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Moms that have a boy and a girl

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Member since 5/05

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Moms that have a boy and a girl

I was having an interesting conversation with some friends and it seemed that we all agreed - our boys were more difficult as newborns/infants than the girls.

We were talking with regards to being good eaters, sleepers and whether or not the baby needed to be held all the time.

It seems all of our DD's ate better, slept through the night earlier and didn't need to be held as much as our DS's.

Does this hold true for you?

Message edited 7/29/2008 8:00:07 AM.

Posted 7/29/08 7:59 AM
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Re: Moms that have a boy and a girl

If this is the case, I hope I have all girls Chat Icon since DD was NOT an easy baby by any means Chat Icon

Posted 7/29/08 8:07 AM


Member since 5/06

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Re: Moms that have a boy and a girl

Paige wasnt easy either. So dont know if that is true or not.

Posted 7/29/08 8:11 AM


Member since 7/05

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Mrs. Honeybee

Re: Moms that have a boy and a girl

I Have a boy and a girl and honestly, my ds was ALOT easier then my dd. My dd needed to be held 24/7. Was a terrible eater, but she was a great sleeper. But my ds was a great sleeper, eater and never needed to be held or entertained all day long. So who knows all babies are different.

Posted 7/29/08 8:15 AM

My babies

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Re: Moms that have a boy and a girl

It might be too soon to tell since DS is only 2 weeks - but he's already a better sleeper than Ava. He sleeps 5 hours, eats and goes right back down for another 3 to 4 hours. He likes to be held - but I think Ava was the same way at this stage. I tried the swing and he likes it but flops over and gets mad.

I forget when Ava's witching hour/s started - but he doesn't have one yet. He does get fussy sometimes. Oh and just like Ava as a newborn - he HATE HATE HATES the carseat. Their are def a lot of similarities though personality wise and looks wise - including the hospital pic attached.Chat Icon

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Message edited 7/29/2008 8:20:15 AM.

Posted 7/29/08 8:16 AM


Member since 6/05

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Re: Moms that have a boy and a girl

I'm split, DS was sleeping through the night at 6 weeks for 10 hours and by 8 weeks it was 12 hours. He was such a happy baby and was a good eater until about 10 months. DD nursed like a champ, was a great napper but didn't sleep through the night fully until about 7 or 8 months. She has always been a great eater. Was such a mellow, go with the flow baby. Now at 12 months her personality definitly has come outChat Icon .
Overall they were both good and difficult but in their own ways.

Posted 7/29/08 8:24 AM

Life is good!

Member since 2/06

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Re: Moms that have a boy and a girl

I am actually the exact opposite. My DS was WAY easier than my DD.

Posted 7/29/08 8:27 AM

Back in LI!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms that have a boy and a girl

Posted by smiles

I am actually the exact opposite. My DS was WAY easier than my DD.

same for us!

Posted 7/29/08 8:31 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Moms that have a boy and a girl

dd - difficult to soothe infant, very, very high maintenance. wonderful toddler& now pre-schooler. She ate like a champ, slept, easier to pottytrain

ds - easiest baby ever, very low maintenance. now, high maintenance. picky eatier.

Posted 7/29/08 8:39 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms that have a boy and a girl

true for me!

Posted 7/29/08 9:04 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms that have a boy and a girl

Absoultely NOT! MY boy was an angel, ate well, slept well, was never a problem. My girl - Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Enough said!

Posted 7/29/08 9:05 AM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms that have a boy and a girl

Posted by chmlengr

Absoultely NOT! MY boy was an angel, ate well, slept well, was never a problem. My girl - Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Enough said!

I am right there with you. My son is just the happiest little squishy. He can be crying and still be trying to smile at the same time. He just wants to see people smile and laugh. The only time he gets cranky is when he needs a bottle or has a poopy diaper. Unlike my daughter this boy hates to be dirty.

Posted 7/29/08 9:18 AM


Member since 12/06

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Re: Moms that have a boy and a girl

My kids were both easy babies.

Posted 7/29/08 9:45 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

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Re: Moms that have a boy and a girl

I really hope so! DD is only 6 weeks old, but DS was tough as an infant.

Posted 7/29/08 9:52 AM

Love my family

Member since 6/06

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Re: Moms that have a boy and a girl

I'm hoping that DD is like DS in regards to sleeping and eating. DS ate pretty well and still does (well except for his veggies) he also started sleeping through the night at like 4 months I believe. He is still a good sleeper.

Posted 7/29/08 9:53 AM

Making big changes

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Re: Moms that have a boy and a girl

Not for us. DS was an angel and well, DD was a devil. I always joke that if DD had been born first, I never would have had DS. Not true, of course Chat Icon

Posted 7/29/08 10:00 AM

life is a carousel

Member since 7/07

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Re: Moms that have a boy and a girl

Nope, both my children were excellent eaters and sleepers. So it doesn't hold true for me.Chat Icon We'll see what this next little bugger brings! lol

Posted 7/29/08 10:01 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms that have a boy and a girl

True for me so far.

DD was so easy going! Rarely cried, slept through the night from 5 weeks on, always ate well, very scheduled, but yet very flexible. She enjoyed being in the car seat and going out and about (loved watching everything.)

DS is "needy", doesn't sleep through the night, gets fussy when out and about, is inconsistent with naps (sometimes 20 minutes, other times 3 hours.)

Posted 7/29/08 10:04 AM


Member since 10/06

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Re: Moms that have a boy and a girl

No. My DS is a much better eater, and sleeper than DD was. DD never wanted vegetables, and DS will eat whatever we give him. DD slept with us until she was 18 months, and DS has slept in his crib through the night since 4 months.

Posted 7/29/08 10:11 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/06

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Re: Moms that have a boy and a girl

Posted by Charly

I was having an interesting conversation with some friends and it seemed that we all agreed - our boys were more difficult as newborns/infants than the girls.

We were talking with regards to being good eaters, sleepers and whether or not the baby needed to be held all the time.

It seems all of our DD's ate better, slept through the night earlier and didn't need to be held as much as our DS's.

Does this hold true for you?

Word for word, YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!! My DD is 3.5 and my DS is 1.5 and that boy has given me a run for my money! LOL My DD was and still is almost perfect! I love them both equally but to me, there was a big difference.

Posted 7/29/08 10:12 AM

My children are a blessing!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms that have a boy and a girl

Mostly true for me. DS was colicky and averaged 7 hours of sleep a DAY. He always woke up crying. He is still tough -- not potty trained, picky eater, extremely high maintenance. But I adore him!!

DD has slept through the night since day 1. She is very independent and seemingly well adjusted. She goes through her stages where she just wants to be held.

Posted 7/29/08 10:14 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms that have a boy and a girl

All in all they were/are pretty similar. DD had colic, DS was miserable until his milk allergy was diagnosed and then he was a completely different kid.

Even now they are pretty similar. DS is a little more easy going than DD, but they both are pretty even tempered.

Posted 7/29/08 10:53 AM

<3 my family

Member since 1/06

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Re: Moms that have a boy and a girl

I am lucky. All of my babies have been 'easy' babies, but my son was easier than both my girls. He slept through the night WAY ealier than both girls and he was a great eater. So it doesn't hold true for me.

Posted 7/29/08 11:21 AM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

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Re: Moms that have a boy and a girl

Maybe its more that 1st borns were easier???

Posted 7/29/08 2:03 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms that have a boy and a girl

Posted by PrincessP

Maybe its more that 1st borns were easier???

very well could be!! I keep trying to tell Hannah to teach Jack how to sleep at nightChat Icon

Posted 7/29/08 3:07 PM
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