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Mom's of 8 Months Old or BTDT

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My Loves!

Member since 5/05

46292 total posts


Mom's of 8 Months Old or BTDT

Our ped. said we can start meats.
When did you start your DC on meats?
I just tried feeding DS Turkey & Veggies (yes,,uuggghh in a jar) and he did NOT like it one bit.

Im going to start cooking meats and mashing them up for him.
Do you recommend this?
Do you mix your DCs meat with Veggies?

Any advice is helpful. TIAChat Icon

Posted 9/29/07 6:17 PM
Long Island Weddings
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I love these boys

Member since 7/07

2711 total posts


Re: Mom's of 8 Months Old or BTDT

My ds is 7mos and he has been on meats since 6mos. He likes the chicken with apples one or the chicken noodle. But does not care for the other ones. My ped said you could give them table food as long as you mash it up but you should also make sure they are eating their fruits and veggies too.

Posted 9/29/07 6:39 PM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

46292 total posts


Re: Mom's of 8 Months Old or BTDT

Posted by my3boys

My ds is 7mos and he has been on meats since 6mos. He likes the chicken with apples one or the chicken noodle. But does not care for the other ones. My ped said you could give them table food as long as you mash it up but you should also make sure they are eating their fruits and veggies too.

TY so much. We also bought chicken noodle. I will try that tomorrow.
Im a little nervous he doesn't like meat.
We have him a very tiny piece of a meatball last week and holy cow, it was like the end of the world.
Im hoping he will get used to it after some time.

Posted 9/29/07 6:45 PM

Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07

12683 total posts


Re: Mom's of 8 Months Old or BTDT

Posted by my3boys

My ds is 7mos and he has been on meats since 6mos. He likes the chicken with apples one or the chicken noodle. But does not care for the other ones. My ped said you could give them table food as long as you mash it up but you should also make sure they are eating their fruits and veggies too.

My DD loved the chicken & apples too. Her other favorite was turkey & sweet potato. He will get used to it. Change is hard for our little ones.

Posted 9/29/07 7:22 PM

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