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Kicks in the 3rd tri

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So in love with this kid!

Member since 5/06

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Kicks in the 3rd tri

I will be 30wks on Fri and as of now, i have rarely had any kicks that hurt or jab. Most are rumbles inside and little cute movements. Others are when the baby makes its way to the surface and presses against my belly. I cant say it hurts, but its pressure (but i love it bc he/she is so close to me at that moment)

How are your kicks? Does baby kick alot?

Posted 9/2/09 9:25 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Mr. Handsome

Member since 5/06

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Re: Kicks in the 3rd tri

My actual kicks and thumps decreased a lot because he's running out of room in there - it's more like he just stretches not and I feel him pushing out in various pats of my belly. Chat Icon

Posted 9/2/09 9:34 PM

Loving every minute

Member since 2/09

1663 total posts


Re: Kicks in the 3rd tri

They normally don't hurt unless the baby kicks right underneath my rib...then it jolts me. Or since the baby is head down occasionally I get jabbed in the pubic bone, and that hurts.

Most of the movements don't hurt at all and are like slow rollings as the baby moves from my left to right side, and when the baby gets hiccupsChat Icon Chat Icon

Definitely going to miss these moments after the baby is born.

Posted 9/2/09 9:38 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/06

572 total posts


Re: Kicks in the 3rd tri

I am 33 weeks and this child moves NON STOP!!!!

I can't say that it hurts, but it is definitely starting to get uncomfortable. It's a lot more pushing and pressure as opposed to jabbing and kicking.

He also seems to catch me off guard. The other day, DH didn't understand why I was making noises and wondered if it was all normal. So out of no where I just kind of pushed his side like the baby would mine, and he jumped. At that point I said now do you understand a lil better why I jump sometimes!!!!

There is one spot on my right side, and whenever he burrows himself and pushes into that spot (its like right below my ribcage on the side), it hurts. Not like necessarily painful hurt, but like oooo ahhhh, gotta slouch over a bit, need to stop walking if i am kind of hurt (its hard to explain so i hope it makes sense)

Posted 9/2/09 9:38 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/06

572 total posts


Re: Kicks in the 3rd tri

Posted by oktom22

They normally don't hurt unless the baby kicks right underneath my rib...then it jolts me. Or since the baby is head down occasionally I get jabbed in the pubic bone, and that hurts.

Most of the movements don't hurt at all and are like slow rollings as the baby moves from my left to right side, and when the baby gets hiccupsChat Icon Chat Icon

Definitely going to miss these moments after the baby is born.

We had our first set of hiccups the other day, and they were soooo cute!!! Even DH keeps talking about how cute they were!!!

Posted 9/2/09 9:40 PM

Peanuts are here!

Member since 1/09

13591 total posts


Re: Kicks in the 3rd tri

not so much kicks anymore..more like waves and rolls. at times if its alot it does hurt b/c it seems to be in the same its sore a little.

and its so weird how my belly gets real hard in spots..where his foot/hand/or god knows what else is pressing there. It freaks DH out big time!!

Posted 9/2/09 9:41 PM

My two boys!

Member since 5/05

7279 total posts


Re: Kicks in the 3rd tri

Posted by QuackQuack

I am 33 weeks and this child moves NON STOP!!!!

I can't say that it hurts, but it is definitely starting to get uncomfortable. It's a lot more pushing and pressure as opposed to jabbing and kicking.

He also seems to catch me off guard. The other day, DH didn't understand why I was making noises and wondered if it was all normal. So out of no where I just kind of pushed his side like the baby would mine, and he jumped. At that point I said now do you understand a lil better why I jump sometimes!!!!

There is one spot on my right side, and whenever he burrows himself and pushes into that spot (its like right below my ribcage on the side), it hurts. Not like necessarily painful hurt, but like oooo ahhhh, gotta slouch over a bit, need to stop walking if i am kind of hurt (its hard to explain so i hope it makes sense)

This describes exactly how I feel at 30 weeks. I have that same spot that the baby gets stuck in on the right side. The pressure gets really painful sometimes.

Posted 9/2/09 9:41 PM


Member since 6/09

3403 total posts


Re: Kicks in the 3rd tri

My baby's movements never ever hurt, there have been a few times when I was I little winded because of the particular spot (under the ribs), but I wouldn't call it pain. I would describe the movements as rolls and numbs and thumps. I usually can feel the type of body part too. Like little pointy thumps must be an elbow or heel whereas big smooth hard thumps are most likely a tush or the back. My baby also gets the hiccups, and that feels like more rhythmic jolts.

Posted 9/2/09 10:00 PM

Sugar & Spice

Member since 7/08

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Re: Kicks in the 3rd tri

Coming up on 37 weeks and I would say it qualifies as hurting as of recently. It's kinda like having an elbow in my ribcage constantly poking at me.....not so cute lately! I guess it's her foot- she pokes it out all the time and I push it back in cause it hurts!

Also, the movements "down there" are very weird and uncomfortable. I try not to complain about it since I know if she weren't moving I'd be complaining about that!

Posted 9/2/09 10:09 PM


Member since 6/05

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Grammie says "Lora Gina"

Re: Kicks in the 3rd tri

Kicks are felt a lot more by me now. I love watching him move & the entire stomach go in waves. He crazy kicks when I lay on my right side which is where he is (legs on left) They go wailing!

Posted 9/2/09 10:12 PM

number 3...coming soon!

Member since 4/09

1811 total posts


Re: Kicks in the 3rd tri

at 28 weeks the kicking decreased for about 3 days and all I felt was rolls for 3 days. The kicks returned for 2 weeks and now during week 30, the kicks are mostly gone again. I still feel a few kicks throughout the day, but not like I'm used to. I mentioned it to the doctor on Tuesday and he said that the movements do change when the baby gets bigger. I miss the kicks though and I hope that they come back again Chat Icon

Posted 9/3/09 10:22 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/07

1199 total posts


Re: Kicks in the 3rd tri

I am actually feeling a lot more movement (kicks and pressure) now at 33 weeks than ever before.

Posted 9/3/09 11:22 AM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06

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remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Re: Kicks in the 3rd tri

at 34 weeks, the movements are weirder Chat Icon I find I only get kicks/punches/elbows if I am doing something (sitting, laying, speaking) in a way the baby doesn't like Chat Icon Chat Icon

I get a lot of rolling the way pics of the Loch Ness monster look...that's how it feels.

sometimes I get a lot of shaking or something...I am starting to get concerned my baby is epileptic Chat Icon Chat Icon

what hurts is the constant pressure on my lower parts (bladder etc) it makes it harder to walk. and sitting down isn't all that fun either. and the extra jabs newton throws in are not helpful at all.

I think we are both tired of sharing space, to be honest. Chat Icon

Posted 9/3/09 11:29 AM

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