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Member since 6/06 4546 total posts
Name: SNV
Moms having their second child...Question?
The second pregnancy do you get bigger faster? I havent even had a chance to really lose all my belly fat. And right now even though its so early my belly looks so bloated and big like I am 12 wks preggo or something.
Posted 1/14/08 1:31 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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My babies
Member since 6/05 5229 total posts
Name: f
Re: Moms having their second child...Question?
I didn't. I thought I would because I'm slender, but at 13 weeks I'm just now starting to show, but def not in the public eye I'm sure.
Posted 1/14/08 1:36 PM |
Momma's Little Beans

Member since 1/06 3923 total posts
Re: Moms having their second child...Question?
I don't think I did... This pregnancy is completely different from my first. I am carrying much lower (still another girl). I went through a lot of bloat with this one too so I looked bigger early on, but then really looked pregnant by 18+ weeks or at least that is when people started to notice a pregnant belly. I have to say the stretching pains and belly button stretching (uteruine) has been a lot more painful this time around.
Posted 1/14/08 2:01 PM |
Love my sailor

Member since 6/05 5793 total posts
Name: Christian
Re: Moms having their second child...Question?
I said this already to you but I'll answer here too. I don't think I'm getting bigger faster but my muscles are just not tight anymore so I am popping sooner/showing sooner. Link to 2nd Pregnancy Q&A
Message edited 1/14/2008 3:36:38 PM.
Posted 1/14/08 2:16 PM |

Member since 10/06 5304 total posts
Name: Karyn
Re: Moms having their second child...Question?
With my second, I started showing around 9 weeks I think.
Posted 1/14/08 3:12 PM |
Hey baby!
Member since 6/05 1855 total posts
Name: me
Re: Moms having their second child...Question?
I think I got bigger faster; I'm about 25 weeks, and most people aren't quite sure if I'm pregnant. I think it depends on the day and how bloated I am.
Posted 1/14/08 3:13 PM |
April already?

Member since 3/06 5297 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: Moms having their second child...Question?
I didnt really have much of a belly with my first until 6 months or so and I am now 9 weeks and I feel like I look very bloated.
Posted 1/14/08 3:21 PM |
Cake from Outer Space!
Member since 5/05 14021 total posts
Re: Moms having their second child...Question?
For me, yes. I was still in regular clothes at 24-25weeks with the first.
Posted 1/14/08 3:25 PM |
My Girls

Member since 11/06 9543 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Moms having their second child...Question?
I am thin and with my 1st I did not show until about 6 months and this time it was for like 16-17 weeks. So I say yes!
Posted 1/14/08 5:17 PM |
Mommy to 2 boys!
Member since 5/05 4565 total posts
Re: Moms having their second child...Question?
Posted by MrsBlueSash
I said this already to you but I'll answer here too. I don't think I'm getting bigger faster but my muscles are just not tight anymore so I am popping sooner/showing sooner. Link to 2nd Pregnancy Q&A
I agree.
Posted 1/14/08 5:21 PM |
Dream big

Member since 1/06 2486 total posts
Name: j
Re: Moms having their second child...Question?
This is my second time around and I'm currently 22 w. I'm definitely bigger than I was at this time in my first pregnancy.
It's partly my fault though, I was a little more indulgent this go around with the fattening foods
I'm starting to keep myself in check now and am hoping I'll be on track to gain 30lbs.
Posted 1/14/08 5:27 PM |
Love my Family!

Member since 7/05 29064 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: Moms having their second child...Question?
Yup, I got a little belly right away! I was showing much quicker this time.
Posted 1/14/08 5:39 PM |
Bella Bambini

Member since 5/05 9300 total posts
Re: Moms having their second child...Question?
I have to answer no for me.....
Posted 1/14/08 6:20 PM |
I love my kids

Member since 5/05 2885 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: Moms having their second child...Question?
I started showing at 11-12 weeks this time and last time it was more like 16-17 weeks.
Posted 1/14/08 6:21 PM |
My guys

Member since 5/06 2173 total posts
Name: Alli
Re: Moms having their second child...Question?
I did about 12 weeks I was out of my prepreggo pants
Posted 1/14/08 9:18 PM |
Re: Moms having their second child...Question?
yes. Even at 30 weeks I am much bigger than I was with my last. At this point I am done! I can't wait to have the baby b/c I am starting to feel uncomfortable.
Message edited 1/14/2008 9:28:32 PM.
Posted 1/14/08 9:27 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/06 3014 total posts
Re: Moms having their second child...Question?
I did but leveled off at some point. I'm also carrying differently and not as big as I was with DS yet at the same point (8 months pregnant). It's been different the whole time. But, everyone is different.
Posted 1/14/08 9:30 PM |
I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05 6905 total posts
Re: Moms having their second child...Question?
I am bigger than I was with my first but for a different reason. I am carrying differently. My daughter was sideways so I was wide now I am more upfront- if that makes sense. I also look much bigger because even though I had lost all the weight my boobs were still bigger so now that they need their own zip code I look bigger.
Posted 1/14/08 10:57 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Moms having their second child...Question?
I lost my waist a lot faster with my second pregnancy, however I didn't gain very much weight. My total weight gain was about 12 lbs at 8.5 months.
Posted 1/14/08 11:28 PM |