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Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
Milk Protein Allergy questions
How long after you switched the formula did you see the bloody stool stop? Was switching to Alimentum enough, or did you have to change formulas again?
And if you child is older, are they now able to tolerate milk products?
Posted 10/20/06 11:02 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/06 583 total posts
Re: Milk Protein Allergy questions
Maddy never had bloody stools, but . with her first bottle, the screaming and arching her back stopped. I asked the Dr about when she gets older. He said its somethign they usually outgrow.
Posted 10/21/06 8:41 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/05 1977 total posts
Name: Cassie
Re: Milk Protein Allergy questions
We switched to Nutramigen 2 wks ago an dthere is still a "trace amout" of blood in hsi stools which the Dr. said is normal as he heals. But his crying/colicy symptoms slowed down immediately - now he has reflux also so I'm hoping we'll see total improvement but they tell me about 3 months his digestive systems should be more mature to handle all this stuff better. the milk allergy they usually outgrow in a couple years tops.
Posted 10/21/06 8:55 AM |
Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05 8088 total posts
Name: Kristen
Re: Milk Protein Allergy questions
Posted by jgm26
Maddy never had bloody stools, but . with her first bottle, the screaming and arching her back stopped. I asked the Dr about when she gets older. He said its somethign they usually outgrow.
same here, crying stopped right away.
Posted 10/21/06 9:48 AM |
Chase is one!
Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
Re: Milk Protein Allergy questions
THe blood in her stool stopped almost immediately when we switched to Neocate. Alimentum did not agree with her because even though it is "hypo-allergenic" it is still based with cow's milk protein and she had a reaction to it. Her body would basically reject it and as soon as she drank it, it immediately came right back out. We're going to try Nutramigen again when we finish going through all the cans of Neocate we have in the house now, so probably next month. I have a feeling that might work for her now.
Posted 10/21/06 10:32 AM |
Twin Moms Do Everything Twice

Member since 5/05 9612 total posts
Re: Milk Protein Allergy questions
We switched james to alimentum and we didnt see any more blood (just once). There was still a slight amount of blood in his stool at the dr. office that we couldnt see a week later. 2 weeks later there is no more blood in his stool, thank god!
Posted 10/21/06 12:19 PM |

Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
Re: Milk Protein Allergy questions
He's been on it about a day and a half now and he was miserable for about an hour tonight, the worst ever. We're thinking maybe his intestines are still raw. I hope that's all it is, it's so hard to see him in so much pain.
Posted 10/21/06 9:59 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/05 1977 total posts
Name: Cassie
Re: Milk Protein Allergy questions
My Ped. said their digestive tract needs time to heal - she compared it to colitis in adults saying the sores need to heal and it can take some tmie to see total improvement. that broke my heart I had no idea the allergic reaction was so severe :( I hope your little one is doing better.
Posted 10/22/06 9:59 AM |