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Member since 8/05 8377 total posts
Name: Team SEXY BACK
I think I'm ready to cut some people out of my life....
I don't want to get into too much detail, but I feel like some of my friends are starting to distance themselves from me and I don't understand why. It has just been making me very upset lately. They do things together and don't invite me (on more than a few occasions) and I don't get why?
I'm just feeling down about this and I don't know if I should confront them and tell them how I feel, or do my usual bit of the silent treatment for life
Posted 4/23/07 8:04 PM |
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happy birthday sweet kate!

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Name: I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...
Re: I think I'm ready to cut some people out of my life....
Posted 4/23/07 8:10 PM |
My Happy Girl

Member since 7/06 8198 total posts
Name: Me
Re: I think I'm ready to cut some people out of my life....
I had that happen after high school...I was better off without them I confronted them about it and they said I didn't like to do anything get stoned and drunk..I was pretty upset...I mean it was my choice not to do drugs and yes I drank, but I really didn't get retarded till b/c of that I'm not worthy of being a friend? some great friends
If you want just ask is something going on that you need to know about...but be prepared for something you might not want to hear
Good Luck
Posted 4/23/07 8:17 PM |
"I got the Sugar" ..:)

Member since 5/05 1252 total posts
Name: Gonnacatchapeacock
Re: I think I'm ready to cut some people out of my life....
I don't know the people you're talking about specifically - but I can tell you that cutting the "garbage" out of your life can make you feel like a new person and will give you time to concentrate on other friendships
The biggest problem of this generation is that we depend on one person or group to be everything to us. When they fail, we feel let down and isolated.
Message edited 4/23/2007 8:25:59 PM.
Posted 4/23/07 8:23 PM |
Member since 8/05 8377 total posts
Name: Team SEXY BACK
Re: I think I'm ready to cut some people out of my life....
Posted by Nicole728
If you want just ask is something going on that you need to know about...but be prepared for something you might not want to hear
I'm pretty confident that they don't realilze that they're hurting me. Although I always speak my mind, when friends hurt me I resort to doing the opposite and just closing up.
I don't know, friends suck sometimes
Posted 4/23/07 8:23 PM |
Chase is one!
Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
Re: I think I'm ready to cut some people out of my life....
Been there and done that recently. It sucks.
Posted 4/23/07 8:24 PM |
My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: I think I'm ready to cut some people out of my life....
Posted 4/23/07 8:29 PM |
New Year!

Member since 5/05 13729 total posts
Name: Me
Re: I think I'm ready to cut some people out of my life....
Why would they do that? I feel like that with some of my friends too....I feel for you
Posted 4/23/07 8:31 PM |
Don't eat me, hippo!

Member since 5/05 9252 total posts
Name: Deb
Re: I think I'm ready to cut some people out of my life....
Posted 4/23/07 8:32 PM |
Member since 8/05 8377 total posts
Name: Team SEXY BACK
Re: I think I'm ready to cut some people out of my life....
Thanks everyone for the love
I never really post things like this, but I found something out today that really upset me. I just feel like I'm just about done with them!
Posted 4/23/07 8:34 PM |
My Happy Girl

Member since 7/06 8198 total posts
Name: Me
Re: I think I'm ready to cut some people out of my life....
then i would just be done with them, your prob better off!
Posted 4/23/07 8:38 PM |
I Love You to Pieces!

Member since 5/05 9919 total posts
Name: Brianne
Re: I think I'm ready to cut some people out of my life....
Posted by Nicole728
I had that happen after high school...I was better off without them I confronted them about it and they said I didn't like to do anything get stoned and drunk..I was pretty upset...I mean it was my choice not to do drugs and yes I drank, but I really didn't get retarded till b/c of that I'm not worthy of being a friend? some great friends
If you want just ask is something going on that you need to know about...but be prepared for something you might not want to hear
Good Luck
Me too- in a different way- my friends were all about being single and because I had a boyfriend, they made it really hard for me. I was also dished a bunch of insults and they have been out of my life for nearly 7 years . . . ETA: Sadly, it was also one of the best decisions I ever made . . .
Message edited 4/23/2007 8:51:22 PM.
Posted 4/23/07 8:50 PM |
I Love You to Pieces!

Member since 5/05 9919 total posts
Name: Brianne
Re: I think I'm ready to cut some people out of my life....
Also wanted to add- it's THEIR loss!
Posted 4/23/07 8:51 PM |
Member since 5/05 18919 total posts
Name: Jackie
Re: I think I'm ready to cut some people out of my life....
I could have written this post. I go through this every once in awhile, and I was just saying to DH that I feel like giving up two long-time friendships b/c I'm sick of putting in the effort and not having it reciprocated. It hurts so much to let friends go, but when it starts to hurt more than it feels good, it just isn't worth it.
Posted 4/23/07 8:57 PM |
Love Being A Mommy!

Member since 6/06 5804 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: I think I'm ready to cut some people out of my life....
I would definitly talk to them
Posted 4/23/07 10:05 PM |
boys will be boys =)
Member since 9/05 7205 total posts
Name: :)
Re: I think I'm ready to cut some people out of my life....
maybe talk to them about it, esp if youre really close friends and you dont think theyre doing in intentionally.
Have you grown apart/have different interests or lifestyles? maybe they think you have less free time ?
I hope it gets better for you
Posted 4/23/07 10:42 PM |
R.I.P. Sweet Mia ♥

Member since 5/06 28918 total posts
Name: The Mystical Azzhorse! ™
Re: I think I'm ready to cut some people out of my life....
Posted 4/23/07 10:51 PM |
is Skylar Elizabeth

Member since 5/05 4189 total posts
Name: Tom
Re: I think I'm ready to cut some people out of my life....
yeah, people come and go though life. I find that why put forth an effort when they don't or care about it... Its not wrong in a way, just a different direction one takes....
but from what i understand, u got a spot here anytime for poker
Posted 4/23/07 11:28 PM |
Love my little boy!

Member since 6/05 2489 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: I think I'm ready to cut some people out of my life....
i definately know what you mean! i cut some people out of my life a while ago. after my DH had his surgery to have his brain tumor removed, a lot of his GOOD friends were MIA, he cut them out also. as he likes to call it he is "thinning the herd"
Posted 4/23/07 11:43 PM |
Mommy to 3 Boys :)

Member since 5/05 19978 total posts
Name: Jen - counting my blessings...
Re: I think I'm ready to cut some people out of my life....
I've been through this is too short to have toxic and / or negative people in your life....
Posted 4/24/07 7:38 AM |

Member since 5/05 28602 total posts
Name: Me
Re: I think I'm ready to cut some people out of my life....
I find this happens at certain stages...after HS, then once I went to college, then after college, when I got married, then bought a house, baby...etc..... Unfortunately not everyone's life moves at the same time & sometimes we just outgrow our friends. I went from having a ton of close friends that I would see on a daily basis to having a few really good friends that I see every once & a while. It haoppens & I am sure it is nothing personal against you.
Posted 4/24/07 8:00 AM |
Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05 21138 total posts
Name: Genna
Re: I think I'm ready to cut some people out of my life....
Posted 4/24/07 8:24 AM |
Texting king

Member since 10/05 5289 total posts
Name: Suzy
Re: I think I'm ready to cut some people out of my life....
I had this happen to me in my late twenties. Some people just didn't know how to grow up!
To cut some people off was the best thing I ever did.
Fast forward 10 years and most of them still act like children.
Good luck with whatever you decide.
Posted 4/24/07 8:28 AM |
When you wish upon a star

Member since 5/05 11997 total posts
Name: Because 2 people fell in love
Re: I think I'm ready to cut some people out of my life....
I am so sorry anyone made you feel like this and hurt you
I have tried in the past letting people know when I've been hurt and to be honest, I really can't tell you it's made a difference. I know now how close to keep some friends and how close to keep others. I just can't stomach when someone appears to be a true friend when you know in your heart they are being phoney
Posted 4/24/07 8:51 AM |
Member since 8/05 8377 total posts
Name: Team SEXY BACK
Re: I think I'm ready to cut some people out of my life....
Thanks for the all the responses ladies, I appreciate it very much!!!!
I am feeling much better today - I think my initial reaction was to get upset yesterday because this has happened many times already.
But, I have decided to give them the benefit of the doubt because they really have been such good friends to me in the past. I think I at least owe it to them to let them know how I have been feeling lately.
Thanks again for everything!!!!
Posted 4/24/07 9:32 AM |
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