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Installed Britax Car Seat today - I have a question

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Installed Britax Car Seat today - I have a question

We finally decided to switch from the infant seat to the "Big Girl' seatChat Icon

We have the Britax Marathon and Boulevard and we installed them rear facing. It just seem so upright compared to the infant seat.

I haven't put her in it yet, it just looks uncomfy - like if she falls asleep her head will flop forward and her feet will be squished.

Is this how it should be????

I'm taking it to be inspected later this week.

Message edited 7/8/2007 8:44:10 PM.

Posted 7/8/07 8:43 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Installed Britax Car Seat today - I have a question

We got the Marathon about two months ago and I worried about my sons head going forward and flopping but, there is no problem. He is just fine.

Posted 7/8/07 8:52 PM

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Re: Installed Britax Car Seat today - I have a question

It is definitely upright compared to the infant seat. However, DD's head doesn't flop forward, when she sleeps...she leans to the side. Never been a problem and she's been in it since about 6 months old and she was only about 13 lbs then. I know you DD is much bigger!

Posted 7/8/07 8:53 PM

Dream big

Member since 1/06

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Re: Installed Britax Car Seat today - I have a question

We just installed our Marathon today, too! Went to the mall and DD of course fell asleep, but her head did not flop forward...she just rested it to the site.

I love the seat...big and comfy for my not-so-little baby Chat Icon

Posted 7/8/07 9:00 PM


Member since 5/05

12578 total posts


Re: Installed Britax Car Seat today - I have a question

So it's supposed to be very upright?? My DH didn't do anything wrong? I kieep asking him if there's a recline buttonChat Icon

Posted 7/8/07 9:03 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Installed Britax Car Seat today - I have a question

I thought the same thing when I looked at them too. And there is no sun shade, so I may not switch until September because of that! Chat Icon

Posted 7/8/07 9:04 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Installed Britax Car Seat today - I have a question

It is much more upright. I just went and got my 2 seats inspected last week. I am glad I did, I learned so much!

Posted 7/8/07 9:08 PM

Train Ride

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Re: Installed Britax Car Seat today - I have a question

DS has been in his since 3 months old

Posted 7/8/07 9:09 PM

Dream big

Member since 1/06

2486 total posts


Re: Installed Britax Car Seat today - I have a question

It's much more upright than the infant seat...I asked my DH the same thing. I think my DD likes it better. She was always trying to sit up in the infant seat.

Posted 7/8/07 9:19 PM

10 years on LIF!

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Re: Installed Britax Car Seat today - I have a question

Everyone else is addressing the angle, so I'll mention the legs. There is no problem with having their legs bent, and their feet touching the back of the seat. It doesn't really bother them. Don't use that as an indicator to turn her around. We did that with DS a few years ago (he was well past the age/weight range at the time), but I learned recently that it doesn't matter if their feet touch. Keep them rear-facing as long as possible. It's much safer that way.

Posted 7/9/07 7:28 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/06

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Re: Installed Britax Car Seat today - I have a question

I have the Roundabout and it does recline, but not much.

Posted 7/9/07 10:34 AM


Member since 2/07

2642 total posts


Re: Installed Britax Car Seat today - I have a question

I just intalled my Britax Marathon this weekend too. I have not put DS in it yet, but I was thinking the same.
#1 it is HUGE, I have a land rover and I cant even see out the back in the rear view mirror, I have the seat in the middle.
#2 it is very upright.

I want to squish him back into his infant seat. Chat Icon

Posted 7/9/07 11:07 AM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: Installed Britax Car Seat today - I have a question

When can we put the babies in this carseat? I hate the Graco infant seat, & I am SOOOO over the travel systemChat Icon

I have been using my jogger more & more & I like it so much better than the travel system. Since I don't need the portable car seat I was going to leave that one with mom & maybe install the Britax in my car. DS is only 7 weeks though...Is that too young?

Posted 7/9/07 12:20 PM

10 years on LIF!

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Re: Installed Britax Car Seat today - I have a question

Posted by MsMBV

When can we put the babies in this carseat? I hate the Graco infant seat, & I am SOOOO over the travel systemChat Icon

I have been using my jogger more & more & I like it so much better than the travel system. Since I don't need the portable car seat I was going to leave that one with mom & maybe install the Britax in my car. DS is only 7 weeks though...Is that too young?

Most seats can start at 5lbs, so you should have no problem using a convertible seat rear-facing. The major benefit to the infant carrier is that you can take them out of the car while they are still sleeping and not disturb them. They aren't better or safer (or less safe), just convenient if you want that feature.

Posted 7/9/07 12:59 PM

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