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***July 2014 Moms to Be***

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/12

583 total posts


***July 2014 Moms to Be***

Figured we could start a thread!

Due Date:

7/2 MrsE323
7/5 LucyBaby2014
7/9 divz80
7/12 Lina
7/13 SummerBaby2014
7/15 mommywantsababy
7/20 MrsCJK
7/20 Jburke322
7/26 round2
7/26 azalia
7/27 JoanneandJustin
7/28 MiaGirl
7/29 hopefulforbaby11
7/29 lilnessa

Message edited 12/27/2013 10:03:58 PM.

Posted 11/20/13 12:32 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 11/06

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Re: ***July 2014 Moms to Be***

Due date 7/20

Posted 11/20/13 1:55 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 11/13

41 total posts


Re: ***July 2014 Moms to Be***

Me too!

Chat Icon

Posted 11/20/13 2:41 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/12

62 total posts


***July 2014 Moms to Be***

Me ! due 7/9

Posted 11/20/13 4:11 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/12

583 total posts


***July 2014 Moms to Be***

Yay! How is everyone feeling? Has anyone gone for their first appointment yet?

Posted 11/20/13 5:05 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/13

79 total posts


Re: ***July 2014 Moms to Be***

7/26 :)

Posted 11/20/13 9:12 PM


Member since 11/06

1773 total posts


Re: ***July 2014 Moms to Be***

Feeling tired and the nausea has started, same way I felt with my DS.
First appt is Dec 11th, can't come soon enough!!

Posted 11/20/13 10:49 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 11/13

41 total posts


Re: ***July 2014 Moms to Be***

Posted by mommywantsababy

Yay! How is everyone feeling? Has anyone gone for their first appointment yet?

I'm feeling pretty normal so far. Only a couple of very mild bouts of nausea... really my only symptom is sore boobs! That's what prompted me to take the test.

My 1st appointment is 12/2. Can't wait!

Have you girls told anyone yet? DH and I want to announce to our families on Thanksgiving, but now I'm debating waiting until after my appointment.

Posted 11/21/13 10:14 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/12

583 total posts


***July 2014 Moms to Be***

We haven't told anyone yet. Our first appointment is 12/5, but we are planning on telling our parents and siblings only on Thanksgiving. We see both sets of parents almost every day, so it's been really hard to hide that I'm not drinking lol. Other family/friends we'll slowly start to tell after we have the 1st appointment.

Posted 11/21/13 12:43 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/12

62 total posts


***July 2014 Moms to Be***

I had my first appointment yesterday. I'm going for my first sono on 11/25. Feeling normal so far, just tired at times.

Posted 11/21/13 1:44 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/13

89 total posts


Re: ***July 2014 Moms to Be***

Hi ladies! I'm due in July also (7/5)!! Had my first appointment today and was able to see baby's heartbeat! Chat Icon So excited!

Posted 11/21/13 1:50 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 11/13

41 total posts


Re: ***July 2014 Moms to Be***

Posted by mommywantsababy

We haven't told anyone yet. Our first appointment is 12/5, but we are planning on telling our parents and siblings only on Thanksgiving. We see both sets of parents almost every day, so it's been really hard to hide that I'm not drinking lol. Other family/friends we'll slowly start to tell after we have the 1st appointment.

LOL same issue here! Except we are currently LIVING with my parents while buying a new house. In the few months we've lived with them, we've all had wine with dinner almost every night. I've had to come up with creative ways of hiding the fact that I'm not having any! Pretending to take sips, DH drinking it when they're not looking, saying I'm parched and just need water tonight... ha! Can't keep this up much longer. Chat Icon

I think we will do the same... tell our parents and siblings on Thanksgiving but wait until after my appointment to tell others.

Posted 11/21/13 3:10 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 11/13

41 total posts


Re: ***July 2014 Moms to Be***

Posted by LucyBaby2014

Hi ladies! I'm due in July also (7/5)!! Had my first appointment today and was able to see baby's heartbeat! Chat Icon So excited!

Congrats!! I can't wait for this!

Posted 11/21/13 3:10 PM


Member since 11/06

1773 total posts


Re: ***July 2014 Moms to Be***

Haven't told anyone yet, hoping to hold out until Christmas to tell everyone!!

Posted 11/21/13 3:36 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/13

104 total posts


***July 2014 Moms to Be***

Congrats everyone!!

Just got my bfp last week!!

Due date according to when I had my iui is 7/28.

Feeling good except the sore boobs ( alreay had to buy some comfy old lady bras).

We back to the RE Tuesday for first sono, dr is hopeful we will see the sack and make sure it's not ectopic. We are going to be with my inlaws and my mom and step dad, sis in law, and my grandma on thanksgiving so we are planning to share the news with them that day.

Anyone thinking of a creative way to tell family?

Posted 11/21/13 6:47 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 1/11

447 total posts


***July 2014 Moms to Be***

due July 29th

Posted 11/21/13 8:35 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 11/13

41 total posts


Re: ***July 2014 Moms to Be***

I had my first appointment this morning, and thought I'd share. Chat Icon The ultrasound confirmed that I am indeed 8 weeks along, just like I thought. The technician said everything looked perfect and the baby's heart rate was normal at 167. Since I'm 35, I'm going back in three weeks to take blood for the MaterniT21 test.

Other than a couple of waves of nausea, I haven't really experienced any morning sickness thus far. Hoping it stays that way!!

Also, since I had a c-section with my first, my doctor tentatively scheduled me for a repeat on 7/7!! I still haven't decided whether or not I want to try a VBAC but either way, I'm on the calendar!

Anyone else have their first appointment yet?

Posted 12/2/13 1:28 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/12

583 total posts


***July 2014 Moms to Be***

My first appointment is Thursday night-only three more days!

I've been a bit nauseous in the evenings, completely exhausted, and most recently very short of breath. I'm sick though, and having symptoms makes me happy because I feel like it means the baby is growing and my body is responding.

I was nervous about time going slowly, but I actually feel like it's going quickly. I can't believe I'm already 8 weeks!

Posted 12/2/13 3:18 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/09

1801 total posts


Re: ***July 2014 Moms to Be***

7/27 for me, babies measured 6w2d and 6w3d today.

Posted 12/2/13 6:00 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/13

530 total posts


***July 2014 Moms to Be***

I am new to the boards here. Tentative due date of 7/9. Finally have my first ultra sound tomorrow so hopefully that should confirm the due date. So excited and happy my appointment is finally here. I had my BFP test back at the begining of November so waiting for this appoinment has been torture!!!

Posted 12/10/13 3:27 PM


Member since 11/06

1773 total posts


***July 2014 Moms to Be***

Hi July ladies,
How is everyone feeling???
Some days I feel great other days I feel tired and lots of nauseas!!

Posted 12/16/13 1:34 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/08

663 total posts


***July 2014 Moms to Be***

Hi everyone. My due date is July 20. Feeling good just tired. This is baby #3 so we are very busy

Posted 12/16/13 1:42 PM


Member since 11/06

1773 total posts


***July 2014 Moms to Be***

My due date is July 21st and this is our 2nd.

Posted 12/16/13 3:49 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/12

69 total posts


***July 2014 Moms to Be***

Hi all. My due date is July 29th. This is my first. Been feeling pretty good but last few days getting headaches here and there :(

Posted 12/17/13 11:50 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 11/13

41 total posts


Re: ***July 2014 Moms to Be***

At 10w I am thankful that I'm still feeling fine! Other than being a little more tired than usual and mild waves of nausea here and there, I can't complain at all. I'm starting to outgrow my clothes already, which I'm not happy about. I still haven't come out at work, so hopefully nobody notices my unbuttoned pants!

Posted 12/17/13 12:10 PM
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