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Keep us in your prayers ** Final Update!

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/12

784 total posts


Keep us in your prayers ** Final Update!

After struggling with infertility for years and finally getting pregnant after 2 rounds of IVF I got pregnant in February. Every week has been a milestone and I was fortunate enough to have had a very easy pregnancy. Saturday night I was laying on the couch watching TV and I got up to use the bathroom and felt a huge gush. I thought 'OMG did my water just break?' DH and I were in the dark and I saw him graze the couch with his hand and saw it was bright red blood. I ran to get pants so we could go to the hospital and blood was just gushing everywhere. After being in the hospital for 4 nights they concluded that I had a partial placental abruption. Baby however is stable and has been doing good, maintaining a good HB. They discharged me yesterday bc the bleeding stopped and baby is doing good. I am on modified bed rest, only allowed to go to the bathroom & kitchen and that's it. I am terrified of being home and having this happen again. They told me goal is now 37 weeks which is the week of Sept 22nd which of course feels like ages away.

I am too terrified of googling so I haven't. My mom lost a full term baby due to a complete abruption so I am fully aware of worst case scenario. Has anyone ever dealt with or knows of someone that had a positive outcome and went on to have a healthy baby? I am just so scared and trying to keep busy by working from home so I don't think of all these crazy scenarios. Please keep me and baby is your prayers and that we make it safely to week 37. Chat Icon

Thanks for reading.

*Update @ 34 weeks
At today's monitoring appt they found a blood clot by the placenta which further proves the bleed was pretty bad. The high risk Dr. told me that at this point I can deliver the baby between now and week 36. When is totally up to me. She suggests that I meet with the neonatal and nicu team to go over with me the different possibilities at delivering between now and then. Ultimately though, the decision is going to be mine and not theirs.

My questions are:
1. If you were in my shoes when would you decide to deliver. I am currently 34w 1d. They don't suggest me going past week 36 bc of the high risk of it happening again.

2. If you've been induced before, prior to 38 weeks was is successful? They told me that at that point my body isn't ready for delivery so I might just end up getting a c-section. If that's the case, should I just schedule a c/s and forget induction?

3. If you delivered b/w weeks 34-36 how did your baby do? How long were they in NICU? They already gave me steroids to help mature baby's lungs.

** Final Update **
Hi everyone. It's been a while but I wanted to update everyone on the outcome of my situation. The day after my sono my OB called and pretty much said "if I were in your situation I would deliver ASAP." With that being said I scheduled my induction the next day, Friday (I was 34.5 weeks along). I was told the induction at my stage in pregnancy could take days and I was hoping to make it to 35 weeks (that Monday). I was admitted Friday night and they gave me my first dose of cytotec at 10pm. When they checked me I was completely closed. The doses were given every 2 hours. Shortly after my 3rd dose at 2AM the nurse came in and started giving me oxygen and turning me to my side bc the baby's HB was dropping. I was having contractions 2 mins apart, fortunately not feeling the pain. After 30 mins the chief OB came in to check my progress. He told me that I was 80% effaced and only dilated a fingertip. The baby was in distress and wasn't tolerating labor. We needed to do a c/s now. I was upset, c/s was the one thing I didn't want. I also wanted to hold out as long as possible to get the baby to 35 weeks. However, at that point you just throw in the towel and do whatever is best for your baby. I was team green, I always had assumed the best part of being team green was hearing "it's a boy!" Or "it's a girl!" But I was terrified that my baby wasn't going to be breathing on his own so all I wanted to hear was crying. Lots and lots of crying. I was shafted the experience.

AJ was born at 4:12 AM. Took him a second to cry but when he did boy did he. The NICU team was there waiting to take him. They let my husband hold him for a few. He weighed 6 lbs 3oz and was 19.5 inches long, not bad for a 34.5 weeker! He was sent to NICU and they put the CPAP on him but they took it off by the end of the day bc he was breathing fine on his own. The next day he was moved to the step down unit and stayed there until we were both released on Day 3. It was honestly the best case scenario for a 34.5 weeker.

On Monday he had his 1 month visit and now weighs 8.8 lbs. His due date was Columbus Day so he definitely would have been 9lbs!

Everyone at Katz and Cohen's was amazing I must say. My only dilemma was that the NICU department is in another building so it was rough getting there especially since recovery from my c/s was extremely rough. Thanks for reading and for all your supportive advice!

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Message edited 10/11/2014 11:48:53 PM.

Posted 8/27/14 7:11 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Keep us in your prayers

Sending you many prayers Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/27/14 7:47 PM

Love multiplies, not divides

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Re: Keep us in your prayers

Chat Icon you're in my thoughts.

DO NOT google!!!!

Posted 8/27/14 7:51 PM

My loves

Member since 2/11

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Re: Keep us in your prayers

Prayers to you and your family. I think it's a very positive sign that this was caught right away and they are aware of the situation. Off the bat, that would make me feel so much better. I know there is nothing anyone can really do or say to make you feel better until this baby is in your arms, but medicine has come so far! What are they doing to monitor you while you're waiting for 37 weeks to come? Try to keep yourself busy (and away from google!!!!) and take it week by week! Are you able to feel LO move? I would start monitoring movement a lot more just for your own sanity (unless that would drive you insane!). Good luck and keep us updated!

Posted 8/27/14 7:57 PM

My family is complete

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Keep us in your prayers

Prayers for you!

Posted 8/27/14 8:16 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/14

1986 total posts


Keep us in your prayers

Prayers for you! You are almost there!!!!

Posted 8/27/14 8:34 PM

Fly high little one

Member since 6/10

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Keep us in your prayers

Many prayers!!

Posted 8/27/14 9:08 PM


Member since 12/09

27635 total posts


Re: Keep us in your prayers

I had something very similar at 18 weeks

Baby a(my daughter) the way she was laying her head kept hitting my placenta and it ruptured

Same as u. I got up off the couch and gush. I bled I'm the car. I made a trail through LIJ

I was terrified. We thought it was over. It looked like a crime scene,my dh actually was getting woozy from the blood

I can assure u my twins are now almost 2. I made it to 38 weeks and we are all great!

I bled for almost the rest of my pregnancy on and off

Hang in there!!!! Many prayers

Posted 8/27/14 9:13 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

12167 total posts


Re: Keep us in your prayers

Sending prayers your way! Hope all goes well in the next few weeks.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/27/14 9:14 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/12

1789 total posts


Re: Keep us in your prayers

Many prayers for you and your LO! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/27/14 9:33 PM


Member since 3/07

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Re: Keep us in your prayers

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Posted 8/27/14 9:41 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/12

161 total posts


Keep us in your prayers

I had an abruption at 36 weeks and my little guy is about to turn two! I had my second son in March of this year with no issues. Prayers being sent to you!!!!!

Posted 8/27/14 10:56 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/12

161 total posts


Keep us in your prayers

I had an abruption at 36 weeks and my little guy is about to turn two! I had my second son in March of this year with no issues. Prayers being sent to you!!!!!

Posted 8/27/14 10:56 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/14

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Re: Keep us in your prayers

Hugs, thoughts and prayers sent. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/28/14 9:46 AM

Love my little man

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Re: Keep us in your prayers

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Posted 8/28/14 10:12 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/14

180 total posts


Re: Keep us in your prayers

praying for you! Chat Icon

Posted 8/28/14 10:12 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/14

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Re: Keep us in your prayers

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Posted 8/28/14 10:18 AM

My Life. My Everything.

Member since 10/07

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Re: Keep us in your prayers

Many many prayers Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/28/14 11:28 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 2/10

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las1 from LIW

Keep us in your prayers


Posted 8/28/14 12:05 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 2/10

423 total posts

las1 from LIW

Keep us in your prayers

Message edited 8/28/2014 12:06:33 PM.

Posted 8/28/14 12:05 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 2/10

423 total posts

las1 from LIW

Keep us in your prayers

Message edited 8/28/2014 12:07:04 PM.

Posted 8/28/14 12:05 PM

It's a girl!!!

Member since 6/10

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Re: Keep us in your prayers

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Posted 8/28/14 12:14 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/14

638 total posts


Re: Keep us in your prayers

That's so scary! I will definitely be praying for you!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/28/14 12:22 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 12/09

211 total posts


Keep us in your prayers

many many prayers for you and your baby!

Posted 8/28/14 1:25 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/12

784 total posts


Re: Keep us in your prayers

Thank you everyone!

I had my first appt with the high risk dr today - they will have me come in twice a week for sonos and monitoring, in addition to my weekly appts with my OB now.

She started talking about getting me to 39 weeks bc the baby's brain is making a ton of developments between week 37-39. I told her I didn't want to overstep her knowledge or expertise but the risk of this happening again and us not being so lucky def outweighs waiting until 39 weeks. She needs to confer with her other peers and my OB and see if we can just deliver at 37 weeks bc typically they would have me wait it out until then (39 wks).

Thank you again for the positive outcome stories and keeping us in your prayers. The next 3-4 weeks are going to be very long. Chat Icon

Posted 8/28/14 1:55 PM
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