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Keep us in your prayers ** Final Update!

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I love my kiddies!

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Re: Keep us in your prayers

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Posted 8/28/14 4:31 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Only God knows His plan for us

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Keep us in your prayers

I'm sure everything is going to be great! My mom had a full placental rupture 28 years ago with my brother, they did an emergency c-section and both are great now... That was at 36 weeks - my brother had NO developmental issues and was 8 pounds 6 oz at birth (no GD, just a huge baby... and a huge man for that matter, he's 6'3").

Posted 8/28/14 4:34 PM

LIF Zygote

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Keep us in your prayers

Prayers are with you! Take it easy :)

Posted 8/29/14 2:00 AM

LIF Adolescent

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Keep us in your prayers ** Update w/ questions

Update #2 up top.

Posted 9/2/14 8:26 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/11

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Re: Keep us in your prayers ** Update w/ questions

My twins were born at 34w5d. They were 4lbs 9oz and 4lbs 6oz. They spent 10 and 15 days in the NICU. Needed breathing and feeding assistance.

Posted 9/2/14 8:51 PM

My family is complete

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Keep us in your prayers ** Update w/ questions

I've never been in your shoes, but me personally - I'd deliver ASAP via section. I'd be too nervous. But that's me - the person who is dying to deliver at 38 weeks, hopes it'll be a section, etc.

Hugs and best of luck! Def hear what the specialists say though.

Posted 9/2/14 9:11 PM

LIF Infant

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Keep us in your prayers ** Update w/ questions

I delivered at 36 weeks via emergency c section. DS was in NICU for a full week only because he inhaled fluid and they needed to be sure he did well without assistance from the tubes. He was 6lbs 9oz and 21" long and is healthy and thriving almost 2 year old who stands at 38" tall! Continued prayers to you and your bean!

Posted 9/2/14 9:12 PM

One more?

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Re: Keep us in your prayers ** Update w/ questions

My sil just delivered about 35 weeks. Baby was perfect! No nicu and she went home with baby!

Posted 9/2/14 9:15 PM

LIF Adult

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Keep us in your prayers ** Update w/ questions

If it were me, I would probably try to wait as long as I can to let the baby develop as much as possible. Such a hard situation though. Prayers for you and your little one.

Posted 9/2/14 9:38 PM

3 boys and a princess!

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Re: Keep us in your prayers ** Update w/ questions

Meet with the high risk and do whatever they recommend. If there is any chance of a risk to the baby for waiting, obviously they will deliver you now. Personally, I'd want to deliver sooner than later and would probably opt for an emergency c/s to get the baby out as quickly as possible.

34 weeks is good, I know so many people who delivered even earlier and their babies were fine.

Posted 9/3/14 7:07 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/09

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Keep us in your prayers ** Update w/ questions

I delivered twins at 36 weeks via emer c section both were small but healthy no nicu needed and they came home with me 4 days later

Posted 9/3/14 7:37 AM

Love my kids

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Keep us in your prayers ** Update w/ questions

If it was me, I would deliver now. I wouldn't feel comfortable waiting, unless I was admitted to the hospital to be monitored until delivery.

My DS was born at 34w1d and spent 17 days in the nicu as a grower/feeder. He's 3 1/2 now and a little smarty pants, you'd never know he was a preemie.

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Posted 9/3/14 8:27 AM

Peanut is here!!!!!!

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Keep us in your prayers ** Update w/ questions

I delivered at 37 weeks and my DS had no issues. I would opt for the csection as I would be afraid that delivery would cause issues. Since you are 34 weeks I personally would try and hold out to 35 weeks. At 34 weeks there are so many perfectly healthy babies born with little NICU stay.

People deliver earlier than where you are now and the babies are fine!!!! Positive thoughts!!!!

Posted 9/3/14 8:55 AM

Love my little girls!!! <3

Member since 6/10

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Re: Keep us in your prayers ** Update w/ questions

I would schedule a section for 35w. Good luck with your decision!

Posted 9/3/14 9:21 AM

Welcome to the world Chase

Member since 9/08

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Re: Keep us in your prayers ** Update w/ questions

No advice but sending prayers and hugs!

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Posted 9/3/14 9:40 AM

2 girls?!?!?

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Re: Keep us in your prayers ** Update w/ questions

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I had my DD at 34weeks 2 days, so here's my two cents:

1. If you were in my shoes when would you decide to deliver. I am currently 34w 1d. They don't suggest me going past week 36 bc of the high risk of it happening again.
**I would wait until the doctors feel it's necessary to deliver. Once the doctors felt I could no longer wait, we went for it.

2. If you've been induced before, prior to 38 weeks was is successful? They told me that at that point my body isn't ready for delivery so I might just end up getting a c-section. If that's the case, should I just schedule a c/s and forget induction?
**I was induced, but it failed. I had pre-eclampsia, so I needed to deliver, but my body wasn't ready to labor yet so I had an emergency c.

3. If you delivered b/w weeks 34-36 how did your baby do? How long were they in NICU? They already gave me steroids to help mature baby's lungs.
**DD was delivered at 34 weeks, 2 days. She was in the NICU for 39 days. Her breathing and everything was fine, we just had to wait for her heart rate to stabilize. It was an awful 6 weeks, but now she's a happy healthy 8 month old.

Posted 9/3/14 9:46 AM

Little princess is here!

Member since 4/07

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Keep us in your prayers ** Update w/ questions

Saying so many prayers. I had my baby girl at 36 weeks and had no issues. No nicu stay which was such a relief.

Posted 9/3/14 4:30 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/13

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Re: Keep us in your prayers ** Update w/ questions

I had twins at 35 weeks- one of my waters broke but my body was not ready to deliver and I was not dilated at all. I was told by my dr earlier that day at a monitoring appt that induction at 38 weeks would not work since my body would not be ready- I guess he was wrong because I was given Cervidil and was going to start Petocin but I went straight into labor.

My twins spent 17 and 18 days in the NICU but at 35 weeks, they didn't have any breathing problems just needed help eating. They were on a feeding tube for some time. As stressful as the NICU stay is, it was so helpful. Since these were our first kids, they taught us about caring for babies. I felt more prepared taking them home.

Posted 9/3/14 7:26 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/08

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Re: Keep us in your prayers ** Update w/ questions

I don't know much about the risks of abruption, so I won't comment on that. I did however have two 34 weekers (34w1d for both, and not twins, just coincidence), so I will just comment on my experience.

DS1 spent 16 days in the NICU. He was 5lbs 8oz. I had the steroid shot for his lungs. His lungs were good, never needed respiratory assistance. He worked on feeding while there. Started on a tube, then transitioned to a bottle. He was jaundice and needed light therapy. He also had central apnea...essentially his brain would forget to tell him to breathe. He was sent home with a monitor, and was on it for 5 months. He's a healthy 4 year old now, but does have some delays (mostly speech), but does receive therapy and is doing great.

DS2 was in the NICU for 94 days. His needs are vastly different, and not all necessarily related to being premature. He most likely has a genetic disorder, still undiagnosed. As for premie stuff...he was 5lbs 12oz, his lungs were good, and I did not have the steroid shot as there was no time. He did have some breathing and feeding difficulties that required more significant interventions, due to the genetic stuff, and did undergo surgeries and blood transfusions as a result. Had he not had other things going on, I think his stay would've been significantly less. He's 18 months now and while he does have physical and speech delays, he receives early intervention and is doing fabulous. We feel he will eventually catch up to his peers.

The NICU experience was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I would try to wait to deliver as long as you can, safely. Talk to the neonatal team. Each baby is so different from the next.

Posted 9/3/14 7:41 PM

We made a wish & you came true

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Re: Keep us in your prayers ** Update w/ questions

Posted by Bearcat

I would schedule a section for 35w. Good luck with your decision!

This is What I would do.

Sending prayers!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/3/14 7:48 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/09

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Re: Keep us in your prayers ** Update w/ questions

I started bleeding at 34 weeks my placenta was low but my Dr wasn't worried because i was a repeat C anyway. when i started bleeding they admitted me to the Hospital. I passed a few clots over the next week at 36 weeks i woke in the middle of the night bleeding they took me down to labor and delivery and monitored me they wanted to wait till more hospital personal was in because i had scar tissue and my placenta was low. Had DD that day at 36 weeks and went home 2 days later with no issues.

Posted 9/3/14 9:18 PM

Positive Vibrations...

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Re: Keep us in your prayers ** Update w/ questions

Posted by MrsB612

My questions are:
1. If you were in my shoes when would you decide to deliver. I am currently 34w 1d. They don't suggest me going past week 36 bc of the high risk of it happening again.

2. If you've been induced before, prior to 38 weeks was is successful? They told me that at that point my body isn't ready for delivery so I might just end up getting a c-section. If that's the case, should I just schedule a c/s and forget induction?

3. If you delivered b/w weeks 34-36 how did your baby do? How long were they in NICU? They already gave me steroids to help mature baby's lungs.

1. i would keep the baby in as long as SAFELY possible. i delivered at 33w1d because i had preeclampsia that developed into HELLP syndrome causing my liver to fail.

2. i was going to be induced at 33w. they said it could take DAYS. turned out baby flipped over the night before and was transverse so it was an automatic c-section that quickly turned emergency when my platelets plummeted. if it were me i would still attempt and induction but to me a vaginal delivery was very important. if its not as important for you then opt for the CS because yes, an early induction does have more of a likelihood of being long and drawn out and resulting in a cs anyway. but its up to you as long as baby is in position.

3. my daughter was pretty much a best case scenario for her size/gestational age. she was IUGR so measured that of a 30/31 weeker at 3lbs 8oz. spent 26 days in the NICU pretty much just to gain weight. we had no real setbacks. what do they expect the weight of the baby to be? do you know boy or girl? if its over 5lbs your chances are better of no NICU time. also preemie girls tend to do better than boys (although thats just a generalization since all cases are different).

its a tough call and youve had a tough pregnancy. i wish you luck and peace in your decision making. whatever decision you make will be the right one for you and your family. Chat Icon

Posted 9/3/14 9:47 PM

We are complete <3

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Keep us in your prayers ** Update w/ questions

My twins were born at 36 weeks. One spent 4 nights in the nicu and the other did not spend any time in the nicu. Both were over 5lbs and did great. Good luck to you and many hugs and prayers.

Posted 9/4/14 10:40 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/10

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Keep us in your prayers ** Update w/ questions

Such a hard decision I would ask the dr.'s recommendation and if they were in your shoes what you should do and you'll probably get the most educated answer/guess. I would opt for c-section as the induction process can potentially be lengthy and I'd be worried about the trauma to your body during the process, just my opinion. Wishing you all the best.

Posted 9/4/14 4:06 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/12

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Keep us in your prayers ** Final Update!

Last Update up top!

Posted 10/11/14 11:49 PM
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