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LIF Adult
Member since 12/07 1360 total posts
Name: Joan
If you have decided to find out....
Can I ask what some of your reasons were? My daughter and son in law are trying to decide whether or not to find out. They just tol my 4 yr. old granddaughter that mommy "has a baby in her belly" the other day. She is beyond ecstatic. Little does she realize she won't be getting all the attention once the little one is born. She asked me if they are going to find out and I told her mommy and daddy have to decide if they want to know.
Posted 10/1/14 3:15 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13 7238 total posts
Name: Jessica
If you have decided to find out....
I am a planner, I needed to know. Same with DH.
Posted 10/1/14 3:21 PM |
Fly high little one
Member since 6/10 2662 total posts
Name: nicole
Re: If you have decided to find out....
Posted by jessnbrian
I am a planner, I needed to know. Same with DH.
Same here! I plan everything and had to have a nursery in order before bringing DS home.
Plus I Hate surprises!!
Posted 10/1/14 3:32 PM |
Member since 1/13 1329 total posts
Re: If you have decided to find out....
Posted by jessnbrian
I am a planner, I needed to know. Same with DH.
This. Plus I felt like I was able to bond more with the baby once I knew.
Posted 10/1/14 3:51 PM |
My family is complete!

Member since 11/08 12970 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: If you have decided to find out....
Posted by MrsVan2010
Posted by jessnbrian
I am a planner, I needed to know. Same with DH.
Same here! I plan everything and had to have a nursery in order before bringing DS home.
Plus I Hate surprises!!
ditto. i need to have the nursery done. i like that i can call her she or by her name. i dont need that excitement in the delivery room
Posted 10/1/14 4:01 PM |
mahna mahna!

Member since 2/12 1952 total posts
Re: If you have decided to find out....
Posted by secretlyTTCagain
I felt like I was able to bond more with the baby once I knew.
Posted 10/1/14 4:04 PM |
Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13 7238 total posts
Name: Jessica
Re: If you have decided to find out....
Posted by MrsRapz
Posted by secretlyTTCagain
I felt like I was able to bond more with the baby once I knew.
This too, I like calling him baby boy, telling him all the things we are going to do once he arrives, etc.
Posted 10/1/14 4:10 PM |
In love with my baby girl <3
Member since 2/11 1417 total posts
Name: Booshka
If you have decided to find out....
I really wanted to be surprised but my husband wanted to know. I let him make the final decision, so we found out. I love that I know! I agree with the other ladies in that I felt a much stronger connection once I knew the gender.
Posted 10/1/14 4:34 PM |
My Loves :)

Member since 1/09 4980 total posts
Name: Dana
Re: If you have decided to find out....
We found out with my first, and was surprised with my second. This time we are going to have a small gender reveal with very close family and friends. Plus my DDs are dying to know if it's a little brother or sister
Posted 10/1/14 4:49 PM |
You are my I love you

Member since 7/09 18802 total posts
Name: DiamondMama
Re: If you have decided to find out....
We just wanted to know and couldnt wait. I do think waiting is so exciting and wish I had the will power to hold out lol
Posted 10/1/14 4:50 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 2/13 2352 total posts
If you have decided to find out....
I am only 10 weeks but absolutely will be finding out for all the reasons that have been mentioned. I hate surprises -- they stress me out and I need to minimize stress during this time, I am a serious planner, I would like to be able to talk to andd bond with the baby before delivery and want to be able to refer to baby boy/girl, and also I'm just not a fan of all the yellow/orange/green gender neutral clothing/gifts, with the exception of things like a car sear, stroller, high chair, etc.
Posted 10/1/14 5:29 PM |
So In Love!

Member since 8/11 1487 total posts
Name: Michelle
If you have decided to find out....
I have several reasons. Some are better then others. But added up it all makes sense to me.
1) I am a total planner. I need to have everything planned out.
2) I hate the color yellow. My favorite color is pink and DH's is blue.
3) This one is going to sound so superficial, but whenever I go to baby showers for team green they get a thousand yellow duck onesies. When I go to baby showers for boys and girls they get cute outfits or dresses, towels, blankets, etc. Not to mention I am looking forward to going shopping with my mom and buying things for the little one once I know.
But my big one is I had a myomectomy, (fibroid removal) so I know that I am going to have a c-section. I also know that because of the size of the fibroid and my myomectomy my c-section and recovery may be tough. I really want to be with it and enjoy the moment when I find out the sex of my baby. I know several people who had difficult c-sections who barely remember that moment. Everyone tells me it will be such a great surprise. Yeah for everyone else, while I am out of it. I want to be able to enjoy that moment with DH. I may do a gender reveal for family or friends depending on when I find out. If its week 20 I can't because I am going away right after. But DH and I will not find out at the reveal. We want some time to know before everyone else does. Plus I would bake the cake, since thats my hobby.
Also I feel its still a surprise, no matter when you find out.
Posted 10/1/14 6:16 PM |

Member since 2/09 18986 total posts
If you have decided to find out....
No real reason, we just wanted to know 
Posted 10/1/14 6:23 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/13 683 total posts
Name: Jessica
If you have decided to find out....
I hate surprises and wanted to be able to call the baby by his name when I talked to him.
Posted 10/1/14 6:55 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/14 3196 total posts
If you have decided to find out....
I'm team green. No real reason other than I like the excitement of not knowing. I actually feel like it's less pressure and it will help me focused on my pregnancy and being in the moment, which is always a struggle for me. I'm a type A planner and the type that opens Christmas presents on December 20th lol. But for some reason I want to keep this a surprise. But it's true you must love Ducks if you go team green. Gender neutral clothes are kind of boring and lacking. I figure I will have an excuse to run down the block to Kohls once the baby is here and I need a mommy break.
Message edited 10/1/2014 9:02:42 PM.
Posted 10/1/14 9:01 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 12/12 3656 total posts
If you have decided to find out....
I wanted to wait but DH HAD to we found out. Glad we did. We will keep the name a secret though so there is some surprise.
Posted 10/1/14 9:29 PM |
i need sleep ;-)

Member since 2/14 2008 total posts
Name: L
Re: If you have decided to find out....
Posted by jessnbrian
I am a planner, I needed to know. Same with DH.
This plus I feel like it's easier to shop when you know what the baby is. i dont think that there is enough neutral stuff out there anymore!!
We decided to do a gender reveal party so we could still share the surprise with our families (kinda like if it were in the delivery room, but way sooner!) We loved it!!
Posted 10/2/14 8:57 AM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: If you have decided to find out....
I wanted to plan the room and do all of that before hand. I didn't want to have to do gender neutral, not my thing. Same with clothes and gifts. I didn't want gender neutral. I was one and done so I didn't have to worry about getting gender neutral stuff for future kids so I went to town with a pink bouncy chair, pack n play etc.
And to be honest, I didn't see the difference in being surprised when the nurse read me my amnio results and said- It's a GIRL! vs them saying It's a girl! after I pushed her out.
I was shocked as heck and so was DH to find out it was a girl when we heard the amnio results(we swore I was having a boy). That was our moment of surprise.
Message edited 10/2/2014 10:44:47 AM.
Posted 10/2/14 9:29 AM |
5,000 Posts!
Member since 4/10 7180 total posts
Name: Katherine
If you have decided to find out....
I didn't find out...we were getting gender neutral "big" stuff anyway so we could reuse for all of our kids. (carseat, highchair, pnp, etc)
I bought a few outfits in both genders and returned the ones we didn't need (Kohls is great for that, they have no time limit on returns). We also got a bunch of clothing gifts sent to us after DD was born so we were never short on clothes!
Posted 10/2/14 9:50 AM |
Love my girls
Member since 7/10 3580 total posts
Re: If you have decided to find out....
I can't wait to find out. I'm a huge planner so I need to know. This will be our last so I don't need to buy any big items. I have all neutral stuff from when I had DD. I swear it's a boy! I will be finding out soon as I'm having the Maternity 21 blood work on Monday!
Posted 10/2/14 11:28 AM |
different, not less
Member since 7/09 13160 total posts
Re: If you have decided to find out....
crashing but I just NEEDED to find out, I am super impatient!! I still feel like its a surprise in the delivery room, because you don't know what your baby is going to look like, so I don't feel like I missed out!
If I get pregnant again, I will find out for my 2nd. I would like to do a gender reveal cake though when finding out, I think that would be fun.
ETA all of our big items are neutral, the only thing that's not are clothes but I feel like everyone buys you clothes when the baby is born anyway!
Message edited 10/2/2014 11:46:26 AM.
Posted 10/2/14 11:45 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 6/11 3170 total posts
Name: Me
Re: If you have decided to find out....
I found out what I was having. Not because I wanted to plan his room, etc. but more because I was DYiNG to know. I also hate gender neutral clothing.
And even though I found out at 5 months, it was still a special moment for me and DH.
We go back and forth on if we will find out with baby 2. I still have plenty of time to think about it, but I think we're both leaning towards finding out. I also liked finding out with DS bc I felt like I was able to bond more with baby while I was PG.
Posted 10/2/14 1:12 PM |
Fingers Crossed...

Member since 6/09 1301 total posts
Name: Colleen
Re: If you have decided to find out....
I personally HATE surprises....however, when I was pregnant with DS, we didn't find out and stayed until the end. It was 100% worth every minute of wondering about it just to have that anticipation at delivery. It was great!!
However, this time around, we are expecting . If it were a singleton, I would have stayed . But with 2 coming, I had to be prepared....
Posted 10/3/14 11:31 AM |
My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09 20494 total posts
Name: Me
If you have decided to find out....
I had to know. I wanted to refer to the baby as s/he, decorate the room, and I really didn't want a bunch of yellow and green clothes.
That being said, I would consider going green for #2, should we decide to go for another.
Posted 10/3/14 11:53 AM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: If you have decided to find out....
I didn't want to know with our first. It was hard holding out but I was SO happy I did. It was so worth the wait and we were COMPLETELY shocked when our DD was born, we were convinced she was going to be a boy.
With our DS, we found out and afterwards, I kind of wished I didn't. It was so anti-climatic, there was nothing really special or exciting about having the tech tell you right there. I think had we done something special to find out it would've been better but even still, I wish I had stayed Team .
Posted 10/3/14 12:33 PM |
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