Moms of kids 9 -12 months (food related)
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Member since 6/06 16494 total posts
Name: K
Moms of kids 9 -12 months (food related)
OK, since I don't eat very healthy as it is, I need help and ideas on what to feed DD
I need ideas for breakfast, lunch & dinner solid foods.
(all I keep thinking of is PB&J or tuna fish, which are both OUT )
Posted 10/9/07 12:35 PM |
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LIF Adolescent
Member since 5/05 633 total posts
Re: Moms of kids 9 -12 months (food related)
well - now that we are beyond just finger foods my DS pretty much eats everything.
Breakfast - mini waffles or pancakes, fruit, buttered toast, oatmeal, scrambled eggs (he's not crazy about them though) or cheerios.
For lunch its mac-n-cheese, string cheese, applesauce, yogurt, cut up grilled chicken, veggie burgers (his new favorite), chicken nuggets, sweet potatoes, mixed vegetables etc. And the same goes for dinner.
I try to give them vegetables and fruit with most meals, but my DS is not a big fan of veggies. I would just try to give your DD as natural and healthy as possible and not processed when you can. HTH!
Posted 10/9/07 2:09 PM |
Life is good...

Member since 9/05 18504 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Moms of kids 9 -12 months (food related)
OK, let me think. Steven eats everything and my mom gives him lunch and dinner, so I'll try to think of some things that we give him.
Breakfast: Cream of wheat, baby cereal, yogurt with fresh fruit mixed in, oatmeal (regular or baby), scrabled egg, toast with apple butter with a banana.
Lunch: We usually give him pasta pick ups if we don't have anything made, ravioli, pasta with homemade sauce, today he had scrambled egg and I gave my mom cheddar cheese to put in it, rice and beans, quiche.
Dinner: meat loaf, turkey burger (basically just ground up turkey and seasoned and grilled), grilled chicken, ravioli, anything mentioned above. Last night my mom gave him turkey cutlet and some stuffing and gravy. He might have that again tomorrow since it's what I'm making for dinner tonight, LOL.
He almost always has a piece of fruit with each of his meals. He eats puffs, cheerios or those Gerber puff sticks basically all day long.
He'll eat anything we give him as long as he's hungry. I give him a variety so that he learns different tasts and stuff. Sometimes I put cheddar in his eggs, other times I put fetta, the other day I put prevalome (sp?) cheese.
ETS: I've also given him chicken nuggets (NOT from fast food, but the ones in the refrigerator section in the supermarket), waffles, mixed veggies with his meat.
Message edited 10/9/2007 2:24:02 PM.
Posted 10/9/07 2:21 PM |
Big sister!!!!!!!!!!
Member since 12/05 17450 total posts
Re: Moms of kids 9 -12 months (food related)
Breakfast: Mini pancakes, mini waffles, scrambled eggs with turkey, english muffin with cheese, corn cakes, yogurt
Lunch:pasta/sauce/cheese, cold cuts, chicken nuggets, knish cut in half with melted cheese, ravioli
Dinner: Garden burger, meatballs, pasta, chicken, sweet potatoes,
we are not big veggie people so I give her a jar for now but eventually I will by veggies. I did buy corn on the cob and cut it off for her.
Posted 10/9/07 2:26 PM |
Mama to 3!?!?!?

Member since 7/06 8069 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Moms of kids 9 -12 months (food related)
Thanks for asking this!! I was just going to post the same thing. I am really slacking on the table food. DD's still eating mostly jarred stuff. Thanks for the ideas, ladies. I have also given DD Nutrigrain bars (broken up) and the Entemanns strawberry Little Bites. One of the moms at my playgroup was saying she's been giving her son frozen fruit - esp. blueberries.
Posted 10/9/07 2:31 PM |
Life is good...

Member since 9/05 18504 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Moms of kids 9 -12 months (food related)
Oh, he also loves when I make him rice pilaf. I just use brown rice and throw in steamed mixed veggies (I but the bag of frozen I think it's called "baby mixed veggies because they are alrady cut up). It usually has peas, carrotts, broccoli, corn, etc.
Posted 10/9/07 2:32 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 5/05 633 total posts
Re: Moms of kids 9 -12 months (food related)
oooh - I forgot two more:
turkey meatballs - my kids LOVE these! and limited portions of course!
Posted 10/9/07 2:53 PM |

Member since 2/07 2642 total posts
Name: Belladonna219
Re: Moms of kids 9 -12 months (food related)
DS eats all the same things but I also wanted add that Bell & Evans (no hormones/organic) makes chicken nuggets that you bake in the oven. They are great for lunch w/ veggies.
DS LOVES meatballs, meatloaf, hamburger, chicken cutlet, grilled cheese, any pasta. I make orzo for him since it is easy for him to pick up and I dont have to cut it up, tater tots, cream of wheat, avacado, he really eat anything and everything. Last night he enjoyed coliflower.
Posted 10/9/07 3:02 PM |
Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07 12683 total posts
Name: Dawn
Re: Moms of kids 9 -12 months (food related)
Breakfast: muffin, whole wheat pancakes, banana or apple cinnamon waffles, farina, oatmeal
Lunch: cinnamon raisin toast with jelly, turkey and cheese melt on whole wheat bread, cheese and ham with whole wheat ritz crackers, cereal bar (if we're on the go) pasta, yogurt, cottage cheese, cut up melon, apples, pears, blueberries, kiwi, plum, etc. Cucumber & tomato
Dinner: chicken, turkey meatballs & meatloaf, salmon, brown rice & veggies, beef barley soup, stew, chicken noodle soup, etc
ETA: I forgot to mention veggies...she eats peas, carrots, green beans, spinach, squash, sweet potato and corn. We are going to try beets soon.
Message edited 10/9/2007 5:14:04 PM.
Posted 10/9/07 3:16 PM |
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