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Miscarriage Support
One of my family members has a hard time conceiving, had 2 miscarriages and finally got pregnant with twins...and ended up losing one of the babies during her first trimester. She doesn't talk about it, has kept to herself, and has become very distant. I reach out to her to let her know I'm here if she needs but don't get much of a response (which I totally understand) but was just wondering if you can think of or have ever received some kind of gift that I could send her to just let her know I'm thinking about her and to offer her some strength?
Posted 2/21/17 10:11 PM |
Brighter days ahead
Member since 4/07 7364 total posts
Re: Miscarriage Support
Oh I don't know. That is so potentially touchy and so highly personal. Honestly, I feel like whatever people tried to do or say after my miscarriages, I was unhappy with it. I didn't receive any gifts and I would not have welcomed them. In time, I did buy myself wind chimes as a rememberance of my lost babies. Again, so personal.
I would say just sending a card of support saying you are there for her if she wants to talk is best. But it sounds like you've basically done that already? If so, I would just leave it alone.
Posted 2/21/17 11:31 PM |
It's a girl!!!

Member since 6/10 21539 total posts
Name: Stacey
Re: Miscarriage Support
I don't think I'd get her a gift, but it's nice to send a card of support. But, I would make it a really basic card, with a handwritten note.
It's a very hard thing to go through, and I have to say - I changed so much after my MC. And it changed me forever. It would've been nice for someone to talk to me about it at some point, because 5 or so years later, I feel the need to talk about it and I wish I would've gone to therapy after it.
Sorry for the ramble, you are a very sweet person to even care.
Posted 2/22/17 8:20 AM |
Re: Miscarriage Support
Thank you both for your input, I agree with you both and appreciate it. Another friend of mine has gone thru infertility issues and was very open about it so I can understand how my family member feels & respect the fact that she's keeping to herself and her experience is extremely personal. I think I'll just send her a card to let her know I'm thinking about her and am here. Thank you!
Posted 2/22/17 11:10 AM |
Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08 19084 total posts
Name: Jib
Re: Miscarriage Support
I had gone through years of infertility and pregnancy losses and now going through it again.
In my experience, it's just a very lonely place. For those who've never been through it (or many times, even those who have), it's just not feelings other people can identify easily with since we all walk such unique paths.
It seems like she wants her space, and I'd give that to her. I'd let her know you're there to talk but beyond that, I'd just let time take over here and let her grieve.
Posted 3/4/17 8:35 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/16 2921 total posts
Miscarriage Support
i posted on your other post, but I agree with all of the above. I just wanted to be left alone
Posted 4/4/17 9:42 AM |