posted 9/15/08 11:46 AM

Mama to 3!?!?!?

Member since 7/06

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Re: I am a nervous wreck

It sounds like a great class and I'm sure Alex will thrive in it!! Try not to worry too much. Chat Icon

Posted 9/15/08 11:49 AM

My love.

Member since 5/05

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Re: I am a nervous wreck

Posted by Theresa05

wow, while I am not jewish or israeli isn't that sorta RUDE saying she's TYPICAL .. and point out she is a rude *****?

Can't she just be a rude woman?

Theresa honestly this post really saddens me. Beth is looking for some support, mom to mom.

You are the only person using the word rude in this thread...which quite honestly, was rude.

Beth - I understand how you feel. It is so hard. I have been going through a lot of the same ups and downs this week with Talia (who also happens to have an israeli teacher who - what I like to call, shows love in her own way). I think you need to give it a little time and trust your gut.

Talia is also having a tough adjustment because she is not being coddled in her new classroom. Its a wake up call for her, and probably my fault since I baby her too much (Im working on this!!). But I know you -and I know Alex and you are both resiliant and brilliant and given some time to adjust will shine!!

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Posted 9/15/08 12:12 PM

My Everything

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Re: I am a nervous wreck

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I'll be she does great! She's always surprising you, isn't she? Chat Icon

Posted 9/15/08 12:17 PM

April already?

Member since 3/06

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Re: I am a nervous wreck

Sounds like she is going to do great. I dont blame your for stressing. I totally agree that daycare is one of the hardest parts of motherhood.

Posted 9/15/08 12:35 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: I am a nervous wreck

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon the fact that there are only 5 kids in this new class will make it easier for her transition I am sure. She will be holding court before the end of the week.Chat Icon

Posted 9/15/08 12:39 PM

I'm one lucky girl

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Re: I am a nervous wreck

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Posted 9/15/08 12:41 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Re: I am a nervous wreck

I think you guys made a great decision for Alex. It seems like she thrives in ANY situation you put her in, but this enviornment sounds like it'll be really good for her and will help her to continue to grow.

Best of luck to her! Chat Icon

Posted 9/15/08 1:12 PM

My Loves!

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Re: I am a nervous wreck

Beth. Alex is a strong little girl. I'm sure she will do great.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/15/08 1:15 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I am a nervous wreck

I am sure she will do great Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/15/08 1:16 PM

My three little miracles

Member since 4/06

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Re: I am a nervous wreck

Chat Icon Chat Icon I can see why you are nervous, but it seems like a great situation. It sounds like she will have a great balance between nurturing, learning, culture, religion, etc. I hope she has a great day!

Posted 9/15/08 1:22 PM

love my boys!

Member since 4/06

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Re: I am a nervous wreck

Chat Icon Chat Icon She is going to do great! Your daughter is a smart cookie and will thrive with these new challenges!

Posted 9/15/08 1:28 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

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Re: I am a nervous wreck

I actually know the type you are referring to bc I remember it from Hebrew school. Yes, it wasnt comfy or cozy...kinda serious. I truly believe Alex will do just fine bc she is so smart. I understand you worry/concern but you have to know in your heart that she will be okay. Just think a week ago you were head over heels...keep it positive... She will get the Israeli discipline Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/15/08 1:40 PM

Mrs. Patticakes

Member since 9/06

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Re: I am a nervous wreck

Try not to worry too much...Chat Icon This class sounds like she is getting the best of both worlds! I'm sure she'll adapt beautifully! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/15/08 1:46 PM

Loving Mommyhood!

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Re: I am a nervous wreck

I'm sure she'll do just fine, but isn't Rosalie the one that puts pull-ups on Alex? Or did Alex nip that in the bud with her wagging finger? Chat Icon

You'll have to see what she says when she comes home. I'm sure she'll do great!

Posted 9/15/08 2:02 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I am a nervous wreck

Posted by Susan

I'm sure she'll do just fine, but isn't Rosalie the one that puts pull-ups on Alex? Or did Alex nip that in the bud with her wagging finger? Chat Icon

You'll have to see what she says when she comes home. I'm sure she'll do great!

Chat Icon I forgot about that! Yes, Rosalie WAS the one who put her in a pullup, but Alex nipped that one in the bud rather quickly Chat Icon Chat Icon Come to think of it, yeah, Alex will be JUST fine in that class Chat Icon

Posted 9/15/08 2:08 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: I am a nervous wreck

Posted by Theresa05

wow, while I am not jewish or israeli isn't that sorta RUDE saying she's TYPICAL .. and point out she is a rude *****?

Can't she just be a rude woman?

As the daugher and wife of Israelis having grown up around Israelis my entire life- I know what Beth means by the "typical Israeli". Israelis are far more abrupt that Americans. They don't always sugar coat things the way we do here. I'm sure that is what Beth is referring to.

And franklky, this post wasn't venting about Israelis. You picked one word in a post askign for support and commenting on it. You really missed the point of the post.

Beth, as for Alex, she will be FINE! It sounds like the perfect class and the fact that Rosalie is there will make her more comfortable. It sounds like the perfect class. Do they have space for another Hetzi Israeli girl?

ETA: I read Beth's post again. Where is the word RUDE?

Message edited 9/15/2008 2:24:48 PM.

Posted 9/15/08 2:23 PM
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