I am a former sufferer of panic disorder, but it's under control now.

I have been having anxiety creeping up, but I have been managing it well. Most of it is anticipatory, just the normal stuff.

But I am curious as to people who are pregnant and how panic disorder is treated - can you be on Xanax or other sedatives?

I started wondering how someone with panic disorder can tolerate going into labor and being in the hospital, etc...I know that even when I had my first, and while my anxiety was manageable, I couldn't stand the feeling of being numb, and I found it hard to breathe, etc.

I only ask because I am dreading this scheduled delivery and wondering what the hell I would have done if this was 10 years ago...I would have flipped out.

and Chat Icons to anyone who has been there or is there now...I know how hard it is.