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I'm sure every newbie has felt like this...

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LIF Infant

Member since 12/10

277 total posts


I'm sure every newbie has felt like this...

So I'm about 11 weeks, and have had a pretty easy go of it so far (knock on wood!!!) no ms, but severe breast tenderness (My oh My) but other than that not much else. I had my 8w appt and I saw the hb Chat Icon and I was elated! However, I have no symptoms and I'm starting to get anxious. I have the 12 week next wed but how do I curb my anxeity? I mean I know I'm being silly but still I can't seem to help it, any ideas?


Posted 2/2/11 1:10 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: I'm sure every newbie has felt like this...

There really is nothing to curb your anxiety..except you.

It's hard not to think that something is wrong, if you don't have tons of symptoms. But it's just one of those things you HAVE to tell yourself to relax and convince yourself that it will be okay.

The 12 week appt. will make you feel better for sure.

Honestly, sometimes one of the best things to do is get off the computer and stay away from anything pregnancy related like these boards or or whatever. We obsess over these things and it's just NOT good. It adds to the anxiety because you read about 20 people having the same symptoms and you aren' then it's like "Well there must be a problem with me!"

Focus on work, your DH, hobbies, or just enjoying down time and it can help you not think about it.

Posted 2/2/11 1:16 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/11

71 total posts


Re: I'm sure every newbie has felt like this...

yes yes and yes. i agree with the previous post... i get crazy with reading about every symptom (especially b/c i have uncomfortable cramping in my abdomen which i know is normal but it scares me sometimes). it's definitely important to relax and try to keep yourself occupied.

Posted 2/2/11 6:16 PM

Tigger the the Rescue!

Member since 8/08

5647 total posts


Re: I'm sure every newbie has felt like this...

I never had many symptoms... you just might be someone who doesn't really get them. Sore boobs on and off and all day nausea (no throwing thankfully) was about all I had. The worrying never fully gos away though!

Posted 2/3/11 7:54 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/10

148 total posts


Re: I'm sure every newbie has felt like this...

i feel u!! theres really nothing we can do about the anxiety. i just pray a lot!
I am 12 weeks today and had had barely any symptoms, no ms, just sore boobs.
but today was my 12 week appt and everything was good and the baby got so big! all i can tell u is stay calm and good luck, its worth the wait! Chat Icon

Posted 2/3/11 8:05 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/07

166 total posts


Re: I'm sure every newbie has felt like this...

I lucked out too...I had little to no morning sickness and still at 18 weeks little symptoms. Then again I didn't know I was pregoo until 10 weeks and had been diagnosed with MS in the first few weeks and only had 4 nights of nausea I had I just chocked up to the meds.
I wouldn't worry but ask your doctor if you are really concerned.

Posted 2/3/11 9:11 PM

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