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Re: L&D question
It all depends on how many rooms are occupied. With my 1st I didn't, I was the only one at the time and it was after midnight.
With my 2nd I didn't b/c again I was the only one and again it was after midnight.
With my 3rd... I was induced this time for medical reasons and it was during the day. My dr. was very busy and this time I heard lots of screaming and all kinds of language. LOL eta. This one lady must have screamed Oh God 1,000 times.
Message edited 4/8/2009 2:07:52 PM.
Posted 4/8/09 2:05 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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HELLO Manolo !!

Member since 5/06 14562 total posts
Name: Marisa
Re: L&D question
I've been on the L&D floor and have heard women scream - but everyone handles pain differently - My cousin bumps her knee and she's screaming and writhing on the floor in pain - KWIM? Some people are just much more dramatic than others - I honeslty didn't then, and wouldn't now, take it as a sin of HOW much pain someone is in - b/c pain is different for everyone -
Posted 4/8/09 2:11 PM |
Sugar & Spice

Member since 7/08 1351 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: L&D question
My little sister had her first baby when she was 18 (I was in the room with her.) She screamed and cursed like a maniac- but I think it was partially due to her being young, not fully prepared and scared. Plus she didn't do the epidural.
I will say, though, I was 21 at the time- and seeing and hearing her was the most effective birth control ever. It was a decade before I even considered having kids myself!
Posted 4/8/09 2:14 PM |
Re: L&D question
Posted by MarisaK
I've been on the L&D floor and have heard women scream - but everyone handles pain differently - My cousin bumps her knee and she's screaming and writhing on the floor in pain - KWIM? Some people are just much more dramatic than others - I honeslty didn't then, and wouldn't now, take it as a sin of HOW much pain someone is in - b/c pain is different for everyone -
You are absolutley right. Now I feel my post might frighten someone. Just to prove Marisa point, I didn't make one peep and I went had a natural labor/ no drugs. Was I uncomfortable yes, but screaming is not me. The only noise I made was deep and hard inhaling and exhaling.
My DD is a screamer. She screams over nothing. If you heard the screams that came out of her mouth just from taking a splinter out you'd Ok she's 9 but it's her personality-she's always going to be a screamer. She is going to break the glass in windows when she is in labor. Either that or knock the clock off the wall. I know it.
Posted 4/8/09 2:18 PM |
Love my 4 kiddos!

Member since 11/08 8346 total posts
Name: Kristie
Re: L&D question
When i had my DD 2 other people on the floor were in active labot at the same time I was, and for the moments when i wasn't screaming and cursing at everyone in the room I did hear other people screaming. But for the most part you really don't hear it.
Posted 4/8/09 4:19 PM |
My Life. My Everything.

Member since 10/07 9151 total posts
Re: L&D question
I didn't hear a thing over my own screaming My guess is if you were in the hallway walking past a room, you may hear something but with the beeping of monitors, the sound of the baby's heartbeat, I didn't even know there was anyone else on that floor.
Posted 4/8/09 4:35 PM |
Re: L&D question
Nope. I only heard the nurses and interns in the room next to me coaching and cheering another woman in labor on, then the sound of the newborn baby's cry.
Honestly, I was in so much pain but it was to the point where I couldn't really talk, let alone get a scream out when I arrived on the L&D unit.
Once I received my epi, I was in la-la land and they actually yelled at me because I was so drugged up I thought everything around me was funny. They said I wasn't taking the experience "seriously".
Posted 4/8/09 6:36 PM |
Mommy of 2!!!

Member since 5/08 2083 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: L&D question
I heard 2 ladies screaming... it freaked me out!
im told i didnt really scream too loud although i throught i was loud!
Posted 4/8/09 7:57 PM |
Three Under Four!!! :-)

Member since 8/06 6405 total posts
Name: ~ THERESA ~
Re: L&D question
Posted by dita
I've never been admitted to a hospital, all I know is what I see on TV. Do you actually hear other women screaming while you are in labor?
to be TOTALLY honest, I heard MULTIPLE women screaming while I was in labor. I was admitted into the delivery room at around 4am early Sunday morning, and I didn't deliver until 8:54pm on Sunday night. That entire time, I heard women delivering babies left and right. The crappy part about it was that most of the women I heard screaming only did so for a few minutes, and I thought - "wow, this is going to be quick!" - bs! I pushed for 2 1/2 hours straight!!!
Hearing the women didn't make me scared, it actually mentally prepared me in a weird way.
ETA: ps... the weekend I delivered there was a full moon and all the delivery rooms were packed all day long...
Message edited 4/8/2009 8:12:57 PM.
Posted 4/8/09 8:09 PM |
Three Under Four!!! :-)

Member since 8/06 6405 total posts
Name: ~ THERESA ~
Re: L&D question
Posted by mzsocialworker1
Once I received my epi, I was in la-la land and they actually yelled at me because I was so drugged up I thought everything around me was funny. They said I wasn't taking the experience "seriously".
Nice!!! I wish I had what you had!!!
Posted 4/8/09 8:10 PM |
2 boys & 1 girl :)

Member since 11/06 1874 total posts
Re: L&D question
I was there for 12 hours before giving birth and I heard women screaming.... totally freaked me out!
Posted 4/9/09 10:52 AM |
I love my baby girls!

Member since 12/06 2441 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: L&D question
I didn't hear a thing! I think the walls are soundproof, and the majority of people get epis anyway, so there is no screaming when you have that!
Posted 4/9/09 11:11 AM |
Three Under Four!!! :-)

Member since 8/06 6405 total posts
Name: ~ THERESA ~
Re: L&D question
Posted by luckyinlove
I didn't hear a thing! I think the walls are soundproof, and the majority of people get epis anyway, so there is no screaming when you have that!
not exactly true... i had an epi and mine wore off at 8cm!!!
Posted 4/9/09 8:26 PM |
my loves...

Member since 5/05 9129 total posts
Name: guess
Re: L&D question
I heard the woman in the delivery room next to me...I had already delivered and was relaxing at the time. She kept screaming that she "couldn't do this" A little late to be feeling that, sista
I wasn't a screamer so no one heard me...
Posted 4/9/09 8:29 PM |
Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07 12683 total posts
Name: Dawn
Re: L&D question
For my first, I heard another woman and my Ob said, "now, aren't you glad you opted for the epidural?!"
I didn't heard anyone when I delivered last week---other than another woman's newborn baby cry.
Posted 4/9/09 8:54 PM |
Re: L&D question
When I was in labor with my second I went from not needing to push one minute and then all of sudden needing to push NOW and my dr. was scrambling to get everything in order. Once that happened and I was ready I think someone was walking in as I was pushing and screaming . My nurse was on her break and was on her way back and her me screaming and said she knew it was her girl and was excited
Posted 4/9/09 9:04 PM |
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