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BTDT moms....girl potty training...I think I NEED to

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me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


BTDT moms....girl potty training...I think I NEED to

now it's almost EVERY morning and after her nap that she says pee pee or poo poo.

What do I do NOW?

Posted 8/13/07 10:56 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent

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Re: BTDT moms....girl potty training...I think I NEED to

Do you have potty? We started by putting DD on it to read. Then I had her in the backyard with no diaper on for a day and we we put her on it but she didn't really get there in time. Next we moved to training underwear and although she had quite a few accidents the first couple of days this is when she really got the hang of it. We also had her drink lots of water and asked her every half hour if she had to go to the potty. She was able to get the hang of pee pee in the potty pretty quickly and a few days later she did poop. She is obsessed with the wipes and her Dora potty seat too.

Put your DD on the potty first thing in the morning when she wakes up, take off the diapers (be prepared for accidents) and continually take her to the potty and ask her if she has to go. It took us about two weeks and now she only wears pull ups for naps and bedtime. She just tuned 2 last month but she was clearly ready as she also kept telling us pee pee or poop and always wanted to go into the bathroom with us. Good luck!

Posted 8/13/07 11:56 AM

Love my little ladies

Member since 2/06

1225 total posts


Re: BTDT moms....girl potty training...I think I NEED to

how old are your DD?

Posted 8/13/07 12:54 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: BTDT moms....girl potty training...I think I NEED to

Posted by TwinMama

how old are your DD?

she's 19 mths
she DOES sit on her potty both clothed and undressed

I *think* when she says pee pee she is telling me it's in her diaper....not that she has to go.

Posted 8/13/07 1:19 PM

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