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Jan 6 investigation

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LIF Adult

Member since 4/15

3049 total posts


Jan 6 investigation

Today's witness was Cassidy Hutchinson, assistant to Mark Meadows. She testified that Trump and others knew about the riot that was going to happen, that Trump wanted to go to the riot, he didn't care about the "Hang Mike Pence chant", and that he didn't want to make a statement to stop it all.

Posted 6/28/22 4:06 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

Posted by Funkybutt

Today's witness was Cassidy Hutchinson, assistant to Mark Meadows. She testified that Trump and others knew about the riot that was going to happen, that Trump wanted to go to the riot, he didn't care about the "Hang Mike Pence chant", and that he didn't want to make a statement to stop it all.

Just saw it come up on fb and was reading all the responses.
From what I am reading, the girl was no where around to hear any of this and she still continued working for them after it.
Who knows, that is why I am not watching as I feel this is all going to be like every other hearing that will fizzle out and nothing will happen and everyone will forget about it.

Posted 6/28/22 4:08 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/21

133 total posts


Jan 6 investigation

Message edited 7/4/2022 7:29:58 AM.

Posted 7/3/22 9:37 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/15

3049 total posts


Jan 6 investigation

Yesterday's hearing was mostly testimony from Cipalone and 2 previous members of groups like Proud Boys. It was reiterated that Trump riled up the groups and Jan 6 riots were planned in advance.

The bigger "bombshell" was that there is an upcoming witness that Trump has been trying to contact to encourage them not to testify. He's been reported to the DOJ for witness tampering.

Posted 7/13/22 11:19 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

Posted by Funkybutt

Yesterday's hearing was mostly testimony from Cipalone and 2 previous members of groups like Proud Boys. It was reiterated that Trump riled up the groups and Jan 6 riots were planned in advance.

The bigger "bombshell" was that there is an upcoming witness that Trump has been trying to contact to encourage them not to testify. He's been reported to the DOJ for witness tampering.

How long is this supposed to last for? What do they want the end result to be? How can that happen?

Posted 7/13/22 11:24 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

Posted by Funkybutt

Yesterday's hearing was mostly testimony from Cipalone and 2 previous members of groups like Proud Boys. It was reiterated that Trump riled up the groups and Jan 6 riots were planned in advance.

The bigger "bombshell" was that there is an upcoming witness that Trump has been trying to contact to encourage them not to testify. He's been reported to the DOJ for witness tampering.

I thought the testimony and evidence regarding that 12/18 meeting was pretty incredible.

Posted 7/13/22 11:46 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

So no answer to my question?

Posted 7/14/22 7:56 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/15

3049 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

Posted by windyweather21

How long is this supposed to last for? What do they want the end result to be? How can that happen?

I don't know how many more hearings are left.

I think that overall, they want to point out the details in what happened and how Trump is involved. The committee can't bring charges, but they're hoping the DOJ will get involved and charge Trump. I'm not sure how all that would happen - what it would take for the DOJ to get involved, but they have stated that they're watching closely.

Posted 7/14/22 11:54 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

Posted by Funkybutt

Posted by windyweather21

How long is this supposed to last for? What do they want the end result to be? How can that happen?

I don't know how many more hearings are left.

I think that overall, they want to point out the details in what happened and how Trump is involved. The committee can't bring charges, but they're hoping the DOJ will get involved and charge Trump. I'm not sure how all that would happen - what it would take for the DOJ to get involved, but they have stated that they're watching closely.

Thanks. Sounds like they really don't have a plan and this is all another waste of tax payers money and time. I have no interest in watching any of this but I will see if it fizzles out like every other investigation they have had on Trump through the years.

Posted 7/14/22 12:37 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 2/22

7 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

Posted by windyweath

Thanks. Sounds like they really don't have a plan and this is all another waste of tax payers money and time. I have no interest in watching any of this but I will see if it fizzles out like every other investigation they have had on Trump through the years.

Why wont you watch?
There is so much to unpack. Its very interesting and insightful.
bottom line is election was never stolen, Trump knew it all along and continued with this big lie, rallied up the hate and is totally responsible for what happen January 6th.

The witnesses who testified, the arrests made. Those people are NOT lying.
You should watch. Maybe you you learn something. Or are you not interested in knowing the full story?
Its not a waste!

Posted 7/14/22 9:07 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

Posted by HITOALL

Posted by windyweath

Thanks. Sounds like they really don't have a plan and this is all another waste of tax payers money and time. I have no interest in watching any of this but I will see if it fizzles out like every other investigation they have had on Trump through the years.

Why wont you watch?
There is so much to unpack. Its very interesting and insightful.
bottom line is election was never stolen, Trump knew it all along and continued with this big lie, rallied up the hate and is totally responsible for what happen January 6th.

The witnesses who testified, the arrests made. Those people are NOT lying.
You should watch. Maybe you you learn something. Or are you not interested in knowing the full story?
Its not a waste!

Not really interested in watching another one of these Trump trials. Watched the others and I am sure this one will turn out just like the others.

Posted 7/15/22 8:04 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/15

3049 total posts


Jan 6 investigation

The next hearing is this Thursday at 8pm.

Posted 7/18/22 10:32 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

Posted by Funkybutt

The next hearing is this Thursday at 8pm.

Is there a time line of how long it will be, weeks, months?

Posted 7/18/22 11:11 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/15

3049 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Funkybutt

The next hearing is this Thursday at 8pm.

Is there a time line of how long it will be, weeks, months?

Not sure but I don't think it's much longer.

Posted 7/18/22 1:19 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

Posted by Funkybutt

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by Funkybutt

The next hearing is this Thursday at 8pm.

Is there a time line of how long it will be, weeks, months?

Not sure but I don't think it's much longer.

Thanks Chat Icon

Posted 7/18/22 2:38 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/15

3049 total posts


Jan 6 investigation

Last night's hearing was details about the 187 minutes of the riot when Trump refused to do anything other than sit in the dining room and watch Fox News. Multiple people testified about how he knew exactly what was going on and how they tried to get him to say something to stop the riots.

One of the things that struck me was testimony about the Secret Service members guarding Pence - they were so scared about what was going on that they called their loved ones to say good-bye.

There will be more hearings, but not until September.

Posted 7/22/22 11:46 AM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22140 total posts


Re: Jan 6 investigation

Posted by Funkybutt

Last night's hearing was details about the 187 minutes of the riot when Trump refused to do anything other than sit in the dining room and watch Fox News. Multiple people testified about how he knew exactly what was going on and how they tried to get him to say something to stop the riots.

One of the things that struck me was testimony about the Secret Service members guarding Pence - they were so scared about what was going on that they called their loved ones to say good-bye.

There will be more hearings, but not until September.

How anyone still supports this man is mind blowing!

Posted 7/22/22 11:58 AM
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