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LIF Infant

Member since 10/07 52 total posts
Name: Kelly
I had an ectopic pregnancy about 2 weeks ago and was given Methotrexate. I have been looking online for symptoms but have not found anything that helps me. My problem is...I was given methotrexate via an iv on July 30th. It is now exactly two weeks since and I am bleeding very heavily at times and have severe cramps, so painful that I cannot move. The only symptoms I seem to find online are for the initial 2-3 days after. I am getting very scared and do not know what to do. I have an appointment with my dr on Monday. I also asked the dr if my symptoms are normal, the dr. says yes it is, but the pain is so unbearable I kind of don't feel the doctor understands the pain and the amount of blood. Any comments will be greatly appreciated.
Posted 8/13/08 11:50 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 2324 total posts
Name: Betty
Re: Methotrexate
I am sorry this is happening to you
Did you have your tube removed or were you just given the shot?? This happened to my SIL and after she got the shot she was bleeding heavy and had major pain.
It turned out that her tube ruptured (the shot did not dissolve the ectopic)..she was rushed to the hospital and had emergency surgery to remove her tube....she had extensive internal bleeding and almost died...
I would go to ER and get check out before you meet with your doctor....your symptoms sound to severe to be side effects of the shot...I hope that is not the case but I would defitly get it checked out.....
GL to you
Posted 8/14/08 11:27 AM |
I'll be there soon!

Member since 1/08 6549 total posts
Name: Patty
Re: Methotrexate
Did the dr. test your beta a few days after the methotrexate? they should have to make sure it worked...i needed 2 shots...
I would call the dr.
Posted 8/14/08 11:31 AM |
LIF Zygote
Member since 10/07 34 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Methotrexate
Kelly, I am so sorry you are going through this. I too was in terrible pain after taking the methotrexate & my Dr. said not to worry. It turned out for me that I had to have my tube removed. Trust your gut & don't delay. If you are in pain, it is definitely worth going to the ER to get checked out. Feel free to FM me should you need anything.
Posted 8/14/08 1:13 PM |
Girls Rule

Member since 2/07 2035 total posts
Name: natasa
Re: Methotrexate
I also had the was given as two shots and follw-ups of blood test (checking your HCG levels). If you have severe pain your tube might have should seek medical attention ASAP!!!! The shot should not give you pain.
Posted 8/14/08 1:58 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 4/07 758 total posts
Re: Methotrexate
I had two shots of only symptoms were nausea and mood swings. I did not have severe pain until my tube actually ruptured.
Are you being closely monitored - beta checks every other day? If you are in severe pain, feeling dizzy or faint, you need to call your dr and get to an ER quickly. I waited way too long to go to the hospital and it almost cost me.
I hope you are o.k.
Posted 8/15/08 12:07 PM |
Two in Blue

Member since 5/05 20223 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Methotrexate
As everyone else said you need to seek immediate medical attention. A ruptured tube can be fatal. Methotrexate is not fail safe. Please update us as to your condition! Best of luck
Posted 8/15/08 1:02 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 1/08 118 total posts
Re: Methotrexate
I am SO sorry you are going through this. I had an ectopic PG in January. I was given the methotrexate and had pain, very heavy bleeding and bloating. After a week I just felt that something was not right. I went to the ER (met my gyno there). She did an internal sono and said that my tube was under a lot of stress and was starting to leak. That night I had surgery to remove it. Luckily they got it out before it ruptured.
The bleeding is not as much of an issue as the pain is. If you are in pain you really should call your obgyn and get to the ER.
Posted 8/15/08 4:02 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 10/07 52 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: Methotrexate
I am closely being monitored and called the doctor because I was very scared something was wrong. The doctor had taken more blood work and did an internal sono and everything is fortunately okay. The pain and bleeding I was having...this is TMI (sorry) was me passing the blood clots that the methotrexate broke up. My HCG levels dropped over 2000, it is currently at 700, so it looks good for me.
I am very thankful to everyone who responded to my post.
This is a very difficult thing to go through not knowing what to expect and you all have helped me more than you can ever know.
Thank you again and good luck to us all with our journies in life.
Posted 8/16/08 12:02 AM |