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I feel terrible

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Our life is complete

Member since 5/05

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I feel terrible

My block has a lot of little ones around my son's age or a bit older. He loves to play with them and when I'm out with John the other children always look for him. When my son comes out he always brings lots of toys or his power wheels etc. These children are always taking them from him and he is very easy going he will just go play with something else.

There is a boy across the street who is 7, whenever he comes over, for some reason he bullies my son. Takes toys from him, tells the kids play with me etc. This kid is a true brat.

Today we were out and they were all playing with another childs cars (my son has like every car imaginable so seeing these cars he thought they were his), his starts playing and all is well, and then here comes that kid. A few incidents of mine mine mine but generally ok. My son went to grab a car from the little boy whose car it was and I said John NO! and the boys mother said Justin you need to share and then the older brat said "why its his toy he doesnt have to share"

I know I have to expect this from children, believe me I do, but I took my son and said its ok we have to go inside anyway John. My poor son was hysterical crying and I felt terrible. I dont know if its hormones or because I'm in a funk, but today was just not the right day. I think that at 7 years old your A) too old to be playing with 2 and 3 year olds B) I think you should mind your business and C) when my son comes out with his little powerwheels and all his toys I think he shouldnt have to share with YOU!

It truly breaks my heart when I see things like this.

Posted 9/21/07 3:27 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Straight up nasty

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7740 total posts


Re: I feel terrible

Can you address these issues to this obnoxious twit's mother? I agree, he's too old to be playing with the little ones. I give you alot of credit, I think I'd be snapping at this little turdChat Icon Chat Icon

Poor JohnChat Icon He should be allowed to play with his little friends in peace.

Posted 9/21/07 3:41 PM


Member since 4/07

22952 total posts


Re: I feel terrible

I would make sure the next time this little brat comes around, and takes your sons toys, you make it a point to say, "Give it back, they are his, and he doesn't have to share."

This older kid should find some friends of his own age. But perhaps he can't because they bully him around.

Posted 9/21/07 3:50 PM

Our life is complete

Member since 5/05

5909 total posts


Re: I feel terrible

I would love to really, but I just dont want to be "that mother"

I really feel bad, because my son looks forward to playing with them, even though one of the girls is a brat as well, he just loves to be out there.

I guess I feel so bad because he is an only child and doesnt really have someone around him 24/7

<great now I'm crying Chat Icon >

Posted 9/21/07 3:55 PM

Straight up nasty

Member since 5/05

7740 total posts


Re: I feel terrible

Posted by stayandjohn

I would love to really, but I just dont want to be "that mother"

I really feel bad, because my son looks forward to playing with them, even though one of the girls is a brat as well, he just loves to be out there.

I guess I feel so bad because he is an only child and doesnt really have someone around him 24/7

<great now I'm crying Chat Icon >

Awwh, honey, feel betterChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Don't focus on the fact that he's an only child right now. John is young and so are you. There WILL be another baby in your futureChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon In the meantime, can you look into organized classes for him or schedule a playdate with some ladies who have children around John's age? I know you have a kick a$$ playroom (from the pictures) so get some regular playdates goingChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/21/07 3:58 PM

Ready for the sun!

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Properly perfect™

Re: I feel terrible

Don't feel terrible...I would have said much worse to that 7 year oldChat Icon

Posted 9/21/07 4:02 PM

Dream big

Member since 1/06

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Re: I feel terrible

I'm sure the mother of this 7 year old boy thinks he's a perfect angel and would get offended if you dare mention anything to her.

It's really sad. This is how rude and obnoxious adults are formed!

Posted 9/21/07 4:05 PM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

6905 total posts


Re: I feel terrible

Stay don't feel bad, you did the right thing and I can't believe that you didn't say more!!

As for the only child, have faith that you will get to the answer and it will be corrected

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Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/21/07 4:28 PM


Member since 2/07

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Re: I feel terrible

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon you are making me feel terrible too!

Posted 9/21/07 4:33 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: I feel terrible

In the future, I don't think you should take your son away from playing with his friend because then the 7 year old wins. He made John upset & John doesn't get to play.

I think you should turn around what the 7 year old said on him the next time he wants to play with John's toys. I know it's petty but you need to tell the bully that his behavior won't be tolerated.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/21/07 4:40 PM

Love my Family!

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Re: I feel terrible

Posted by Moehick

Don't feel terrible...I would have said much worse to that 7 year oldChat Icon

Me too!Chat Icon That wasn't right!

Posted 9/21/07 5:22 PM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

46292 total posts


Re: I feel terrible

Posted by nrthshgrl

In the future, I don't think you should take your son away from playing with his friend because then the 7 year old wins. He made John upset & John doesn't get to play.

I think you should turn around what the 7 year old said on him the next time he wants to play with John's toys. I know it's petty but you need to tell the bully that his behavior won't be tolerated.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon


Posted 9/21/07 6:00 PM


Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: I feel terrible

Kids are mean and that comment was uncalled for. John will have a playmate one of these days....I know it.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 9/21/2007 6:05:18 PM.

Posted 9/21/07 6:05 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/07

1280 total posts


Re: I feel terrible

Ok, I'll jump in. I have 3 kids, and even though my youngest isnt as young as your kids, he is close to the 7 yr old. Tell the kid there are rules and that won't be tolerated and when he does something remind him. I have gotten to the point in life, if the parent isn't going to reprimand or isn't around I'll lay the ground rules. Your not picking on the kid just set the rules. Here's an example: I just had my basement refinished, without picking on anyone I tell the kids (Especially my teenage sons friends) You are always welcome here but if you act wild, misbehave or disrepect my house you are out of here. They don't seem to mind. Hope this helps

Posted 9/21/07 6:22 PM


Member since 7/07

7639 total posts


Re: I feel terrible

Message edited 11/11/2011 6:52:05 PM.

Posted 9/21/07 6:40 PM

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