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Kid friendly tablet

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LIF Adult

Member since 7/10

1801 total posts


Kid friendly tablet


Looking to get my 4.5 year old a tablet for Xmas. I'm looking for something where I can download education apps.

Is there something cheaper than an Ipad?

Posted 11/6/19 10:27 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Baby Boy is Here!

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Momma <3

Kid friendly tablet

My library has preloaded educational ones from LaunchPad. They have different age ranges PK-K, K-2, 3-5. You can take them out for a week at a time. They're free. Maybe your library has something similar.

Posted 11/6/19 10:57 AM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

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..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Kid friendly tablet

Samsung Galaxy Tablet or Kindle Fire
DD has had both. Both are fine for her needs.

Posted 11/6/19 11:05 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/14

7274 total posts


Kid friendly tablet

DD is almost 4 and has the kids kindle. It’s indestructible though it takes FOREVER to charge.

I’m sure there will be Black Friday deals.

Posted 11/6/19 12:33 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/15

614 total posts


Kid friendly tablet

Amazon Fire Tablet. My DS has been using it since he was 2 and has learned so much from apps I've downloaded.

Posted 11/6/19 1:27 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/10

1801 total posts


Re: Kid friendly tablet

Thank you all for the suggestions!

Posted 11/6/19 1:37 PM


Member since 5/08

8351 total posts


Re: Kid friendly tablet

i just got my kids ipads.

They go on sale lately for about $300 for 128GB if you wanted smaller space the price goes down. I get them the otter box to protect it and the plan.

I like that i can share our purchases with each other. this comes in handy for any movies we download.

Posted 11/6/19 1:49 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

12167 total posts


Kid friendly tablet

We just have the regular fire. They're around $30 on black Friday. We used to pay for freetime unlimited for them but now we just use the free version which is fine since I can control which games they download. We don't use them a ton so I didn't want to spend much on anything fancy.

Posted 11/6/19 5:13 PM


Member since 1/12

6105 total posts


Re: Kid friendly tablet

I agree with the Amazon Fire tablet. We do not have the kids version...just the regular one that was about $30 on sale. There is not much memory on there, but you can use a removable micro sd card to add storage which is very helpful

Posted 11/7/19 11:42 AM

My lil cowboy

Member since 10/10

7790 total posts


Re: Kid friendly tablet

My kids all have the Amazon fire and I freakin hate it. Its forever to charge, it's a pain to operate and, for some bizarre reason, they are all connected to one account so my older son's has sucked all the storage from the other ones. That makes no sense to me but that's what they told me when I called. I would get a refurbished ipad if I had to do it again.

Posted 11/7/19 10:15 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/13

330 total posts


Kid friendly tablet

I too would vote iPad
Half the battle is getting a good and strong case with plastic screen in front to prevent from scratch and falls
Samsung doesn’t have a whole lot of cases and I dropped my Samsung and it doesn’t work
My iPads go thro abuse daily! and last a long time

Posted 11/8/19 12:56 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

5435 total posts


Kid friendly tablet

i would do with the iPad.... you can get factory refurbished ones and save some money. both my boys have them, and its nice because i feel like they can easily handle the games, etc that they want to do on them, DH and i can send them iMessages, they can iMessage with my in laws or my parents (none of them live close to us, so its nice they can keep in touch...). we pretty much just give the boys our old iPads as we get new ones HAHA

Posted 11/12/19 1:23 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 2/16

513 total posts


Re: Kid friendly tablet

Just get an iPad and put a child case on it. My girls got them at 2 and 3 years old and they lasted forever. Never a cracked screen and never ran out of storage. We just upgraded them finally a year ago.

Posted 11/19/19 10:18 PM

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