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Jan 6 investigation

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LIF Adult

Member since 4/15

3049 total posts


Jan 6 investigation

The 3rd hearing is currently airing. Has anyone been watching? It's surprising how much we didn't know until now.

Posted 6/16/22 1:03 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

Nope, and no one I know (I lie, one friend of mine who puts up things on fb about it) is watching it.

Posted 6/17/22 10:31 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/15

3049 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

Posted by windyweather21

Nope, and no one I know (I lie, one friend of mine who puts up things on fb about it) is watching it.

How do you feel about the stuff they're reveling? Or are you ignoring the stuff coming out b/c you think it's incorrect?

Posted 6/17/22 12:04 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

Posted by Funkybutt

Posted by windyweather21

Nope, and no one I know (I lie, one friend of mine who puts up things on fb about it) is watching it.

How do you feel about the stuff they're reveling? Or are you ignoring the stuff coming out b/c you think it's incorrect?

I actually have not read or listened to anything about what they are reveling. I did just read though that some stations went to a golf game that was playing at the same time as it seems viewership is not too high. Chat Icon

Posted 6/17/22 12:32 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

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Re: Jan 6 investigation

What are they revealing?

Posted 6/17/22 12:48 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/15

3049 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

Posted by Diane

What are they revealing?

* People donated over $250 million to Trump when he said he needed money to fight the election results. He ended up taking most of the money for his own personal use - including paying Kimberly Guilfoyle $60,000 for a 2 minute speech on Jan 6.

* Someone in the Proud Boys admitted that if they had gotten a hold of Pence or Pelosi - that they would have killed them. Trump told someone that Pence should be hanged.

* Trump tweeted an attack on Pence after the violence had started and there's video of people reading his tweets then people starting the "Hang Mike Pence" chant.

* Trump was told many times by many people that Pence didn't have the authority to decide the election, but he wouldn't listen and cussed out Pence when he kept saying he doesn't have the legal power to do so.

* Giuliani was drunk the night of the election and told Trump just go out and declare victory - even though all the states had not reported. This was a ploy to get the word out that "Trump won" and that all the ballots being counted after were fake.

* Members of Congress and John Eastman asked for pardons for their role in overturning election results.

Posted 6/17/22 1:51 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

CNN was on in our break room and it wasn't on. Is it over already for the day?

Posted 6/17/22 2:30 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/15

3049 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

Posted by windyweather21

CNN was on in our break room and it wasn't on. Is it over already for the day?

They've only had 3 live airings - one Thurs night a week ago, one Monday at 10am, and the other was yesterday at 10am. I'm not sure when the next one is supposed to happen.

Posted 6/17/22 3:17 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

Posted by Funkybutt

Posted by windyweather21

CNN was on in our break room and it wasn't on. Is it over already for the day?

They've only had 3 live airings - one Thurs night a week ago, one Monday at 10am, and the other was yesterday at 10am. I'm not sure when the next one is supposed to happen.

Ahhh ok. I did see something on the bottom about not being able to get witnesses or something.

Posted 6/17/22 3:28 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/15

3049 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Funkybutt

Posted by windyweather21

CNN was on in our break room and it wasn't on. Is it over already for the day?

They've only had 3 live airings - one Thurs night a week ago, one Monday at 10am, and the other was yesterday at 10am. I'm not sure when the next one is supposed to happen.

Ahhh ok. I did see something on the bottom about not being able to get witnesses or something.

Yeah - one witness couldn't come b/c his wife was in labor.

Posted 6/17/22 4:06 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

Posted by Funkybutt

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Funkybutt

Posted by windyweather21

CNN was on in our break room and it wasn't on. Is it over already for the day?

They've only had 3 live airings - one Thurs night a week ago, one Monday at 10am, and the other was yesterday at 10am. I'm not sure when the next one is supposed to happen.

Ahhh ok. I did see something on the bottom about not being able to get witnesses or something.

Yeah - one witness couldn't come b/c his wife was in labor.

Ahhh ok Chat Icon

Posted 6/17/22 4:18 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/21

355 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Funkybutt

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Funkybutt

Posted by windyweather21

CNN was on in our break room and it wasn't on. Is it over already for the day?

They've only had 3 live airings - one Thurs night a week ago, one Monday at 10am, and the other was yesterday at 10am. I'm not sure when the next one is supposed to happen.

Ahhh ok. I did see something on the bottom about not being able to get witnesses or something.

Yeah - one witness couldn't come b/c his wife was in labor.

Ahhh ok Chat Icon

It’s amazing that people are still distracted by this absolute nonsense when the country is falling into the $hitter.

Posted 6/17/22 9:36 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

Posted by RomeyT

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Funkybutt

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Funkybutt

Posted by windyweather21

CNN was on in our break room and it wasn't on. Is it over already for the day?

They've only had 3 live airings - one Thurs night a week ago, one Monday at 10am, and the other was yesterday at 10am. I'm not sure when the next one is supposed to happen.

Ahhh ok. I did see something on the bottom about not being able to get witnesses or something.

Yeah - one witness couldn't come b/c his wife was in labor.

Ahhh ok Chat Icon

It’s amazing that people are still distracted by this absolute nonsense when the country is falling into the $hitter.

Another distraction,

Posted 6/18/22 8:36 AM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

4431 total posts


Jan 6 investigation

I have not watched because I think the whole thing is just disgraceful and anyone who stormed the capital and took part of it should be in jail for the rest of their lives. I do not think they are showing this as a distraction but because they want to charge Trump so he is not able to run again. That I believe is the end goal (just in my mind nothing official lol).

Posted 6/18/22 2:24 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

Posted by KarenK122

I have not watched because I think the whole thing is just disgraceful and anyone who stormed the capital and took part of it should be in jail for the rest of their lives. I do not think they are showing this as a distraction but because they want to charge Trump so he is not able to run again. That I believe is the end goal (just in my mind nothing official lol).


Posted 6/18/22 4:12 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/15

3049 total posts


Jan 6 investigation

Today's hearing was about Trump trying to get votes from Arizona and Georgia, and the lies about how there were fake votes that were pulled out from under a table, etc. There was also an interview with an election worker in GA that has been dealing with threats, had to quit her job, and her grandmother had people force their way into her house to find the election worker.

Posted 6/21/22 5:56 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

Posted by Funkybutt

Today's hearing was about Trump trying to get votes from Arizona and Georgia, and the lies about how there were fake votes that were pulled out from under a table, etc. There was also an interview with an election worker in GA that has been dealing with threats, had to quit her job, and her grandmother had people force their way into her house to find the election worker.

Sad for these people but what are they trying to accomplish and how long will this go on?

Posted 6/23/22 9:46 PM


Member since 5/08

8351 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

Posted by RomeyT

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Funkybutt

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Funkybutt

Posted by windyweather21

CNN was on in our break room and it wasn't on. Is it over already for the day?

They've only had 3 live airings - one Thurs night a week ago, one Monday at 10am, and the other was yesterday at 10am. I'm not sure when the next one is supposed to happen.

Ahhh ok. I did see something on the bottom about not being able to get witnesses or something.

Yeah - one witness couldn't come b/c his wife was in labor.

Ahhh ok Chat Icon

It’s amazing that people are still distracted by this absolute nonsense when the country is falling into the $hitter.

you think what happened on Jan 6th is nonsense really????

what happened was absolutely not ok and if Trump helped encourage etc in anyway he should be held responsible.

The truth should come out and while I am sure his die hard fans will not believe it maybe some others will.

Maybe some people who can see logic will now see the election was not stolen and that he was just acting like a child who cant handle losing.

For the record I would feel this way with anyone who acted they way they did no matter who it was or their party.

while i haven't really watched the news or read the news now for weeks; at least from what it seems like its not being broadcasted or talked about too much so how much of a distraction is it???

Posted 6/23/22 10:00 PM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

4431 total posts


Jan 6 investigation

While I have not watched this at all, why are they focusing on the election. I thought it was geared towards what happened on Jan 6th. I want to know how they got in, who knew about it, who organized it and hold those accountable. People have been fighting election results for years. I vividly remember Gore basically crying when he lost and wanted a recount. That has been going on forever.

Posted 6/24/22 12:03 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/15

3049 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

Posted by KarenK122

While I have not watched this at all, why are they focusing on the election. I thought it was geared towards what happened on Jan 6th. I want to know how they got in, who knew about it, who organized it and hold those accountable. People have been fighting election results for years. I vividly remember Gore basically crying when he lost and wanted a recount. That has been going on forever.

They're working toward it. The election and Trumps lies about it being rigged and stolen is a lead up to him riling up his supporters.

Yesterday's hearing was how Trump was trying to force the Justice Department to declare the election rigged. He fired Barr after Barr said there was no election fraud, and he was going to fire the new people until they said there would be mass walk outs.

I think the next hearings aren't until July but they're going to be bigger bombshells because apparently, there was a documentary crew following Trump and his family (with their permission) - and they turned all their footage over to the committee for review.

Posted 6/24/22 12:00 PM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

4431 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

Posted by Funkybutt

Posted by KarenK122

While I have not watched this at all, why are they focusing on the election. I thought it was geared towards what happened on Jan 6th. I want to know how they got in, who knew about it, who organized it and hold those accountable. People have been fighting election results for years. I vividly remember Gore basically crying when he lost and wanted a recount. That has been going on forever.

They're working toward it. The election and Trumps lies about it being rigged and stolen is a lead up to him riling up his supporters.

Yesterday's hearing was how Trump was trying to force the Justice Department to declare the election rigged. He fired Barr after Barr said there was no election fraud, and he was going to fire the new people until they said there would be mass walk outs.

I think the next hearings aren't until July but they're going to be bigger bombshells because apparently, there was a documentary crew following Trump and his family (with their permission) - and they turned all their footage over to the committee for review.

Thank you!

Posted 6/25/22 12:19 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

Posted by Funkybutt

Posted by KarenK122

While I have not watched this at all, why are they focusing on the election. I thought it was geared towards what happened on Jan 6th. I want to know how they got in, who knew about it, who organized it and hold those accountable. People have been fighting election results for years. I vividly remember Gore basically crying when he lost and wanted a recount. That has been going on forever.

They're working toward it. The election and Trumps lies about it being rigged and stolen is a lead up to him riling up his supporters.

Yesterday's hearing was how Trump was trying to force the Justice Department to declare the election rigged. He fired Barr after Barr said there was no election fraud, and he was going to fire the new people until they said there would be mass walk outs.

I think the next hearings aren't until July but they're going to be bigger bombshells because apparently, there was a documentary crew following Trump and his family (with their permission) - and they turned all their footage over to the committee for review.

How long are these hearings going to last? Is there a time limit?

Posted 6/25/22 9:47 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/15

3049 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

Posted by windyweather21

How long are these hearings going to last? Is there a time limit?

I don't know - I thought I heard only 2 more, but I don't really know for sure.

Posted 6/27/22 11:32 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/15

3049 total posts


Jan 6 investigation

Not sure why, but a last minute hearing was just announced for tomorrow (Tuesday).

Posted 6/27/22 2:07 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

Posted by Funkybutt

Not sure why, but a last minute hearing was just announced for tomorrow (Tuesday).

The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol on Monday abruptly scheduled a hearing for Tuesday afternoon to hear what the panel called “recently obtained evidence” and take witness testimony.

Must be for something really important. Chat Icon

Posted 6/27/22 2:34 PM
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