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Member since 5/05 6856 total posts
Re: I really need some hugs
Many hugs to you, you are incredibly strong!!!
Posted 2/21/06 2:31 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 1706 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: I really need some hugs
Posted by anon if you can afford to stay home, i would perhaps consider a temporary break. you have the experience and credentials to get back into the work force after 6 months to a year, you only would be "giving it up" temporarily. i'm not saying it's an easy thing to do, but it is an option. an option i would consider if i really felt like i was compromising multiple aspects of my life.
hang in there!
I agree - maybe you could take a career'll look much better for you down the line if YOU take time off as opposed to your job letting you go because you are no longer able to give your 150%.
Posted 2/21/06 3:06 PM |
Two in Blue

Member since 5/05 20223 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: I really need some hugs
hey Beth, Sorry for all you are going through but it sounds like your job is way too demanding for everything you've got going on, that doesn't make you a bad person just human! What type of attorney are you? You could consider doing some per diem work. For instance you could work for a bank attorney and do some bank closings-they are worth about $300-500 each depending on who you work for. You can also market yourself as an "of counsel" attorney. I am involved with real estate attorneys nd marketing for attorneys I may be able to give you soem advice and contacts. You don't have to be tied to a desk!
Posted 2/21/06 3:19 PM |
My boys

Member since 5/05 4380 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: I really need some hugs
You are in no way a failure on either front!! I give you (and all FT working moms) SOOOOO much credit! I really don't know if I could do it well or even at all .
Posted 2/21/06 3:50 PM |
Re: I really need some hugs
Motherhood is a full time job in itself and then to work full time.. I dont really have great words of advice for you, but just want to offer you hugs! Hang in there!
Posted 2/21/06 6:54 PM |
Re: I really need some hugs
You know I am not a mom but I wanted to send some love and support your way.
Posted 2/21/06 7:48 PM |
Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05 5133 total posts
Name: Gloria
Re: I really need some hugs
I am so with you on this - today was just one of those days and I barely got to see Jesse at all. I think one of the best things to do is ask your DH for help. I'm sure he helps you out now, maybe even a lot, but if you need more help, you need more help. I am thankful every day for how much my DH does with the baby and around the house. Just tell him you appreciate all he does but you really need more from him right now. And, let a few things go - so the laundry waits a day or the dishes get done tomorrow or you have to have take-out for dinner - time with your family is more important. I was lucky enough to get part-time recently, and it still feels like I can't give my best to anyone. It's very stressful. Maybe you could also delegate more at work - I know I prefer to do most things myself, but assistants are there for a reason.
You'll get through this - just consider your options as far as work goes - there might be a job that better suits your needs. Hang in there - you are not alone!!!
Posted 2/21/06 8:29 PM |
me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05 12013 total posts
Name: Shana
Re: I really need some hugs
don't let it get you down Beth!! You're a GREAT mommy!
Posted 2/21/06 9:54 PM |
Mommy to 3 Boys :)

Member since 5/05 19978 total posts
Name: Jen - counting my blessings...
Re: I really need some hugs
i'm so sorry it seems like you are overwhelmed right now and your boss is not being understanding at all. I mean, I understand business is business but i think he could have been a little more sensitive. any way you can cut back to P/T or switch jobs? You don't want to burn out
Posted 2/21/06 10:11 PM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: I really need some hugs
Just sending lots of HUGS! You are not a failure at all. Its amazing what mommies can do both for their children and with a career. Its not easy to juggle. Hang in there!
Posted 2/21/06 10:32 PM |

Member since 5/05 15167 total posts
Name: Tracy
Re: I really need some hugs
Posted 2/21/06 11:27 PM |
Member since 5/05 5632 total posts
Re: I really need some hugs
Hang in there!
Posted 2/22/06 7:37 AM |
Re: I really need some hugs
Honestly, I give you a TON of credit. I work p/t, and I still feel like I can't handle it with the 2 kids...I let the housework go and just don't give 100% to anything. Guilt is one thing that comes with Mommyhood. You are a strong, hardworking woman. You are NOT a failure
Posted 2/22/06 8:26 AM |

Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: I really need some hugs
Thank you so much ladies... I needed the hugs and kind words. I am lucky in that my hubby is tremendously helpful... he cooks, cleans and does all the shopping. I just think that maybe the job is too much. It never occured to me, even once, while I was in law school, that my career choice as a trial attorney is not exactly the best path to take with being a mommy. I always thought it was manageable to have a career and raise children, because, after all, I watched my mom raise 3 children and have a career. But, then again, she was a professor, so she had so many breaks, summers off, and was home everyday by 3pm. Now, the question is, how do I raise a family and feel like I'm giving my all to my daughter, while maintaining a very high-stress and demanding career? I guess I'll find out if it's even possible in the coming months... part of me wants to search for a part-time job, but another part of me knows that if I go down that path, my career will never be the same. And, then, the guilt comes rolling in because I think, maybe I AM a bad mom for not immediately wanting to forgoe that career dream for my daughter. For now, I'm just going to plug away, do the best that I can at work, but know that my priority is my family and will only give so much of myself to my job. If they end up laying me off because of it, then so be it...
Ok, vent over
Posted 2/22/06 8:38 AM |
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