***July 2014 Moms to Be***
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LIF Infant

Member since 8/13 89 total posts
Name: Lucy
Re: ***July 2014 Moms to Be***
Posted by MrsE323
So happy to see this thread bumped! We are getting so close!
For the girls who mentioned getting a few sonos lately, just curious are those routine? My OB said my 20 week anatomy scan was my last one unless I ran into some problems later on. Kind of feel like I am missing out by not having more!!
My OB does the 20 week sono and then the 32 week growth sono. Then no more sonos unless you go past the due date.
Posted 5/22/14 12:01 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 7/13 115 total posts
Name: Liza Jones
Re: ***July 2014 Moms to Be***
July 15th
Posted 6/15/14 4:23 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 9/07 820 total posts
Name: p
Message edited 6/1/2015 1:04:50 PM.
Posted 7/1/14 10:14 AM |
***July 2014 Moms to Be***
I have 1.5 weeks to go, and not gonna lie, I am pretty miserable. Babies are doing well though. That is all that matters.
Posted 7/1/14 4:16 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 8/13 89 total posts
Name: Lucy
***July 2014 Moms to Be***
My due date is in 4 days and doesn't look like this baby wants to come out!! Only a finger tip dilated and still very high up. I really do not want to be induced :(. I hope baby girl comes out on her own soon! We are so ready to meet her!
Posted 7/1/14 10:57 PM |
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