Tonight they were doing an MRI. Tomorrow an angiogram of his leg & heart. They need to make sure he can handle the surgery. Although he has a toe that is gangrenes (sp?) so I don't think he has a choice. Guess I'll find out more tomorrow. I'm to bed!
My dad is doing ok. I went to see him Friday. As of then and this is subject to change at any given moment as things have up until now, he is having an angiogram done on his heart on Monday and then the bypass on his leg and the toe amputation done on Tuesday
they are doing the surgery tomorrow. Out of the 5 blockages that he had in the heart 12 years ago, he has 4 arteries blocked. So just one is open, they are taking a chance tomorrow, but the surgery will go on.
They don't know what time the surgery is so I will be a mess at work tomorrow. Tomorrow is also my dad's birthday.
I will keep you all posted as I hear things.
ETA: My dad is having bypass on his leg done then the toe if they can but nothing for the heart itself.