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Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Let's talk Bottles, Sippy Cups, and Straw cups
What age did your ped want your child off the bottle? What age did they actually get off the bottle?
What's the deal w/ Sippys? Some posts I read and people say to put them on a Sippy Cup - other posts say that it's bad for their speech.
Then I hear to use Straw cups.
What is the real deal and what have you done with your child?
Personally, I can't see him being off the bottle any time soon. He has had a sippy cup on his highchair for the last month and a half - and has not gotten a drip in his mouth yet!
Posted 5/20/08 9:32 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05 27567 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: Let's talk Bottles, Sippy Cups, and Straw cups
I love straw cups. First I did sippy, I wanted him to learn how to drink...but really, every kid is going to eventually learn how to tip their head and cup.
He drinks so much more now with the straw cup.
Posted 5/20/08 9:33 PM |
party of five

Member since 9/06 11343 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Let's talk Bottles, Sippy Cups, and Straw cups
I am glad you asked...because I have no friggen idea
DS LOVES his bottle and right now I am very unsure how we will even attempt to get rid of it
I have a ped 1year appt on Friday so I am hoping i will get some answers
Posted 5/20/08 9:37 PM |
Member since 10/06 4563 total posts
Re: Let's talk Bottles, Sippy Cups, and Straw cups
DD was BF'd so didn't have a lot of bottles. when i had to stop BFing she went to bottles then quickly right to the sippy. this was like at 9.5 months. she really did well with the transition. at 11 months now she drinks only from the sippy-i tried straws but she doesn't get it...yet. i will keep trying though down the road. i think someone stated that sippys could be a problem if used too long? like beyond 2? not sure.
Posted 5/20/08 9:44 PM |
Member since 6/06 24950 total posts
Re: Let's talk Bottles, Sippy Cups, and Straw cups
I tried the straw cups and regular sippies and he did ok.
BUT I have found that with the take and toss cups he drinks more and I think it is because they are lighter, so we are using those right now.
Posted 5/20/08 9:52 PM |
Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07 12683 total posts
Name: Dawn
Re: Let's talk Bottles, Sippy Cups, and Straw cups
We transitioned to the sippy at 11 months. My ped hadn't even said anything about it before that. DD just seemed ready. We had also had the sippy out for at least a month before DD did anything with it. Keep it available to DS; he'll eventually take it.
I use both a spout sippy and straw sippy. We use the spouts for water & juice and straw cups for milk. No real rhyme or reason---just a habit.
Nothing has impacted DD's speech. She is 19 months old and talks up a storm. She pronounces words beautifully for her age. I'd say she's on par with many 2+ year olds.
Posted 5/20/08 9:52 PM |
Member since 12/06 16001 total posts
Name: *
Re: Let's talk Bottles, Sippy Cups, and Straw cups
I use regular sippy cups, we have a couple of straw ones but since she tilts her cup to drink, it never works out with the straw. At our 1 year visit the ped. said to try to get her off the bottle. We went cold turkey and she was off them before she was 13 months. DS was easy too, but then again he was tongue tied and really hated the bottles anyway.
Posted 5/20/08 9:53 PM |
Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05 17076 total posts
Name: Kara®
Re: Let's talk Bottles, Sippy Cups, and Straw cups
Alex only started to get the hang of the sippy cup recently. She actually prefers to drink water right out of the bottle or a glass.
She can't figure out the straw cups - she doesn't know to suck.
She loves water, so we're doing pretty well. But she loves her bottle too!!
Posted 5/20/08 10:04 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/07 785 total posts
Name: Vanessa
Re: Let's talk Bottles, Sippy Cups, and Straw cups
We started giving DD a sippy cup for water & juice at 6 months. She was also on the bottle for formula. At her 1year checkup the ped said to try & stop the bottle. We started to give milk in the sippy the very next day & she hasn't had a bottle since that day. I haven't tried the straw cups yet because as a PP said she lifts the cup up to drink.
Posted 5/20/08 11:11 PM |
I love these boys

Member since 7/07 2711 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Let's talk Bottles, Sippy Cups, and Straw cups
My ped is big on taking the bottles away by 1yrs old. With my youngest I took it away by 10.5mos but only because he adjusted so well to a sippy cup. I am trying to get him to take straw cups but he is having some trouble with it (he's now 15mos) My middle guy 3yrs old attends speech and they recommend using the straw cups because it helps with their muscles in there mouth. I don't believe if your child doesn't use a straw cup they won't be able to speak I just think for the children that do have speech problems it helps and for those that don't it just helps to use those muscles. JMO
Posted 5/20/08 11:28 PM |
10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06 26792 total posts
Name: Shawn
Re: Let's talk Bottles, Sippy Cups, and Straw cups
We tried sippy cups with DS, but he never took to them. We then tried straw cups, and he took to them pretty early. DD started drinking from DS's cups as soon as she could crawl over to them.... (well under 1 year)
Posted 5/21/08 7:25 AM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Let's talk Bottles, Sippy Cups, and Straw cups
Right now Noah has 3 bottles a day and they are half milk. We are gonna give it about a month or so to all milk and then transition the milk to the sippy cups.
I tried a trillion of them. About 5-7 different kinds.
The only ones he took to were the 5 oz take and toss ones.
Noah gets about 2 filled with water a day and one with either part carrot juice or milk a day and he is fine with them.
Try them, he got used to them in days versus a while with the other kinds of sippys.
My goal is to be on sippy cups completly and formula free by 14-15 months....
I would think that none of our kids are ready for a real cup yet and I think bottles are worse for their teeth then sippys?
Posted 5/21/08 7:36 AM |
Blessed x 3

Member since 6/05 2460 total posts
Name: Laurie
Re: Let's talk Bottles, Sippy Cups, and Straw cups
I only had her on one bottle at night until 18 months. It was my fault though, I was afraid she wouldn't fall asleep. We have tried them all and she would use any. We started teh sippy cup at about 9 months... I had her on straws at 13 months. I likes the Nubi ones teh best when I had started though. Her speech is amazing, not affected at all.
Message edited 5/21/2008 7:41:29 AM.
Posted 5/21/08 7:38 AM |
Re: Let's talk Bottles, Sippy Cups, and Straw cups
I tried so many sippy cups and he only took to the straw ones. Then eventually he drank from any sippy cup. My ped wanted him off the bottle by 12 months but he wouldn't drink milke from a sippy so she said she rather him have the bottle of milk than no milk at all. Every couple of weeks I tried and then at 17 monhts I put milk in his morning cup and he drank and then I threw out every bottle.
DD never had a bottle. She has drank from it but never liked it. She has been taking a sippy since 6 months and will drink anything from it. I do give her 1 cup of soy milk a day in it because that is what I am transitioning her to and she is done with it in a flash.
Posted 5/21/08 8:17 AM |
Bella Bambini

Member since 5/05 9300 total posts
Re: Let's talk Bottles, Sippy Cups, and Straw cups
DS has been using straw/sippy cup since 6 months. He LOVED his milk in the bottle which is why it took us until 18 months to get him completely off the bottle. The only thing he drank out of his bottle was milk, otherwise during the day he was only on sippy/straw cups
Posted 5/21/08 8:23 AM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Let's talk Bottles, Sippy Cups, and Straw cups
My ped wants them start to get weaned at 12 months. My Oldest wasn't ready to give it up until she was almost 18 months-then we went to the Nuby Gripper sippers just for Milk.
She was on the Nuby straw cups since 7 months old for water.
My youngest loves the straw cups too and has been drinking from those from 6 months.
I go by their signs and i kept trying every month till she just didn't want the bottle one day. I'll do the same with #2.
ETA: My 24 months old is very advanced in her speech and no problems at all.
Message edited 5/21/2008 8:32:45 AM.
Posted 5/21/08 8:32 AM |
life is a carousel

Member since 7/07 14956 total posts
Name: M
Re: Let's talk Bottles, Sippy Cups, and Straw cups
DS started using a cup 100% (meaning NO bottle at all) at 10 months
DD started using a cup 100% at 5-5 1/2 months!
Posted 5/21/08 9:00 AM |
My Children

Member since 5/05 7905 total posts
Name: MaMa
Re: Let's talk Bottles, Sippy Cups, and Straw cups
I started giving DS a sippy cup at 6 months old and he did not want anything to do with it so I tried again when he was 9 months old and he still did not want it. Right after his 1st b-day I tried again and he took to it but not right away. By the time he was 13-14 months old he took to it. But now at 21 months old he wants nothing to do with the straw cup. He only wants the playtex sippy cup.
Posted 5/21/08 9:05 AM |
Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05 17988 total posts
Re: Let's talk Bottles, Sippy Cups, and Straw cups
Lucas has been on a sippy cup for a while now and finally started getting the hang of it at around 10 months. Although he still takes in too much liquid and drools a lot out when he removes the cup from his mouth. We've tried other cups but so far the dr brown ones are the ones he prefers...but he dribbles a lot out.
I'd love to get him on the straw one but he has no clue what to do other than chew it...and I have no clue how to help him.
Posted 5/21/08 9:13 AM |
Check out my cool glasses

Member since 5/05 8135 total posts
Name: Kim
Re: Let's talk Bottles, Sippy Cups, and Straw cups
I started giving sippy cups at about 9 months, but she didn't get it. I tried the straw cups and she liked those, so I stuck with that. I stopped the bottle at 12 months cold turkey.
She is now 20 months, and still doesn't get the hang of tilting her head back with a regular sippy cup, but can drink out of a regular cup or water bottle with no problem She will suck on it, and then look at me like, nothings happening. Then she will hand it to me and say juice
We still use the straw cups.
Posted 5/21/08 10:00 AM |
Love my family

Member since 6/06 4546 total posts
Name: SNV
Re: Let's talk Bottles, Sippy Cups, and Straw cups
I am trying DS on sippy cups now. t I just bought the Nuby Sporty Sippy Cup and he will take the milk from there but with a fight. He does better with the Nuby then any other sippy b/c the nipple is almost liek a bottle nipple but more like a straw. He prefers the bottle so much more to the sippy. But when he gets hungry he drinks out of the sippy cup. I am going to go cold turkey within the next 2 weeks and he will get no bottles. So its either he takes the sippy or he just stays hungry.
Posted 5/21/08 10:19 AM |