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I just finished reading "The Vaccine Book" by Dr. Sears

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My Boys!!!!

Member since 6/06

14437 total posts


I just finished reading "The Vaccine Book" by Dr. Sears

And I have to say, I HIGHLY recommend it to all parents. I thought it was an anti-vaccine book and it's NOT. I found it so interesting, I just read the entire 250 pg book in 3 hours or so.

The books main focus is to not only educate us on the vaccines we are giving our children, but on the diseases themselves. The book does list the ingredients and side effects of the vaccines, but Dr. Sears doesnt force his opinion, he shows both sides.

To be honest, I wish I had read this book before I had DS. I chose not to follow the AAP's schedule, but to only give DS one vaccine a time. After reading this book I am still comfortable with my decision, however, I am not as concerned about giving DS the MMR vaccine as I am about some of the other vaccines he has already received which prove to have more instances of side effects (some of which I didnt even know were possible) and more known long term effects. The book also discusses the possible link to the MMR vaccine and autism. It does give the background about how the MMR/autism link was raised, which I think very few people are aware of.

I was surprised to learn that our pediatricians and doctors are NOT educated at all in medical school or otherwise (unless they choose to do their own research) about vaccines, what goes into vaccines, or the safety of vaccines. They simply do "what they are told" by the FDA and pharmaceutical companies and are led to believe the researchers that work for the FDA and pharmaceutical companies are doing their jobs.

Anway, I dont want to write a book report Chat Icon I just think in general it is a good book and that every parent will benefit from reading it. I think the book takes a very neutral stance on the vaccine issues and allows you to form your own opinions.

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Message edited 4/11/2008 9:35:48 PM.

Posted 4/11/08 9:32 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: I just finished reading "The Vaccine Book" by Dr. Sears

I am a fan of his books and I agree, this one is a great educational tool.

Posted 4/11/08 9:50 PM

Big brother to be!

Member since 9/06

6314 total posts


Re: I just finished reading "The Vaccine Book" by Dr. Sears

Posted by jellybean1420

I was surprised to learn that our pediatricians and doctors are NOT educated at all in medical school or otherwise about vaccines, what goes into vaccines, or the safety of vaccines. They simply do "what they are told" by the FDA and pharmaceutical companies and are led to believe the researchers that work for the FDA and pharmaceutical companies are doing their jobs.

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first of all, doctors are ABSOLUTELY educated about vaccines, what goes into vaccines, and the safety of vaccines. education about vaccines is a standard part of any clinical pediatrics rotation. and ALL medical students are required to complete a clinical pediatrics rotation. i'm not sure where dr. sears is getting his information from, but it is completely untrue about my medical school experience.

to say that doctors aren't educated about vaccines is a SWEEPING generalization and is simply a lie for the vast majority of practitioners.

the second part of your statement above is just plain offensive. contrary to what you write, and to what dr. sears may think, most doctors are not pawns or puppets of the FDA and of pharmaceutical companies. actually, most doctors are smart, rational, independent-thinking human beings who CARE about what they do for their patients. most doctors can read a research study and discern rigorous, meaningful data from junk. we're not just sitting around, believing everything we hear/read while giving our patients substandard treatment.

if you honestly believe about your pediatrician what you wrote above, i suggest you find a new one. you will both be better off for it.

Message edited 4/11/2008 10:04:17 PM.

Posted 4/11/08 9:55 PM

Chase is one!

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Re: I just finished reading "The Vaccine Book" by Dr. Sears

Posted by alexlynn7

Posted by jellybean1420

I was surprised to learn that our pediatricians and doctors are NOT educated at all in medical school or otherwise about vaccines, what goes into vaccines, or the safety of vaccines. They simply do "what they are told" by the FDA and pharmaceutical companies and are led to believe the researchers that work for the FDA and pharmaceutical companies are doing their jobs.

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first of all, doctors are ABSOLUTELY educated about vaccines, what goes into vaccines, and the safety of vaccines. education about vaccines is a standard part of any clinical pediatrics rotation. and ALL medical students are required to complete a clinical pediatrics rotation. i'm not sure where dr. sears is getting his information from, but it is completely untrue about my medical school experience.

to say that doctors aren't educated about vaccines is a SWEEPING generalization and is simply a lie for the vast majority of practitioners.

the second part of your statement above is just plain offensive. contrary to what you write, and to what dr. sears may think, most doctors are not pawns or puppets of the FDA and of pharmaceutical companies. actually, most doctors are smart, rational, independent-thinking human beings who CARE about what they do for their patients. most doctors can read a research study and discern rigorous, meaningful data from junk. we're not just sitting around, believing what we hear while giving our patients substandard treatment.

if you honestly believe about your pediatrician what you wrote above, i suggest you find a new one. you will both be better off for it.

I am more than sure that the OP did not mean to offend anyone, however, I'm so glad you responded the way you did.
I'm sure it's a great book, but I'm very bothered by the fact that people trust books and websites written by people they don't know so much. I trust my pediatrician completely, and while I believe in being educated myself on topics like vaccines, it's my ped's job to know what's best for my daughter when it comes to diseases and illnesses. Anyway, not to stray from the post. I'm glad you found the book useful, and I'm sure you are not someone blindly following what a book says. My statements are more general ones.

Posted 4/11/08 10:00 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

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Re: I just finished reading "The Vaccine Book" by Dr. Sears

I read this book months ago and also found it to be extremely helpful. I was so nervous before DS's first shots and had such a hard time finding non-biased clear cut information to make decisions - that is what this book gave me - the information I needed to make the decisions I felt were right for my DS - that said, DS has gotten almost all his shots on schedule but I did learn alot from the book and made some changes based on it.

I want to say something from my experience about peds and their knowledge of the different vaccines - I have found first hand that although they know a TON about the diseases themselves etc. they do not know much about the vaccines themselves. I have a friend and a family member that are both completing pediactric residencies - I asked both of them prior to reading this book if there was any difference in the brands of vaccines - if they were all the same or if one was better for some reason - they basically didn't seem to really know but then said they were all the same - which, they are not - as the book explains from the product inserts themselves. Second example, after reading the book I wanted my DS to get the HIB vaccine w/o the aluminum. So I called my ped b/f his first shot visit to ask what brand. My ped at the time was a very well known well respected nyc ped that had a pretty high position at a nyc hospital (don't want to mention names). The ped had NO idea what brands they used for the vaccines. He put me on hold and then came back and told me. I then asked if it was possible to get a different brand and he went on a tirade about how vaccines don't cause autism blah blah blah as if I was some moron that was just reacting to the latest oprah episode. I then explained why i wanted the vaccine brand and he basically acted like i was an idiot and said he had never heard that the brands were different.

It really rubs me the wrong way that many peds are so arrogant on this subject. I don't understand why they can't just present me with the facts and let me make the decision as to what is right for my child since I am the one that will have to live with any consequences. I switched peds after the above incident. My current ped is of course pro vaccine but he takes the time to explain to me any questions I have and lets me make an educated decision for my son.

Message edited 4/11/2008 10:55:27 PM.

Posted 4/11/08 10:52 PM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

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Re: I just finished reading "The Vaccine Book" by Dr. Sears

I think it comes down to being informed ourselves and working with a pediatrician we trust.

I have seen also many "regular" Dr. giving prescriptions drugs because of the last "perk" a pharmaceutical rep just gave them. That does not mean all Dr. are that way but it is true to admit some are.

It's about finding the right Dr. for you.

Posted 4/11/08 10:54 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: I just finished reading "The Vaccine Book" by Dr. Sears

I just keep ripping through the drs at the practice.

One stormed out on me, never saw him again, I mentioned I wanted to hold off on the MMR.

This week, another dr, is telling me the importance of the MMR and how I am doing a disservice to Josh....all the while, she is standing in front of a sign telling me that my baby was given a recalled Hep shot.

Just from being an extended BFer...I can tell you, they don't have a lot of their facts straight in my book. They push cows milk on my kid just like they push the MMR.

Early on, I was told he has acne. I knew it was more and wanted him tested. I was ignored...cut everything out on my own...went back with a dirty diaper and demanded it be tested.
Blood found in his stool. Thank God I took a stand.

Message edited 4/11/2008 11:05:35 PM.

Posted 4/11/08 11:04 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: I just finished reading "The Vaccine Book" by Dr. Sears

Im interested in reading it...

I also think many people rely too highly on their peds..they are human and see so many patients and they dont it all.

I think the only way to do the best possible for your children and yourself is to educate yourself as well as listen to the Dr's advice.

What Dr's DONT know will always surprise me.

I went for IVF to get PG. I told my PCP this and he said "whats IVF"...I siad In vitro fertilization and he said" a sperm donor?"

Point is Dr's cannot know it all .

I may not 100% agree with Dr. Sears but I will admit Im sure he is more educated and researched on his book topic then any of our pediatricians are.

Posted 4/11/08 11:39 PM

Big brother to be!

Member since 9/06

6314 total posts


Re: I just finished reading "The Vaccine Book" by Dr. Sears

Posted by itsbabytime
I don't understand why they can't just present me with the facts and let me make the decision as to what is right for my child since I am the one that will have to live with any consequences. I switched peds after the above incident. My current ped is of course pro vaccine but he takes the time to explain to me any questions I have and lets me make an educated decision for my son.

there you go. you didn't trust your previous ped, so you moved on and found one that addresses your concerns to your satisfaction.

any good doctor will be able to give you empirical evidence supporting the treatment he/she is giving your child. if they can't or won't, then it's time for a new doctor.

i would never argue that there are some less than stellar docs out there - just as there are bad practitioners in all professions. but this whole conspiracy theory involving doctors and the FDA/pharm companies/american ped assn/you name it has spiraled out of control. for many parents it has gone way beyond doing your research and having a healthy amount of skepticism - it's approaching outright paranoia.

on a personal note, i have to say that sometimes it's downright hurtful to hear what is said about doctors on this board. while i understand a mother's drive to do what's best for her child - because i too am a mother - the generalizations made about doctors here don't seem productive to me most of the time. rather, they seem to reinforce suspicion and cynicism.

people seem to love to talk about how inept their doctor is... then why see a doctor at all? why subject your child to the whims of a pediatrician? i HAVE to think that doctors do SOME good for their patients... but somehow we never talk about that.

Posted 4/12/08 12:07 AM

My Boys!!!!

Member since 6/06

14437 total posts


Re: I just finished reading "The Vaccine Book" by Dr. Sears

first of all, doctors are ABSOLUTELY educated about vaccines, what goes into vaccines, and the safety of vaccines. education about vaccines is a standard part of any clinical pediatrics rotation. and ALL medical students are required to complete a clinical pediatrics rotation. i'm not sure where dr. sears is getting his information from, but it is completely untrue about my medical school experience.

to say that doctors aren't educated about vaccines is a SWEEPING generalization and is simply a lie for the vast majority of practitioners.

the second part of your statement above is just plain offensive. contrary to what you write, and to what dr. sears may think, most doctors are not pawns or puppets of the FDA and of pharmaceutical companies. actually, most doctors are smart, rational, independent-thinking human beings who CARE about what they do for their patients. most doctors can read a research study and discern rigorous, meaningful data from junk. we're not just sitting around, believing everything we hear/read while giving our patients substandard treatment.

if you honestly believe about your pediatrician what you wrote above, i suggest you find a new one. you will both be better off for it.

What I wrote above was not my own personal opinion. I was summarizing what Dr. Sears wrote in his book.

"Doctors, myself included, learn a lot about diseases in medical school, but we learn very little about vaccines. other than the fact that the FDA and pharmaceutical companies do extensive research on vaccines to make sure they are safe and effective. We don't review the research ourselves. We never learn what goes into making vaccines or how their safety is studied. We trust and take it for granted that the proper researchers are doing their jobs...."

My intention was not to offend anyone, as another poster stated. I was under the impression that ALL medical students receive training in regards to vaccines. Now that Dr. Sears said he did not, he raised that question in my head and I am going to ask my pediatrician. Maybe you received training on vaccines, maybe some others didn't. Maybe they didnt do it years ago, but they do it now. Regardless, it definetely raises a red flag for me and should for other parents and maybe its a question parents will now ask their doctors to help them feel more comfortable in their decisions.

And I am extremely happy with my pediatrician and have never questioned his ability to care for my son. He is very thorough and explains everything to me, maybe in part b/c I ask 101 questions. If I did not feel confident with my pediatrician, I sure as hell would not trust him with my son's medical care.

Message edited 4/12/2008 12:46:47 AM.

Posted 4/12/08 12:42 AM

My Boys!!!!

Member since 6/06

14437 total posts


Re: I just finished reading "The Vaccine Book" by Dr. Sears

I'm sure it's a great book, but I'm very bothered by the fact that people trust books and websites written by people they don't know so much.

I completely agree with this. I dont want to mislead anyone into thinking this book should be anyone's bible...that is the farther from what my point was. I just learned a lot, even regarding the diseases themselves, that I did not know. I thought it may be helpful to others as well.

I spent 9 months while I was pregnant researching, reading studies and articles, not only about vaccines but about the plastics in bottles, the lead paint in toys, etc. I discussed all of my concerns with my pediatrician and he was always able to give me detailed answers, the pros and cons, good and bad...but that doesnt mean I am going to do what he tells me to. I took what he told me and made my own decisions. He told me not to worry about the plastic bottles, I felt better going with drop-ins. He told me his own daughter was immunized according to the AAP schedule, I chose a different schedule. He said I should be sunscreen on DS, I agreed and didn't put sunscreen on him. I respect his knowledge and education, but in the end, I am the mother...the one who will be caring for my son god forbid something were to happen and I get to make the final decisions.

Posted 4/12/08 12:55 AM

Can't believe I'm 2

Member since 12/07

1260 total posts


Re: I just finished reading "The Vaccine Book" by Dr. Sears

I have read the book, and my peditrician asked me to bring it in. By the time I had another appt. she had already read it. She is accepting of peoples beliefs. Initially I had only wanted to vaccinate my child for DTaP, and she was fine with that. I planned on immunizing my child fully, but at an older age prior to entrance into kindergarten. After reading this book I decided to vaccinate now, but with a modified schedule.
I think the book does raise valid questions....and this question goes to to the PP who was offended by the OP, where are the studies that show how much is too much when it comes to the levels of aluminum in some of the shots?

Posted 4/12/08 12:59 AM

b nice like u want ur kidz 2

Member since 7/06

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Re: I just finished reading "The Vaccine Book" by Dr. Sears

Posted by jellybean1420

I'm sure it's a great book, but I'm very bothered by the fact that people trust books and websites written by people they don't know so much.

I completely agree with this. I dont want to mislead anyone into thinking this book should be anyone's bible...that is the farther from what my point was. I just learned a lot, even regarding the diseases themselves, that I did not know. I thought it may be helpful to others as well.

I spent 9 months while I was pregnant researching, reading studies and articles, not only about vaccines but about the plastics in bottles, the lead paint in toys, etc. I discussed all of my concerns with my pediatrician and he was always able to give me detailed answers, the pros and cons, good and bad...but that doesnt mean I am going to do what he tells me to. I took what he told me and made my own decisions. He told me not to worry about the plastic bottles, I felt better going with drop-ins. He told me his own daughter was immunized according to the AAP schedule, I chose a different schedule. He said I should be sunscreen on DS, I agreed and didn't put sunscreen on him. I respect his knowledge and education, but in the end, I am the mother...the one who will be caring for my son god forbid something were to happen and I get to make the final decisions.

You are entitled to a opinion just like everyone else is that disagrees...
I see you were only stating what you read...
thank you for sharing with us. Chat Icon

Posted 4/12/08 7:48 AM

Where it all began....

Member since 5/05

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Re: I just finished reading "The Vaccine Book" by Dr. Sears

Posted by jellybean1420

"Doctors, myself included, learn a lot about diseases in medical school, but we learn very little about vaccines. other than the fact that the FDA and pharmaceutical companies do extensive research on vaccines to make sure they are safe and effective. We don't review the research ourselves. We never learn what goes into making vaccines or how their safety is studied. We trust and take it for granted that the proper researchers are doing their jobs...."

I do not mean this disrespectfully at all but it has been a long time since Dr Sears has been to medical school. I am pretty sure a lot has changed since then.

Message edited 4/12/2008 8:58:56 AM.

Posted 4/12/08 8:58 AM

Can't believe I'm 2

Member since 12/07

1260 total posts


Re: I just finished reading "The Vaccine Book" by Dr. Sears

Posted by Stacey1403

Posted by jellybean1420

"Doctors, myself included, learn a lot about diseases in medical school, but we learn very little about vaccines. other than the fact that the FDA and pharmaceutical companies do extensive research on vaccines to make sure they are safe and effective. We don't review the research ourselves. We never learn what goes into making vaccines or how their safety is studied. We trust and take it for granted that the proper researchers are doing their jobs...."

I do not mean this disrespectfully at all but it has been a long time since Dr Sears has been to medical school. I am pretty sure a lot has changed since then.

It was written by his son, who is also a doctor.

Posted 4/12/08 9:15 AM

Big brother to be!

Member since 9/06

6314 total posts


Re: I just finished reading "The Vaccine Book" by Dr. Sears

Posted by jellybean1420

I was surprised to learn that our pediatricians and doctors are NOT educated at all in medical school or otherwise about vaccines, what goes into vaccines, or the safety of vaccines. They simply do "what they are told" by the FDA and pharmaceutical companies and are led to believe the researchers that work for the FDA and pharmaceutical companies are doing their jobs.

What I wrote above was not my own personal opinion. I was summarizing what Dr. Sears wrote in his book.

"Doctors, myself included, learn a lot about diseases in medical school, but we learn very little about vaccines. other than the fact that the FDA and pharmaceutical companies do extensive research on vaccines to make sure they are safe and effective. We don't review the research ourselves. We never learn what goes into making vaccines or how their safety is studied. We trust and take it for granted that the proper researchers are doing their jobs...."

My intention was not to offend anyone, as another poster stated. I was under the impression that ALL medical students receive training in regards to vaccines. Now that Dr. Sears said he did not, he raised that question in my head and I am going to ask my pediatrician. Maybe you received training on vaccines, maybe some others didn't. Maybe they didnt do it years ago, but they do it now. Regardless, it definetely raises a red flag for me and should for other parents and maybe its a question parents will now ask their doctors to help them feel more comfortable in their decisions.

And I am extremely happy with my pediatrician and have never questioned his ability to care for my son. He is very thorough and explains everything to me, maybe in part b/c I ask 101 questions. If I did not feel confident with my pediatrician, I sure as hell would not trust him with my son's medical care.

i'm sorry if i've misunderstood you and if i overreacted. but it felt to me like you were presenting what dr. sears wrote as fact. and i was put off by what you wrote ("doctors are NOT educated at ALL...") because it felt like an unfair generalization.

but obviously as a doctor i am a little sensitive about how doctors are perceived by non-doctors. so i look at posts like these a little differently. i realize it wasn't your intention to offend me or anyone else.

i'm glad you have a pediatrician whom you trust. having to navigate through a mess of information while trying to get the best care for your child is so hard no matter what level of medical training you have. having a ped to help out is so crucial.

Posted 4/12/08 9:30 AM

Big brother to be!

Member since 9/06

6314 total posts


Re: I just finished reading "The Vaccine Book" by Dr. Sears

Posted by Matteos-mommy

I think the book does raise valid questions....and this question goes to to the PP who was offended by the OP, where are the studies that show how much is too much when it comes to the levels of aluminum in some of the shots?

did you mean this as a rhetorical question or do you really want some of the latest studies? because there's been a lot of literature published relatively recently on this topic, and i have access to it through my hospital. so if you want i can send you some articles.

Posted 4/12/08 9:34 AM

Can't believe I'm 2

Member since 12/07

1260 total posts


Re: I just finished reading "The Vaccine Book" by Dr. Sears

Posted by alexlynn7

Posted by Matteos-mommy

I think the book does raise valid questions....and this question goes to to the PP who was offended by the OP, where are the studies that show how much is too much when it comes to the levels of aluminum in some of the shots?

did you mean this as a rhetorical question or do you really want some of the latest studies? because there's been a lot of literature published relatively recently on this topic, and i have access to it through my hospital. so if you want i can send you some articles.

You have FM

Posted 4/12/08 9:50 AM

My Boys!!!!

Member since 6/06

14437 total posts


Re: I just finished reading "The Vaccine Book" by Dr. Sears

i'm sorry if i've misunderstood you and if i overreacted. but it felt to me like you were presenting what dr. sears wrote as fact. and i was put off by what you wrote ("doctors are NOT educated at ALL...") because it felt like an unfair generalization.

You're right it is an unfair generalization and I am sorry if it upset you, I was just shocked and taken back when I read what he had wrote. I thought as probably most people do, that vaccines are studied extensively in medical school by students. Now hearing that Dr. Sears (who only went to med school I think 13 yrs. or so ago to answer another posters question) did not, it raises more questions.

I am sure within the past few years this has changed, hopefully, and I am sure younger doctors are more apt to do their own research and want to know more about the possibilities and issues. However, I wonder if the older generation of doctors received any training, which they probably did not b/c years ago noone ever questioned this type of stuff. At the same time, I wonder if the older drs who are still practicing today are questioning any of this now...from my experience "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" and in many cases, they dont want to learn new tricks to begin with. Older people live by the mentality, I turned out ok and it didnt kill me, it's not going to hurt you.

What fascinated me most is that I thought just like with new drugs that are put out on the market that vaccines are studied and tested over and over again for years before they are used on the public, and from what I gathered in his book, this is just not the case (and of course I would like to verify this with another source). Again, this too may be changing. It seemed that during our parents time, 2 or 3 of the vaccines they were given have since been replaced b/c of the long-term effects they have found (such as the old polio and DTP vaccine). Maybe it's these vaccines that our parents were given that caused them to pass along genetic imperfections which are causing all these problems in our children today...maybe it's not actually the vaccines are children are getting today. Another question that was raised from reading the Dr. Sears book. This is just something that will be studied for years and years and we will unfortunately probably never have a clear answer. All anyone can do, is be well informed and make the decisions they think are best for their children.

Message edited 4/12/2008 9:56:59 AM.

Posted 4/12/08 9:56 AM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: I just finished reading "The Vaccine Book" by Dr. Sears

Posted by jellybean1420

I am sure within the past few years this has changed, hopefully, and I am sure younger doctors are more apt to do their own research and want to know more about the possibilities and issues. However, I wonder if the older generation of doctors received any training, which they probably did not b/c years ago noone ever questioned this type of stuff. At the same time, I wonder if the older drs who are still practicing today are questioning any of this now...from my experience "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" and in many cases, they dont want to learn new tricks to begin with. Older people live by the mentality, I turned out ok and it didnt kill me, it's not going to hurt you.

I just want to comment on this as someone who takes thier DC to see the same ped that they saw. My doctor most DEFINATELY has educated himself on new practices, medicines, etc. In fact, my mom and I have had conversations where she was kind of shocked because he had changed the way that he thought.

I think that many doctors make it part of their job to be educated on the new medications, vaccines and ways of thinking.

Posted 4/12/08 10:23 AM

My miracles!

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Re: I just finished reading "The Vaccine Book" by Dr. Sears

Forgive my ignorance, but don't doctors have to maintain their licenses by recertifying with their board? I know other professions do. I could be wrong, just asking. Id be curious to hear from a doctor to clarify this.

Posted 4/12/08 10:39 AM

My Everything

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Re: I just finished reading "The Vaccine Book" by Dr. Sears

Posted by Stacey1403

Posted by jellybean1420

"Doctors, myself included, learn a lot about diseases in medical school, but we learn very little about vaccines. other than the fact that the FDA and pharmaceutical companies do extensive research on vaccines to make sure they are safe and effective. We don't review the research ourselves. We never learn what goes into making vaccines or how their safety is studied. We trust and take it for granted that the proper researchers are doing their jobs...."

I do not mean this disrespectfully at all but it has been a long time since Dr Sears has been to medical school. I am pretty sure a lot has changed since then.

I believe this book was written by his son not the Dr. Sears most of us refer too. The "original" Dr. Sears has two sons that are doctors.

Posted 4/12/08 11:18 AM

Then there was 2

Member since 3/06

5696 total posts


Re: I just finished reading "The Vaccine Book" by Dr. Sears

he has great books thanks for the heads up

Posted 4/12/08 11:43 AM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: I just finished reading "The Vaccine Book" by Dr. Sears

Posted by dm24angel

Im interested in reading it...

I also think many people rely too highly on their peds..they are human and see so many patients and they dont it all.

I think the only way to do the best possible for your children and yourself is to educate yourself as well as listen to the Dr's advice.

What Dr's DONT know will always surprise me.

I went for IVF to get PG. I told my PCP this and he said "whats IVF"...I siad In vitro fertilization and he said" a sperm donor?"

Point is Dr's cannot know it all .

I may not 100% agree with Dr. Sears but I will admit Im sure he is more educated and researched on his book topic then any of our pediatricians are.

Chat Icon Chat Icon That is scary. Most laypeople know what IVF is

Posted 4/12/08 1:13 PM

I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06

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Re: I just finished reading "The Vaccine Book" by Dr. Sears

I love this book, too. I think it is the least biased source on vaccines that I have found.

Posted 4/12/08 4:04 PM
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