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lh and fsh numbers.... are they right? and mthfr too

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LIF Adult

Member since 7/06

4357 total posts


lh and fsh numbers.... are they right? and mthfr too

hi i really need input.... i went for my pre natal results and i was told..... time is running out.... didnt expect to hear that at all.... i have cried all day.

it was based on my lh and fsh numbers...

my lh is 5 and fsh is 12.9 this is based on day 3 bloodwork.

i was also told i have mthfr... a folic acid gene defect. i tested positive for both types.... compound heteroxygous? if anyone ahs more info on that part it would be great tooo.... was just tolk i have to take a prescription folic acid too. not much else was said.

but based on lh and fsh numbers... am i really rumming out of time? i am 34 and wasnt planning on ttc till early spring.

this was a reg obgyn and i am going for a second opinion at another obgyn cause not sure i like the drs office setting of the first etc.

was told most likely would have to do clomid .

and when i reminded him at the end we werent ready for ttc till early spring ( etc) he just kept saying ...well time is running out.

iis he right? scared...sad.... all icky depressed feelings..

any insights would be appreciated or advice....ty so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Message edited 11/3/2009 11:27:16 PM.

Posted 11/3/09 11:26 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/09

509 total posts


Re: lh and fsh numbers.... are they right? and mthfr too

First of all, I am sorry...getting that kind of a news at 34 is never easy....

If you want my honest opinion, I would't waste time with another obgyn....with LH & FSH numbers like that you need a RE....they are high..anything over 10 is considered high and indicate low/poor ovarian reserve....I know you said that you are not currently TTC but if you plan to, I would get a RE and start getting tests done....they take a while.....I would also retake Day 3 test..a lot of times the number comes back different from the original test..(sometimes lower / higher).....

Good luck to you!

Posted 11/4/09 8:38 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/06

4357 total posts


Re: lh and fsh numbers.... are they right? and mthfr too

thank you so much for replying :)

am feeling a bit more hopeful now. i made an appt with dr braverman who is mentioned so much on here....
and i am going ot see him next week.

you are right.... getting the right help instead of messing around ya know? ty!


Posted 11/4/09 7:26 PM

I am ONE !!!!!

Member since 5/07

1560 total posts


Re: lh and fsh numbers.... are they right? and mthfr too

I'm sorry that you are going throught this. I have felt the same way. I'm glad that you are moving forward and thing positively. Good LuckChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/4/09 9:19 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/06

4357 total posts


Re: lh and fsh numbers.... are they right? and mthfr too

thank you so much fo ryour kind words.... i really appreicate it!!!!! Chat Icon

Posted 11/4/09 10:18 PM

Praying for the LOs!

Member since 1/09

1630 total posts


Re: lh and fsh numbers.... are they right? and mthfr too

i just wanted to say good luck! you're definitely doing the right thing by going to see Dr. Braverman!

My FSH was high also (10) and i was nervous when i first heard that, but i am working with an acupuncturist and my RE and hopefully everything will be ok!

Message edited 11/5/2009 7:48:55 AM.

Posted 11/5/09 7:48 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/06

4357 total posts


Re: lh and fsh numbers.... are they right? and mthfr too

thanks so much smp..... i hope your fsh goes down and things work with your re too!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 11/5/09 8:00 AM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: lh and fsh numbers.... are they right? and mthfr too

fsh is an indicator of how well you will respond to meds. I had an fsh of 14.9 when I did my IVF(which is funny because I did my IVF because of tubal issues not high fsh-and I had been pregnant 5 times on my own and very easily but they were probably all tubals or early m/c's) I had a successfule pregnancy and have healthy 11 month old twin boys. I did not have lot of embies(5 all together)

Posted 11/6/09 8:35 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/06

4357 total posts


Re: lh and fsh numbers.... are they right? and mthfr too

ty for the info drmom...and congrats on your twins!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 11/6/09 7:56 PM

C & J are 10!

Member since 6/05

5914 total posts


Re: lh and fsh numbers.... are they right? and mthfr too

FSH can be lowered for most people by drinking wheat grass. It tastes nasty, but it will help you in the long run.

I also highly recommend the book Inconvievable. The woman's story in that books sounds similar to yours.

I also wouldn't waste any more time with an OB. Get to a RE ASAP and accupuncture helps as well!

May your stay here be short! Good Luck!

Posted 11/7/09 9:08 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/06

4357 total posts


Re: lh and fsh numbers.... are they right? and mthfr too

thank you so much.

thanks for the suggestion for the book too!

so i went to another ob ,,not braverman, who specializes in high risk and infertility...and we are running fsh and lh again....also progesterone...getting dhs sperm analyzed etc.

i see him in a month for the results. he really thinks i can concieve but we need to see the new results. i think if i the numbers are still crazy i might do braverman....but the new ob.... realllllllllllly new his stuff and i felt sooooooo much more comfortable than at the other docs office who was all doom and gloom....

so i am sure i will have tons of updates for sure!

again thanks all so much for the support!

Posted 11/7/09 5:57 PM

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