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Moms who pump at work

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Always in my heart.....

Member since 11/06

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Moms who pump at work

I have the PIS advance for when I start work-do you leave the pump at work and just BF when you get home or do you bring it back and forthChat Icon
Or do you have a manual for home-if so which one-I dont have a great supply so I am hesitant of buying a manual.

Posted 11/14/07 8:30 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Moms who pump at work

I have not gone back to work yet - my first day back is the week of 12/3 but I plan on bringing mine home. I also have a manual pump which will stay at home. I like the idea of cleaning the parts in my house because I am afraid of what is microwaved in the office microwave.

Posted 11/14/07 8:36 PM

Happy Little Girl

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Thia (Cynthia)

Re: Moms who pump at work

I leave in my desk drawer and only BF him when I am home. I also picked up a Harmony hand pump that I keep at home. It turns out that I pump more than he eats while he is at daycare so sometimes I need to pump on the weekend to alleviate occasional engorgement. (The hand pump also came in handy when I went to a wedding. I very easily pumped in the handicap stall.)

Posted 11/14/07 9:11 PM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

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Re: Moms who pump at work

I bring it with me everday back and forth. I thought about leaving it there but the thought of $320.00 lost if someone took it stops me right in my track.

My other thinking is "what if" I can't make it to work tomorrow. I am not going to use a manual pump at home.

Posted 11/14/07 9:13 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/06

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Re: Moms who pump at work

I bring it back and forth every day. It was a pain in the beginning because I was washing all the attachments and bottles (don't really use the bags), but then I got one extra set and it is fine now. It's just part of the routine now to bring it.

I do usually nurse at home, but there have been times when I have had to pump, too.

Posted 11/14/07 9:22 PM

My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms who pump at work

I bring it back & forth every day...kind of a hassle.

Posted 11/14/07 9:23 PM

Balancing act on a highwire

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Re: Moms who pump at work

I bring it back and forth every day because I pump at night. What a hassle. Chat Icon

Posted 11/14/07 9:25 PM

Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07

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Re: Moms who pump at work

When I pumped, I brought it back and forth but I was pumping at home too. As one of the PP said though, imagine someone taking your pump. I'd take it back and forth daily.

Posted 11/14/07 10:00 PM

My loves

Member since 5/06

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Re: Moms who pump at work

I bring it back and forth. But I need to pump at night sometimes when he doesn't fully drain me in the overnight. That's how I started my extra supply, the overnight pumpings.

Posted 11/15/07 12:03 AM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05

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Re: Moms who pump at work

I brought it back and forth. I needed to pump at home also to have enough milk for my son.

Posted 11/15/07 8:43 AM

Beyond Compare

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Re: Moms who pump at work

I was very fortuante to have 2 own and one from a friend. I brought my friend's pump to work and bought all new accessories (tubes, shields - everything) and basically just used the actual pump itself. I would lock it up at night.

I had to give it back recently so I was bringing my pump back and forth to work for quiet a while. I wound up just packing all my stuff -wallet & lunch in that bag so it was less to carry.

Now I am down to only 2 pump sessions so I leave that for home.

I should say that I didn't BF DS so I was always pumping.

Posted 11/15/07 9:02 AM

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