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Member since 3/09 1952 total posts
Name: Kristy
If your DC plays Fortnight ...
What age are they? Thanks!
Posted 1/12/19 12:30 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 2/16 253 total posts
If your DC plays Fortnight ...
Just turned 10
Posted 1/12/19 6:51 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/08 22665 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: If your DC plays Fortnight ...
My 9 year old plays. He’ll be 10 in a few months. My 7 year old sometimes does. Not as interested.
Posted 1/12/19 3:28 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/06 5435 total posts
If your DC plays Fortnight ...
my oldest DS is 8 and was asking to play it for a little while- i guess he hears about it at school. My husband checked it out, and luckily was able to convince DS that "its lame, its just people running around shooting at each other, theres no real point to it..." So now thats what DS tells other kids when the ask if he plays it "No... my dad says its lame...." HAHAHA
Message edited 1/12/2019 4:42:46 PM.
Posted 1/12/19 4:42 PM |
2 Boys

Member since 7/06 17795 total posts
If your DC plays Fortnight ...
My 9 year old has been playing for about a year. My almost 7 year old plays sometimes but prefers to watch YouTube videos about it.
Posted 1/12/19 4:42 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 8/12 6791 total posts
Re: If your DC plays Fortnight ...
11, playing since 10
Posted 1/12/19 11:23 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 2326 total posts
Name: Ms. Brat
Re: If your DC plays Fortnight ...
13 and 15
Posted 1/13/19 2:18 PM |
Life is Good!

Member since 7/07 7979 total posts
If your DC plays Fortnight ...
My 7 year old did for a bit, hasn't played in awhile. I disabled all chat options first though.
Posted 1/13/19 6:09 PM |

Member since 5/05 3116 total posts
Name: A
Re: If your DC plays Fortnight ...
Posted 1/13/19 9:48 PM |

Member since 3/09 7721 total posts
Re: If your DC plays Fortnight ...
My 8 year old’s classmates all play fortnight.
We just introduced the Wii. Lol.
Posted 1/14/19 9:02 AM |
mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06 11426 total posts
Name: Ali
Re: If your DC plays Fortnight ...
my son is 10 1/2 and we let him play, but very rarely. My 7 year old is not allowed.
Posted 1/14/19 8:56 PM |

Member since 6/06 5911 total posts
Name: Jannette
Re: If your DC plays Fortnight ...
My two are 8 & 10 and play
Posted 1/15/19 3:12 PM |
Re: If your DC plays Fortnight ...
My son just turned 10. He started playing when he was 9. I had my reservations, and I still do.
My son was always a kid who could take or leave video games... more of a sporty-outdoor kid. Fortnite is addicting and makes the kids nuts.
I allow it but closely monitor it and try to set reasonable limits.
Posted 1/16/19 12:02 PM |
Re: If your DC plays Fortnight ...
Both my son and my SO's son play. They're 10 and 11.
11 started playing just after his birthday last April. 10 started playing sometime in the fall, mostly because everyone else is
ETA: my nephew plays and he just turned 8. And his neighbor plays and he's like, 5.
Message edited 1/16/2019 4:57:36 PM.
Posted 1/16/19 4:56 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/13 845 total posts
Re: If your DC plays Fortnight ...
10 playing since 9. My 13 year old and friends also play sometimes, though a lot less than they used to. I know a lot of 8 year olds that play.
Posted 1/17/19 4:44 PM |
L'amore vince sempre

Member since 5/05 9320 total posts
Name: Mrs. B
Re: If your DC plays Fortnight ...
DS is 8 and we let him start when he turned 8. He isn't allowed to add anyone unless I watch him and he isn't allowed to accept friend requests unless he knows them and they are approved by me.
He plays with 7 of his friends from school and the neighborhood. I always check to make sure he isn't playing with anyone he doesn't know.
He isn't allowed to use any sort of headphones to chat. I disabled that feature.
I also told him that I HATE the whole concept of the game and that there is nothing to like about guns. I made sure he understands this is all pretend and that he is not to act out any of the things he sees on there, otherwise its over for him. He mostly likes to do the dances, honestly.
Message edited 1/18/2019 9:53:51 AM.
Posted 1/18/19 9:53 AM |
I love this boy!

Member since 4/07 3372 total posts
If your DC plays Fortnight ...
11, 19, and 41 :) (son, stepson, husband)
Posted 1/22/19 7:22 PM |

Member since 6/05 9987 total posts
Name: Grammie says "Lora Gina"
Re: If your DC plays Fortnight ...
DS is 9 and he has no interest. He still loves Minecraft and Roblox
We moved off the island and he said kids here are not even interested in Fortnight anymore they prefer sports games like Madden.
Posted 1/24/19 11:33 AM |
Member since 5/08 8351 total posts
Re: If your DC plays Fortnight ...
my kids done play it but i know of 2 people who let their 5 and 8 year old play it. my nephew is 8 and he plays it
Posted 1/24/19 8:00 PM |
You are my I love you

Member since 7/09 18802 total posts
Name: DiamondMama
If your DC plays Fortnight ...
My DS is 7, some of his friends play, he does not. He sometimes plays roblox which I monitor, only friends w his actual friends and no chat, still I dont like it and I also dont like fort night.
Posted 1/30/19 10:17 AM |