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Family of 5!
Member since 5/05 15364 total posts
Name: <3 Mommy <3
Its getting bad...
We have no bed time- We dont sleep in our bed, We play musical beds all night...
Im everything I dont want to be
Posted 12/12/06 7:37 PM |
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Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Its getting bad...
Pick one thing & work on it...see if he'll wake up with the alarm tomorrow morning. If he doesn't (and my kids don't), then you have one issue down. No more musical beds. Then you can feet rested & renewed to try doing the CIO. I never thought CIO could work with anyone who was frazzled with lack of sleep.
A few years ago my friend say she winds up sleeping in her son's bed because he crawls into their bed at night - he was 7.
Message edited 12/12/2006 7:43:26 PM.
Posted 12/12/06 7:43 PM |
I love the summer

Member since 1/06 2063 total posts
Name: Kara
Re: Its getting bad...
i have no advice, i'm right there with you, we have a bedtime but when he wakes up and refuses to go back in the crib, i bring him to the bed and he totally takes over
Posted 12/12/06 7:44 PM |
Family of 5!
Member since 5/05 15364 total posts
Name: <3 Mommy <3
Re: Its getting bad...
At this point I dont care where he sleeps- but the lack of a bedtime is driving me insane...
I cant drop everything and climb into my bed @ 7- therefore the kid ends up staying up til I go to bed- and thats just not working
ETA- Ive been letting him cry now for about 20 min. he is relentless
Message edited 12/12/2006 7:46:53 PM.
Posted 12/12/06 7:46 PM |
My Loves

Member since 5/05 4852 total posts
Re: Its getting bad...
I think it is time you set some rules with bedtime. If you don't this can go on forever. Are you totally against CIO? It truly think for mom and the baby's sake a bedtime and routine is very important.
Posted 12/12/06 7:48 PM |
Family of 5!
Member since 5/05 15364 total posts
Name: <3 Mommy <3
Re: Its getting bad...
Posted by dee7772
I think it is time you set some rules with bedtime. If you don't this can go on forever. Are you totally against CIO? It truly think for mom and the baby's sake a bedtime and routine is very important.
We had a bedtime routine- I dont know where it went-
We try CIO every night- its not getting me anywhere (except- to the wasing machine cleaning up puke)
In the end- we go back and forth - until finally when Im ready to go to bed- he lays down with me- and goes to sleep-
I mean Ive been going to bed much earlier- because of him- but this cant continue like this
Posted 12/12/06 7:51 PM |
it's me

Member since 5/05 11234 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Its getting bad...
well I officially started CIO with Roman tonight. It's been about 40 minutes and he's still screaming his brains out. I went in after 15 minutes just rubbed his back and he closed his eyes. The minute I walked out he started again. I'm done going in. How long does he stay there screaming? If DH comes home from work and picks him up there's gonna be HE** in my house tonight. Even the poor dog is upset
Posted 12/12/06 7:57 PM |
Making big changes

Member since 5/05 16541 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: Its getting bad...
Posted by MrsBumbleb
well I officially started CIO with Roman tonight. It's been about 40 minutes and he's still screaming his brains out. I went in after 15 minutes just rubbed his back and he closed his eyes. The minute I walked out he started again. I'm done going in. How long does he stay there screaming? If DH comes home from work and picks him up there's gonna be HE** in my house tonight. Even the poor dog is upset
Have you been going in in increments? When CIO with Christopher I would go in first at 5 minutes, then 10, then 15, etc. until he fell asleep. Then the second night we started at 10 and so on. He got the hang of it in a few days. The purpose of going in is to show that you're still there for him, but that it's bed time and you're not going to pick him up.
Posted 12/12/06 8:29 PM |
Making big changes

Member since 5/05 16541 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: Its getting bad...
Posted by Princessmaris
Posted by dee7772
I think it is time you set some rules with bedtime. If you don't this can go on forever. Are you totally against CIO? It truly think for mom and the baby's sake a bedtime and routine is very important.
We had a bedtime routine- I dont know where it went-
We try CIO every night- its not getting me anywhere (except- to the wasing machine cleaning up puke)
In the end- we go back and forth - until finally when Im ready to go to bed- he lays down with me- and goes to sleep-
I mean Ive been going to bed much earlier- because of him- but this cant continue like this
Do you always give him dinner and a bath and his last bottle at the same times?
Posted 12/12/06 8:30 PM |
Family of 5!
Member since 5/05 15364 total posts
Name: <3 Mommy <3
Re: Its getting bad...
Posted by SoinLove
Posted by Princessmaris
Posted by dee7772
I think it is time you set some rules with bedtime. If you don't this can go on forever. Are you totally against CIO? It truly think for mom and the baby's sake a bedtime and routine is very important.
We had a bedtime routine- I dont know where it went-
We try CIO every night- its not getting me anywhere (except- to the wasing machine cleaning up puke)
In the end- we go back and forth - until finally when Im ready to go to bed- he lays down with me- and goes to sleep-
I mean Ive been going to bed much earlier- because of him- but this cant continue like this
Do you always give him dinner and a bath and his last bottle at the same times?
Posted 12/12/06 8:42 PM |
Making big changes

Member since 5/05 16541 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: Its getting bad...
Posted by Princessmaris Yep! is he with naps during the day? Is it the same thing?
Posted 12/12/06 8:48 PM |
Life is good!

Member since 2/06 1450 total posts
Name: S
Re: Its getting bad...
Normally I would say have him CIO and just let him scream. However if he screams until he pukes I do not think that i could do that either. When we did CIO with Abby I would have to go outside because I could not handle listening to it.
I wish I had some good advice for you but every baby is different and they all respond differently. I feel so bad for you because I remember that hopeless feeling.
He is a tough cookie but cute as heck.
Posted 12/12/06 8:48 PM |
Family of 5!
Member since 5/05 15364 total posts
Name: <3 Mommy <3
Re: Its getting bad...
Posted by SoinLove
Posted by Princessmaris Yep! is he with naps during the day? Is it the same thing?
Takes naps the same time everyday-
However- He lays with me on the couch and falls asleep and then I put him in his crib
Posted 12/12/06 8:49 PM |
Family of 5!
Member since 5/05 15364 total posts
Name: <3 Mommy <3
Re: Its getting bad...
Posted by smiles
Normally I would say have him CIO and just let him scream. However if he screams until he pukes I do not think that i could do that either. When we did CIO with Abby I would have to go outside because I could not handle listening to it.
I wish I had some good advice for you but every baby is different and they all respond differently. I feel so bad for you because I remember that hopeless feeling.
He is a tough cookie but cute as heck.
Im just so confused as of to- why its harder now than it was when he was a baby...???
When he was younger we did CIO and it worked amazing..
Now either it does nothing (he still wakes up 2 hrs later to come into my bed) or he cries until he throws up...
I have no problem co-sleeping- but I need my time while he is in his bed- I cant just drop everything @ 7 and go to bed w/ him in my bed....
ETA- it wouldnt be so bad if he'd lay with DH- but he wont... If im here- he has to be with me
Message edited 12/12/2006 8:52:55 PM.
Posted 12/12/06 8:52 PM |
Making big changes

Member since 5/05 16541 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: Its getting bad...
Posted by Princessmaris Takes naps the same time everyday-
However- He lays with me on the couch and falls asleep and then I put him in his crib
We did the same thing with Christopher. Finally I had to start letting him CIO for naps too. We continued putting him in at the times he was always napping, but we stopped letting him fall asleep on us. He wasn't happy at first, but adjusted pretty quickly. It was harder for us to get him in the crib for naps than it was for us to get him in the crib for bed time.
Posted 12/12/06 8:52 PM |
Making big changes

Member since 5/05 16541 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: Its getting bad...
Posted by Princessmaris Im just so confused as of to- why its harder now than it was when he was a baby...???
When he was younger we did CIO and it worked amazing..
Now either it does nothing (he still wakes up 2 hrs later to come into my bed) or he cries until he throws up...
I have no problem co-sleeping- but I need my time while he is in his bed- I cant just drop everything @ 7 and go to bed w/ him in my bed....
ETA- it wouldnt be so bad if he'd lay with DH- but he wont... If im here- he has to be with me
I think it's because he knows more now. He knows that if he keeps crying you'll eventually take him out of the crib to get him to stop. He's testing you. He seems like a really smart little guy!
Posted 12/12/06 8:54 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 7/06 323 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Its getting bad...
We were in a very similar situation, and DS didn't sleep through the night until he was over 2!!! We finally managed to let him CIO when I left the house. DH went in every 5 mins or so and rubbed his back. When he threw up, DH cleaned the crib, cleaned him and put him back in. I drove around in the car until he called me to come back when he was sleeping. I slept downstairs so I didn't hear as much of the middle of the night crying, when he did the same thing. This is one area that DH was much better at than I was. I couldn't handle the crying and "needed" to comfort DS. I highly recommend having someone like DH handle it, if he is up to it! After 5 nights, he went to sleep within 15 minutes, then it got better and better! Good luck! I feel your pain!
Posted 12/12/06 8:54 PM |
Family of 5!
Member since 5/05 15364 total posts
Name: <3 Mommy <3
Re: Its getting bad...
Posted by SoinLove
Posted by Princessmaris Takes naps the same time everyday-
However- He lays with me on the couch and falls asleep and then I put him in his crib
We did the same thing with Christopher. Finally I had to start letting him CIO for naps too. We continued putting him in at the times he was always napping, but we stopped letting him fall asleep on us. He wasn't happy at first, but adjusted pretty quickly. It was harder for us to get him in the crib for naps than it was for us to get him in the crib for bed time.
See his 1st nap he is with one of his grandmas and sleep in the pack and play (im not sure how they get him to go to bed- they might rock him- but I know they dont lay with him)
his 2nd nap- he usually falls asleep in the car on my way home from work and then I just carry him in and put him in his crib- otherwise we lay together and when he falls asleep I make the transfer...
Im all for CIO- but it dosent seem to be making any impact on him- and sometimes he cries so much he throws up- and IMO thats just cruel!
Posted 12/12/06 8:55 PM |
my 4 boys!

Member since 6/06 7396 total posts
Name: Kristi
Re: Its getting bad...
it's ok he is still young. when i had my first he was in my bed till he was 3. it was only right before i had my second that i decided enough was enough. it was tough for about a month because all night long we had to keep putting him back in the bed but it worked and i learned my lesson. bedtime is bedtime in my house and everyone has thier own bed! good luck it will get easier!
Posted 12/12/06 8:56 PM |
Family of 5!
Member since 5/05 15364 total posts
Name: <3 Mommy <3
Re: Its getting bad...
Posted by MomofMandB
We were in a very similar situation, and DS didn't sleep through the night until he was over 2!!! We finally managed to let him CIO when I left the house. DH went in every 5 mins or so and rubbed his back. When he threw up, DH cleaned the crib, cleaned him and put him back in. I drove around in the car until he called me to come back when he was sleeping. I slept downstairs so I didn't hear as much of the middle of the night crying, when he did the same thing. This is one area that DH was much better at than I was. I couldn't handle the crying and "needed" to comfort DS. I highly recommend having someone like DH handle it, if he is up to it! After 5 nights, he went to sleep within 15 minutes, then it got better and better! Good luck! I feel your pain!
See he sleeps through the night- its just in my bed
DH cant handle him crying long either- and is totally not ok- with the fact that I let him cry to the point of vomitting...
Im just not sure how he will ever get ou tof my bed...
Posted 12/12/06 8:57 PM |
Chase is one!
Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
Re: Its getting bad...
No advice, just
Posted 12/12/06 8:58 PM |
Making big changes

Member since 5/05 16541 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: Its getting bad...
Posted by Princessmaris Im all for CIO- but it dosent seem to be making any impact on him- and sometimes he cries so much he throws up- and IMO thats just cruel!
I totally agree with you! If Christopher had started throwing up, I would have tried to find another method. Unfortunately the only method I'm familiar with is CIO, so I'm not really much help to you.
Posted 12/12/06 9:07 PM |
Life is good!

Member since 2/06 1450 total posts
Name: S
Re: Its getting bad...
They always want mom, never dad!!
I think it is harder now because he understands more. I am going to throw some stuff out there and maybe we can figure something out.
Could he be cold? Abby sleeps better when she is warm.
Could you be waiting to long to put him down and he is overtired? I have a ten minute window with Abby and if I miss it she is so tough to put down but if I hit it right she will just lay her head down and fall asleep.
Does he have sugar or snack before bed that could be effecting his sleep?
The only other thing that I will say and I know it is easier said than done is that if you want him to go down by himself and stay down you will have to do it for both the nap and nighttime. He may be confused with why his bedtime routine is different at night than during the day when you fall asleep with him. They say being consistent will help.
I would try CIO again but try it for both naptime and evening. Start it when you feel refreshed and ready for the emotional roller coater. If he pukes, clean him up hug him and put him back down. They say that after a few nights they get the routine and it is easier. Like I said Abby never puked so I never had to go through that. It may be easier said than done. If you need a shoulder to cry feel free.
Posted 12/12/06 9:07 PM |

Member since 5/05 3416 total posts
Re: Its getting bad...
Sorry Maris!! I have no advice for you because Jacob will be a year in 2 weeks and I still have to rock him to sleep every night, and for naps too. But he will fall asleep within 10 min of rocking.. sleeping thru the night?? well thats another story. I cannot do CIO either cause Jacob pukes also. So i just do what gets me thru the night. It sux, but for now, its all I can handle right now. Hang in there sweetie..
This too shall pass....
Posted 12/12/06 9:15 PM |
Family of 5!
Member since 5/05 15364 total posts
Name: <3 Mommy <3
Re: Its getting bad...
Posted by smiles
They always want mom, never dad!!
I think it is harder now because he understands more. I am going to throw some stuff out there and maybe we can figure something out.
Could he be cold? Abby sleeps better when she is warm.
Could you be waiting to long to put him down and he is overtired? I have a ten minute window with Abby and if I miss it she is so tough to put down but if I hit it right she will just lay her head down and fall asleep.
Does he have sugar or snack before bed that could be effecting his sleep?
The only other thing that I will say and I know it is easier said than done is that if you want him to go down by himself and stay down you will have to do it for both the nap and nighttime. He may be confused with why his bedtime routine is different at night than during the day when you fall asleep with him. They say being consistent will help.
I would try CIO again but try it for both naptime and evening. Start it when you feel refreshed and ready for the emotional roller coater. If he pukes, clean him up hug him and put him back down. They say that after a few nights they get the routine and it is easier. Like I said Abby never puked so I never had to go through that. It may be easier said than done. If you need a shoulder to cry feel free.
I really dont think its anything more- than just simply he wants to be with me- and we cant break this bad habit...
I did think that it might be a little chilly in his room at night (during the day his room is soo warm- but for some reason at night it gets so cool...) I have tried so many different things- to see if maybe this was the issue- and I dont think it is...
Im ok with CIO to a point- and the point DS takes it too- well,its to far for me....I just cant
Will he grow out of this?
Posted 12/12/06 9:16 PM |
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