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Parenting intro and poop question.

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it's pretty precious

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Parenting intro and poop question.

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hellloooo ladies.
This is my first parenting board post as a mom.
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so, that said... Max Power can't poop unless I help him out with the rectal thermometer. My heart just bleeds for him. So per doctor's instructions, we tried pre mixed formula. Then we tried prune juice. Now I'm on day two of soy formula. Has anyone else been through this? Please tell me the soy will work.
Also, is it normal for a 2 week old to sport wood? Chat Icon

Posted 4/4/08 10:57 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Parenting intro and poop question.

Chat Icon Chat Icon congrats and welcome!! i have a Chat Icon so i can't help you with the wood part.... i'd give the soy another day - it takes awhile for their system to adjust. good luck

Posted 4/4/08 11:00 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Parenting intro and poop question.

Congrats!!Chat Icon and welcome to the parenting boardChat Icon Chat Icon

Can you try the powder formula?

The pre mixed formula always blocked my kids up but the powder didn't.

sorry can't help with the wood question, i have 2 girlsChat Icon

Posted 4/4/08 11:01 AM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Parenting intro and poop question.

Congrats! All boys have little woodies from birth!

Posted 4/4/08 11:01 AM

wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07

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Re: Parenting intro and poop question.

i only have a girl, but i have four nephews.. and yes its normal.

eta: oops i have 4 nephews, forgot my dh side.. but still its normal, they all done it.

Message edited 4/4/2008 11:05:14 AM.

Posted 4/4/08 11:04 AM

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Re: Parenting intro and poop question.

Posted by Preguntas

Also, is it normal for a 2 week old to sport wood? Chat Icon

Chat Icon


Yep - totally normal. Now my little one (10 months) plays with it all during bath time.

Super fun!

Hoping you get poop soon. (It's a whole new world, isn't it? Chat Icon)

Posted 4/4/08 11:12 AM

needs to update her avatar pic

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Felice (aka LuckyBride2004)

Re: Parenting intro and poop question.

Congratulations and welcome. The ladies above have answered the poop questions as I would have but yes,the wood is normal Chat Icon Just a warning though, in the beginning, it generally means that pee is coming!

Posted 4/4/08 11:13 AM

it's pretty precious

Member since 1/07

3839 total posts


Re: Parenting intro and poop question.

Posted by LuvMy2Girls

Congrats!!Chat Icon and welcome to the parenting boardChat Icon Chat Icon

Can you try the powder formula?

The pre mixed formula always blocked my kids up but the powder didn't.

sorry can't help with the wood question, i have 2 girlsChat Icon

Hmmm maybe next step will be powdered soy. He had this issue when he was on regular powder, so that didn't help.
I feel like he's just lazy- like he's used to my help, so he's not learning how do poop on his own. the pediatrician said that if he's no going by this weekend, then he needs to come in. Chat Icon

Posted 4/4/08 11:13 AM

it's pretty precious

Member since 1/07

3839 total posts


Re: Parenting intro and poop question.

Posted by leighla

Hoping you get poop soon. (It's a whole new world, isn't it? Chat Icon)

Chat Icon so true- I say this daily- I am always excited about poop, but this is over the top.

Posted 4/4/08 11:14 AM

My life:)

Member since 6/06

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Re: Parenting intro and poop question.

Welcome HOW! Sorry cant help you with this...I BF and Michael never had any poop problems...he went like 10x a day. But you know what, try fennel seed ped said it works like magic.

Posted 4/4/08 11:17 AM

wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07

16106 total posts


Re: Parenting intro and poop question.

Posted by Preguntas

the pediatrician said that if he's no going by this weekend, then he needs to come in. Chat Icon

I had to bring my dd in for the same reason, the peds did a rectal check to make sure no blockage. Turns out the anus was just too tight, he stretched it out with his pinkie.. it was the most horrific screams.. i woudlnt wish that on my worst enemy. i was crying so hard. I hope your son goes poop !!!

Posted 4/4/08 11:19 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 9/07

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Re: Parenting intro and poop question.

Congrats on your baby Max and welcome to motherhood!!!

Sorry no advice, hoping that he goes soon!

Posted 4/4/08 11:25 AM

it's pretty precious

Member since 1/07

3839 total posts


Re: Parenting intro and poop question.

Posted by BabySammie

Posted by Preguntas

the pediatrician said that if he's no going by this weekend, then he needs to come in. Chat Icon

I had to bring my dd in for the same reason, the peds did a rectal check to make sure no blockage. Turns out the anus was just too tight, he stretched it out with his pinkie.. it was the most horrific screams.. i woudlnt wish that on my worst enemy. i was crying so hard. I hope your son goes poop !!!

Chat Icon Oh I hope this is not the case! I would cry too. Maybe I can get Liza to give him some pointers on how to relax the muscle...

Posted 4/4/08 11:25 AM

Little Brother Christopher

Member since 2/07

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Re: Parenting intro and poop question.

Congratulations on Max!

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Yes, wood is totally normal!

Hope he starts pooping regularly real soon!

Chat Icon

Posted 4/4/08 11:27 AM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: Parenting intro and poop question.

Posted by Preguntas
Maybe I can get Liza to give him some pointers on how to relax the muscle...

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Sometimes they take a bit to learn how to push. DS used to clench & did not want to poop. I also had to do the thermometer trick a few times. He eventually got the hang of it.

Hope he goes soon.

Welcome to Parenting.Chat Icon

Posted 4/4/08 11:32 AM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Parenting intro and poop question.

Water was the answer to our prayers in the constipation department. At that age, I think I gave her 1/2-1 ounce inbetween a few of her feedings. To this day, at almost two years old, if Ava doesn't drink enough water, she gets backed up, and she eats tons of fiber, so go figure.

Posted 4/4/08 11:34 AM

it's pretty precious

Member since 1/07

3839 total posts


Re: Parenting intro and poop question.

Posted by MsMBV

Posted by Preguntas
Maybe I can get Liza to give him some pointers on how to relax the muscle...

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Sometimes they take a bit to learn how to push. DS used to clench & did not want to poop. I also had to do the thermometer trick a few times. He eventually got the hang of it.

Hope he goes soon.

Welcome to Parenting.Chat Icon

this makes me feel a lot better- he does clench. And scream... so it's in there, and he knows it. Hopefully he figures it out soon.

Posted 4/4/08 11:34 AM

The Prince & Princess

Member since 7/05

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Re: Parenting intro and poop question.

We TOTALLY went thru this.

First we changed formula, from Similac to Nestle Good Start.
Didn't help the pooping, but helped w/ spit ups and gas.

We tried 1 tbsp of prune juice in each bottle. Didn't work

Tried 2 tbsp in every bottler.
Didn't work

Tried soy.
Didn't work (made matters worse)

Tried 1 tbsp Karo syrup in 2 bottles/day
This worked, after 2 weeks. We kept doing Karo syrup until he was 3 mos (when he started cereal--note:we only gave barley cereal at first) when we stopped cold turkey

VERY proud to say, DS is very regular now (he' almost 11 mos). No, it didn't take that long. He goes now about 2-3 times a day.

ETA: CONGRATS and welcome!!!! (sorry forgot to start with that!)

Message edited 4/4/2008 11:51:07 AM.

Posted 4/4/08 11:50 AM

Welcome 2010!

Member since 2/06

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Re: Parenting intro and poop question.

Yeah, we went through this too. DS still doesn't poop regularly all of the time even now at 4 mos., but it's better. He pooped every 3 or 4 days in the beginning, and was really uncomfortable doing it, straining, grunting, crying, I felt sorry for him. We switched his formula to the sensitive version of Similac, and he did much better with that. His doctor didn't recommend trying the soy actually, she said very often kids who have trouble with cow's milk protein do with soy also, so she suggested sensitive, and alimentum if that didn't work. But 90% of the time he poops daily now and seems much more comfortable.

I read somewhere that some babies can't get pooping right away--they push, but then they pull it back up right after, so it doesn't come out. I kind of wondered if he was doing that too, hard to say.

And by the way, Welcome! Congrats on the birth of Max!

Posted 4/4/08 12:19 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Parenting intro and poop question.

I can't help you with the poop question (my DS was a poop-aholic from the start Chat Icon) but the wood thing is totally normal .. and as any boy Mommy can tell ya, it only gets more interesting once they discover they have a penis and start giggling when they realize what it is Chat Icon Chat Icon

Congats and welcome to the board Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/4/08 12:22 PM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

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Re: Parenting intro and poop question.

Posted by Preguntas

Maybe I can get Liza to give him some pointers on how to relax the muscle...

O M G Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/4/08 12:22 PM

Can't believe I'm 2

Member since 12/07

1260 total posts


Re: Parenting intro and poop question.

Welcome!!! Sorry I have no suggestions, my DS is a poop machine, but he is also EBF. And the wood is totally normally.

Posted 4/4/08 12:27 PM

Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05

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Re: Parenting intro and poop question.

Welcome to parenting! Glad to see you over here after all Chat Icon

Posted 4/4/08 12:28 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

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Re: Parenting intro and poop question.

How many days has it been since he pooped? Our ped wasnt concerned unless it was more than 5. As long as DS isn't uncomfortable I wouldn't worry.
DS would not go for 3 days than poop 2x in a one day and then skip a few more days. Less diapers for me to change so I didn't complain.

Posted 4/4/08 1:07 PM

He's here!!!!

Member since 3/06

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Re: Parenting intro and poop question.


I've been waiting for you!!!!!!
Woooohoooooooooo and welcome.

Yes, the wood is normal and quite interesting for such a little guy right?
Gavin was constipated for 2 weeks, we had to use what we call the thermo-poop technique combined with a little watered down cammomile tea......

Suppositories helped a lot too....

He'll be back to normal soon, it's normal so they say.....

I better see more of you here!
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Posted 4/9/08 2:00 PM
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