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leap pad or iTouch for a 2.5 year old

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my little loves

Member since 8/08

18453 total posts


leap pad or iTouch for a 2.5 year old

For Christmas - he will be more than 2.5 by then and I am trying to plan ahead.

Can any leap pad moms give me feedback on the leap pad? Would it make more sense to go right to an iTouch?

Posted 9/21/12 10:13 AM
Long Island Weddings
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A new beginning

Member since 2/07

3600 total posts


Re: leap pad or iTouch for a 2.5 year old

Since this was a huge topic last year here are my thoughts. I bought the leappad for my 2 1/2 year old last christmas. He played with it for a while but a lot of the games were too involved for him to play or were too involved that he got bored quickly. The leappad hardly gets used at all even though now he's 3 1/2 and old enough to play the games, the games tend to be dragged out and take too long to go through that it can't hold his attention. My kindle on the other hand he uses all the time. My the I touch or another tablet. I wished I would have just gone that route and bought him a fire.

Posted 9/21/12 10:29 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/07

3929 total posts


Re: leap pad or iTouch for a 2.5 year old

Between the two, I would say the Touch. My son also has the Nook but leans more toward the Ipod. I think it's easier for him to navigate.

Posted 9/21/12 10:32 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/07

1447 total posts


Re: leap pad or iTouch for a 2.5 year old

I was in the same boat last year but decided on the mobigo. Yes they play it but not often. My boys have my iphone all the time. So this Christmas I'm just going with the itouch because after all it'll get used. My boys are 3.5 & 2.5.

*also you can have relatives get them gift cards for xmas so they can buy games Chat Icon

Posted 9/22/12 11:09 AM

Love of my life....

Member since 5/05

3687 total posts


Re: leap pad or iTouch for a 2.5 year old

We have leap pad and Ipad...DS got leap pad at almost 3..he's now 3 1/2 and really only ever uses the IPAD.

Leap pad is good for a little older kids.

Posted 9/22/12 11:48 AM

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