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Member since 8/05 8377 total posts
Name: Team SEXY BACK
Introducing new dogs into your home...(kinda long)
I have a friend who has a female bulldog. He is single and sometimes has to kennel the dog if he is going to be away for long hours. So I have offered to have her in our home when he is away so we decided to give our dog JJ (male) a little play date with Abigail.
Everything was fine outside but when we brought Abigail in JJ went nuts. She wasn't doing anything at all and he was showing teeth and snapping when she got close and also backing away I guess because he was scared.
I'd obviously be more willing to work this out if we were taking another dog in permanently but since she would only be over once in a while I don't think it's going to work out.
SO, my question is, does anyone ever bring other peoples dogs into their homes? How do your dogs react? Should we just let them both loose and see what happens or are we just asking for it. Any opinions are much appreciated. I would like for our dog to get used to other dogs in the house because we eventually will be adding more.
Thanks a lot!
Posted 6/7/07 2:38 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Introducing new dogs into your home...(kinda long)
My dog is very much an alpha dog. However, we have had other people's dogs over and bring him to parks with lots of dogs and he is very friendly. However, my ILs have a dog that hates my dog and vice versa. Their dog does not socialize much in general. I refuse to put them together again. The ILs keep asking to try again, but we have tried several times and someone is going to get hurt. Our trainer taught us that in a situation like that, it makes the most sense to keep both dogs where they are happy instead of stressing them out. You may find the situation to be different with another dog.
Message edited 6/7/2007 6:05:13 PM.
Posted 6/7/07 6:04 PM |
You make me happy

Member since 5/05 2474 total posts
Name: cause you are gray.
Re: Introducing new dogs into your home...(kinda long)
We've had 6 different dogs in our home. Bruno gets along very well with 4 of them.
He hates this pitbull mix probably because she pinned him when he first met her. He used to foam at the mouth whenever she came by. Now he tolerates her as long as when he sniffs her she doesn't pick up his azz w/her nose when she sniffs him.
I used to think maybe it was just her size because the other dogs he hangs out with are small but he loves this really mean, large chow mix and also hated a pekinese.
Maybe JJ and Abagail's personalities just don't go well together like some people.
Maybe if they had a few more neutral place meetings they'd start to like each other better inside??? Good luck
Posted 6/7/07 7:34 PM |
Hoping, wishing, waiting....

Member since 8/06 1418 total posts
Name: K
Re: Introducing new dogs into your home...(kinda long)
When we got to NY to visit my parents, we bring Bella with us. My parents have a lab mix who wasn't socialized, the first meeting me had was out in the street both on leashes for about 15 min, then we brought them into the backyard, they had a few scary moments but my dad was armed with a hose. My parents dog Hope is very dominant, and Bella isn't, so I think Hope was just trying to tell Bella who is boss. They get along ok as long as Hope doesn't feel threatened, each time we go to NY now they get along better and better, each morning now Hope will barge into our room to wake up Bella to play. I thing you should keep giving them opportunities to play with each other.
Posted 6/7/07 10:13 PM |
Member since 1/06 9758 total posts
Re: Introducing new dogs into your home...(kinda long)
Katie gets along with all dogs whether they are at her house or somewhere else. She is submissive though.
Posted 6/7/07 10:20 PM |
I'm a mom!

Member since 5/05 3966 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: Introducing new dogs into your home...(kinda long)
Boogie , who is a shih tzu..gets along with almost every dog he comes in contact with... I think it has to do with us bringing him to puppy classes when he was just little ...he was the ONLY little dog-with all LARGE dogs- he got used to them...
he gets along great with my best friends two dogs-a beagle mix and a chow chow mix-
he gets along with another friend's two cavalier king charles
BUT, when Boogie is around my mother in law's puppy- who is a shih tzu it is CONSTANT problems... Boogie wants to play and/or be left alone and Buddy-the little puppy wants to bite/hump/bark at my Boogie- It is so annoying for everyone- we usually have to separate them It stinks because when my parents cant watch Boogie, he used to go to my in laws house- but now that they have this puppy, I don't know what is going to happen...
We don't like Boogie to get that stressed out because he has issues with one eye that came out of socket-no trauma, it just happened- so, the vet told us to do our best to eliminate stressful situations- which sometimes it not possible of course, but if we can help it, I would like to...
Message edited 6/8/2007 11:13:36 AM.
Posted 6/8/07 11:13 AM |
Kai helps my father dump out.

Member since 9/06 1181 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Introducing new dogs into your home...(kinda long)
Dog's react to situations based on people's emotions. If you are nervous or anxious when they meet, your dog will act that way. You need to assert dominance, with a calm, stern demeanor. Your dog needs to know that you are the boss, and that you are calm. Then he will be calm. Don't ever just let them off the leash to run around. You need to be in control of them, posibly with a choke collar- it will help keep you feeling in control, and it will help you actually control them.
ETA- wow I like the word control.
Message edited 6/12/2007 9:37:13 AM.
Posted 6/12/07 9:36 AM |