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intro & question

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LIF Adult

Member since 9/10

2245 total posts


intro & question

Hi Ladies! I am anxiously excited to say we found out this Monday at 6w5d that we are expecting twins! This was my 2nd IVF.

I have a few questions:

1- When are you in the "safe" zone? when can i stop worrying about losing one of the babies? does the worry every end?

2- When did you start having symptoms? or did you have any? I feel almost no symptoms

3- Were you told to be on pelvic rest the first trimester?


Posted 4/13/12 9:45 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

1093 total posts


Re: intro & question

Hello and welcome to the world of multiples...

I hope I can help you out. I did not have IVF so I am not sure if anything differs or not..

1- When are you in the "safe" zone? when can i stop worrying about losing one of the babies? does the worry every end?

I found out I was pg with twins at 6 weeks also. One baby was smaller then the other so they told me to wait before I told anyone it was twins by 7.5 weeks both were measuring the same size and both had heartbeats so we were good to go....As for the "safe zone" I am not sure if there is a pinpoint on where you will not lose one...I would guess it is the 12 week mark like a singleton pregnancy

2- When did you start having symptoms? or did you have any? I feel almost no symptoms

With my twin pregnancy and my singleton pregnancy i had morning sickness before I even knew I was pregnant...Its like the minute I conceived I was puking...but everyone is different

3- Were you told to be on pelvic rest the first trimester?

I was never on bedrest.

Good luck

Posted 4/13/12 2:20 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/10

2245 total posts


Re: intro & question

thanks for the response!

Posted 4/13/12 2:58 PM

My 3 little guys!

Member since 12/10

2943 total posts


Re: intro & question

Congrats! I conceived my Chat Icon Chat Icon through IVF.

Once the first trimester passed and I really started to show I worried less. I had a sono every month just to check on the babies and that helped too. I knew I would see them again in 4 weeksChat Icon

I never had any symptoms. Never got sick. I didn't really even feel pregnant except for a few weeks of extreme fatigue. Other than my growing belly, I swear I never really felt any different.

I was just told noChat Icon until after 10 weeks but we didn't anyway even after my OB gave us the ok. Was just too nervousChat Icon. DH says it was the longest 9 months of his life!!!

Welcome to an exciting and crazy world!

Posted 4/13/12 4:13 PM

Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08

19084 total posts


Re: intro & question

When I was pregnant with triplets, my doctor told me making it to the 9th week was a big milestone for multiples. We saw all 3 heartbeats at 6 and 7 weeks. Unfortunately, I didn't make it past 8wks. I felt nauseous from very early on and was also on pelvic rest.

Posted 4/13/12 7:28 PM

Love my crazy life!

Member since 1/10

9170 total posts


Re: intro & question

1) my RE told us we could "tell the world" at 10 weeks and we were safe. I had a "good feeling" and always deep down knew my babies were going to be safe.

2) at first I just couldn't eat alot and my boobs were sore. Then around 8 weeks the ms started BAD. I threw up everyday, sometimes 5 times a day from weeks to 13 weeks and then off and on till 20 weeks.

3) i did everything normal until 10 weeks when my cervix was found to be short. from that time on no sex and I was on and off bed rest until I delivered at 33 w 6 days.


You will see everyone's pregnancy is different. lots of Chat Icon yours is nice and easy. Feel goodChat Icon

Posted 4/13/12 8:16 PM

2 little ladies

Member since 1/11

2918 total posts


Re: intro & question

Posted by MrsSunflwr29

Hello and welcome to the world of multiples...

I hope I can help you out. I did not have IVF so I am not sure if anything differs or not..

1- When are you in the "safe" zone? when can i stop worrying about losing one of the babies? does the worry every end?

I found out I was pg with twins at 6 weeks also. One baby was smaller then the other so they told me to wait before I told anyone it was twins by 7.5 weeks both were measuring the same size and both had heartbeats so we were good to go....As for the "safe zone" I am not sure if there is a pinpoint on where you will not lose one...I would guess it is the 12 week mark like a singleton pregnancy

2- When did you start having symptoms? or did you have any? I feel almost no symptoms

With my twin pregnancy and my singleton pregnancy i had morning sickness before I even knew I was pregnant...Its like the minute I conceived I was puking...but everyone is different

3- Were you told to be on pelvic rest the first trimester?

I was never on bedrest.

Good luck

I have basically all the same answers except I was on bed rest at 27 weeks and had them at 30 weeks

Posted 4/14/12 4:36 AM

i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

20584 total posts


Re: intro & question


1- When are you in the "safe" zone? when can i stop worrying about losing one of the babies? does the worry every end?
The worry never really ended for me. It eased slightly around 29/30 weeks bc I knew they were viable at that point. (yes I know they are viable earlier but too early worries me)

2- When did you start having symptoms? or did you have any? I feel almost no symptoms
I was very bloated right away. Very nauseous/MS from the beginning until around 13 weeks. Then the migranes started until about 22 weeks. I had NO symptoms with my single pregnancy but with the twins I had everything.

3- Were you told to be on pelvic rest the first trimester?
No, was never put on pelvic rest.

Posted 4/14/12 7:14 AM

Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05

20369 total posts

Jesss, duh.

Re: intro & question


1- When are you in the "safe" zone? when can i stop worrying about losing one of the babies? does the worry every end?

I felt a big sigh of relief once I was out of the first trimester. But being it was a twin pregnancy I was always on edge. I had extra monitoring because it was a multiples pregnancy which I feel may have made me a little more stressed. I felt like they were always looking for something to be wrong.

2- When did you start having symptoms? or did you have any? I feel almost no symptoms

With my DS I had virtually no symptoms aside from some sore boobs. With the girls I was instantly sick. Throwing up daily until around 12 weeks.

3- Were you told to be on pelvic rest the first trimester?

I was never on pelvic rest or bed rest. But it is very common to be put on pelvic/bed rest when pregnant with multiples.

Posted 4/14/12 10:38 AM


Member since 5/05

9941 total posts


Re: intro & question

Safe zone for me was around 11-12 weeks. Against the norm, I did a CVS test which gave me their sexes and genetic makeup. Once that came back totally clear I felt much better and told the world.
I got the cvs because I was carrying triplets and one of them vanished in the womb, and I wanted to make sure the others were healthy.
Once you start feeling them move, for me it was around 20-22 weeks, you start to feel better because you know that they are happy and kicking in there.
Everyone gets into their comfort/safe zone at a different point but just know that after the first trimester, the chances of an issue are very very Try to relax and be excited and keep the stress and worry to a minimum! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Symptoms-I felt very tired in the beginning, and I had severe headaches. Also indigestion. That started around 9 weeks and ended around 12-13 weeks as if a light was turned off. I then felt great until about week 26 when I developed lovely painful hemmrhoids. They were awful for a month then the pain disappeared. Now after 32 weeks my feet swelled up like balloons. That, of all things, has been the worst. Considering some other symptoms that I could have developed, I have been very lucky.

Pelvic rest-I sort of put myself on it very early on. I also avoided planes and big travel my whole pregnancy. My doctor had told me that after 20 weeks that I should avoid that stuff but I am very conservative and restricted myself. I also did not exercise at all. Not one visit to the gym. That's not to say that I didn't go on shopping marathons Chat Icon but I avoided anything strenuous. As soon as I felt tired I say down etc. you will find your comfort zone.

Message edited 4/14/2012 12:05:30 PM.

Posted 4/14/12 11:58 AM

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