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Its getting bad...

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Life is good!

Member since 2/06

1450 total posts


Re: Its getting bad...

He may out grow it and I do not blame you for having a problem with letting him cry till he pukes. I don't think I could do it either.

My nephew still sleeps with my SIL and he is 5 years old.

Have you asked the doctor for advice? Maybe they have a new trick for sleeping.

I wish I had a magic cure for you but I don't just Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/12/06 9:19 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

906 total posts


Re: Its getting bad...

Sounds like a completely normal stage. Chat Icon Are his molars in or coming in? We have the same problem of separation anxiety and molars cutting that tend to through off sleeping schedules. Have you tried motrin and see if it helps?

It will pass, just takes some time. However, if he knows you fall asleep with him for a nap, he expects it for his bed time, too. You may want to try to break that first and then move to the bedtime thing.

Posted 12/13/06 11:19 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/06

344 total posts


Re: Its getting bad...

What if your not home during bedtime? What happens then? Maybe it would help if you left and had your husband try to put him to bed?

I know for my son he will not nap for me unless I nurse him to sleep. If I put him in his crib at naptime he will scream and scream. But if I am not here, he'll go happily into his crib and go right to sleep.

Posted 12/13/06 11:26 AM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: Its getting bad...

Posted by JD02

What if your not home during bedtime? What happens then? Maybe it would help if you left and had your husband try to put him to bed?

I know for my son he will not nap for me unless I nurse him to sleep. If I put him in his crib at naptime he will scream and scream. But if I am not here, he'll go happily into his crib and go right to sleep.

You and Nancy are both so so so so right...

If im not home- and DH put him to bed- he says in his bed all night long... But- it only happens when Im not in the house at all... and DH does everything (the whole routine) and lets face it- me disappearing every night- is not a solution (although- it might be niceChat Icon )

Ryan has cut 3 teeth in the past month- one right after another- and yesterday the ped. said he saw 2 more coming in- so Im sure that plays a role in all this...

But I believe its mostly habit! I seriously laid down in his crib wtih him last night....

I guess- until I find a solution Ill have to pretend like Im going to bed @ 7- lay down with him in my bed- and then after he falls asleep sneak out (and or transfer him to his crib- even though I know he'll get up to come be with me- Im gonna wait for the night he dosent)

Posted 12/13/06 11:48 AM
Pages: 1 [2]

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