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Moms whose DC sleeps through the night.....

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Moms whose DC sleeps through the night.....

Did you do anything to help get them to do it or was it mostly on their own?

Posted 1/14/08 8:55 AM
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Re: Moms whose DC sleeps through the night.....

she did it on her own at 3 months

Posted 1/14/08 9:05 AM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

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Re: Moms whose DC sleeps through the night.....

He finally just started 7-7 at 6 months - and It's only because I finally gave in and let him sleep on his belly.

Posted 1/14/08 9:07 AM


Member since 6/05

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Re: Moms whose DC sleeps through the night.....

He kind of did it on his own at 7 weeks but I think making sure he got his naps in during the day and a regular bedtime may have helped a little.

ETA: when we switched from bassinet to crib in his room, i think it helped. the sound machine helped too.

Message edited 1/14/2008 9:17:28 AM.

Posted 1/14/08 9:08 AM

Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06

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Re: Moms whose DC sleeps through the night.....

he began sleeping 10-11 hours at around 2-3 months once we started the miracle blanket (although at that time he was sleeping 5-8 hours on his own without it), he is now 6 1/2 months and still sleeps through the night but he now sleeps in the carters sleep sacks (b/c i wont put a blanket on him and he outgrew the miracle blanket around 3-4 months and he gets cold at night). He has always been a really good sleeper though

Message edited 1/14/2008 9:38:12 AM.

Posted 1/14/08 9:10 AM

My loves

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Re: Moms whose DC sleeps through the night.....

dd starting doing it on her own about 2 mths - i do think our routine that we have helped her though

Posted 1/14/08 9:11 AM

My life:)

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Re: Moms whose DC sleeps through the night.....

My son was always a good sleeper and so he started sleeping through the night at around 2 months...even when I stopped swaddling him he slept good. I think regular nap time and schedule helped him get into the routine...we try to stick to the same routine every night.

I would try to establish a routine and let him fall into it...I bet he'll start sleeping through the night. Don't worry it'll all fall into place.

Message edited 1/14/2008 9:24:17 AM.

Posted 1/14/08 9:11 AM

Support Cancer Research

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Re: Moms whose DC sleeps through the night.....

Mostly on his own at 3 months.

But I do believe we set the stage early on.

He was in his own crib from day one, so there was no "transition" time.

We used the techniques from Happiest Baby on the Block to get him calm and quiet early on.

We started a bedtime routine pretty early on too - bath, bottle, book, bed.

So I think what we did from birth helped get him to the stage of sleeping through the night when he was biologically able to do so.

Posted 1/14/08 9:15 AM

Love my family

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Re: Moms whose DC sleeps through the night.....

Well i established a routine early one. Bath and bottle, story time and then bed. DS goes to sleep on his own. However, once I started to give him cereal and solids he started to sleep all the way through the night. Now he sleeps from 10:00pm-8:30am.

Posted 1/14/08 9:24 AM

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Re: Moms whose DC sleeps through the night.....

We did like the other posters. We established a routine, which I found very helpful. We change her into her PJ's, and she nurses the first side. Then when she's done, she gets her diaper changed again, and then nurses the other side in the dark. Then she goes to bed. Thankfully, she has the internal clock even now that by 7pm she wants to start the routine...we're very lucky with that.

I agree with the swaddling, she needed to be swaddled or she wouldn't sleep.

Posted 1/14/08 9:30 AM

party of five

Member since 9/06

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Re: Moms whose DC sleeps through the night.....

swaddle and miracle blanket and night routine....dim lights and changing into pjs....he is also like his daddy and loves to sleep.........

gavin!!! go to sleep!!!!

Posted 1/14/08 9:35 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms whose DC sleeps through the night.....

DD didn't do it until recently at 9 months, after i started giving her bottles at night instead of breastfeeding her.

Posted 1/14/08 9:37 AM

Mama to 3!?!?!?

Member since 7/06

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Re: Moms whose DC sleeps through the night.....

DD started sleeping through the night at around 6 months when she was completely on formula and solids.

Posted 1/14/08 9:41 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms whose DC sleeps through the night.....

I just tried the pacifier one noght instead of a bottle, it worked.

Posted 1/14/08 9:50 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms whose DC sleeps through the night.....

It was on their own. Nothing special I did. Chat Icon

Posted 1/14/08 9:51 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

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Re: Moms whose DC sleeps through the night.....

Johnny was always a good sleeper..slept through the night at 6 weeks (8 hours straight) and by 10 weeks, 12 hours straight.

I really think the fact the he napped well made a huge difference. On days when his naps were short, he would wake up at night.

We always had him in bed by 7pm (but he is an early riser, 6:30am every morning!).

Also...we never let him sleep in our bed and transitioned him to his crib at 8 weeks.

With our next, I will make the transition every earlier. I think it helped with his good sleeping!

Posted 1/14/08 10:48 AM

He's here!!!!

Member since 3/06

10128 total posts


Re: Moms whose DC sleeps through the night.....

OK, so can you offer any advice based on the following:

Bottle at 8PM
sleeps in crib since day 2
falls asleep on his own
won't use a pacifier

I'm thinking I just have to wait it out....

he usually wakes at 4 then 7 for a bottle then up at 9 for the day

every few days he wakes at 2 then 6, like today and then would not go back to sleep!!!!

Posted 1/14/08 10:53 AM

Love my Babes

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Re: Moms whose DC sleeps through the night.....

DS slept through the night from 9-11weeks, then started waking up again too eat. He was just growing and getting hungrier. He has slept through the neight again for the last week or so (he is now 51/2 months) He doesnt take late afternoon naps, and we make sure he has his cereal and bottle right before he falls asleep. he now goes to bed around 7:30-8pm and wakes up between 5:30-6am.

Posted 1/14/08 11:08 AM

Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms whose DC sleeps through the night.....

Posted by curliegirl

OK, so can you offer any advice based on the following:

Bottle at 8PM
sleeps in crib since day 2
falls asleep on his own
won't use a pacifier

I'm thinking I just have to wait it out....

he usually wakes at 4 then 7 for a bottle then up at 9 for the day

every few days he wakes at 2 then 6, like today and then would not go back to sleep!!!!

How many ounces is he getting during the day?

I found that decreasing the amount of time between feedings during the day (both BF and Formula) meant longer stretches of sleep at night.

He was getting all he needed between 7am and 8pm, so he didn't wake up at night.

Posted 1/14/08 11:12 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms whose DC sleeps through the night.....

Posted by stephanief

she did it on her own at 3 months

same with Andrew

Posted 1/14/08 11:13 AM

He's here!!!!

Member since 3/06

10128 total posts


Re: Moms whose DC sleeps through the night.....

Posted by leighla

Posted by curliegirl

OK, so can you offer any advice based on the following:

Bottle at 8PM
sleeps in crib since day 2
falls asleep on his own
won't use a pacifier

I'm thinking I just have to wait it out....

he usually wakes at 4 then 7 for a bottle then up at 9 for the day

every few days he wakes at 2 then 6, like today and then would not go back to sleep!!!!

How many ounces is he getting during the day?

I found that decreasing the amount of time between feedings during the day (both BF and Formula) meant longer stretches of sleep at night.

He was getting all he needed between 7am and 8pm, so he didn't wake up at night.

He gets 5 oz every 3-4 hours during the day and 6 oz for his last bottle at night....

Posted 1/14/08 11:17 AM

Big Sister to Be!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms whose DC sleeps through the night.....

Posted by curliegirl

Posted by leighla

Posted by curliegirl

OK, so can you offer any advice based on the following:

Bottle at 8PM
sleeps in crib since day 2
falls asleep on his own
won't use a pacifier

I'm thinking I just have to wait it out....

he usually wakes at 4 then 7 for a bottle then up at 9 for the day

every few days he wakes at 2 then 6, like today and then would not go back to sleep!!!!

How many ounces is he getting during the day?

I found that decreasing the amount of time between feedings during the day (both BF and Formula) meant longer stretches of sleep at night.

He was getting all he needed between 7am and 8pm, so he didn't wake up at night.

He gets 5 oz every 3-4 hours during the day and 6 oz for his last bottle at night....

maybe try feeding every 3 hrs-it could help

Posted 1/14/08 11:53 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/06

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Re: Moms whose DC sleeps through the night.....

I started giving Danielle rice cereal @ 6wks to help her sleep longer. I also discovered she slept better on her belly.
I took her out of her crib, put her in our room on her belly and she's been sleeping through the night ever since.
**Well, now that the teeth are coming in, she'll wake up one night here and there. I just rock her and she goes back down.

HTH's. I didn't follow and Dr.'s rules regarding the food.

Posted 1/14/08 11:53 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: Moms whose DC sleeps through the night.....

From a mom of two I think it has a lot to do with your routine AND your child's personality. Jack was never a very good sleeper. Molly is a great sleeper. I had the same routine with both and both slept through the night while they were infants, but Jack would wake up many a night. I can't remember the last time Molly was up at night.

Posted 1/14/08 12:13 PM

I hope you stay beautiful baby

Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms whose DC sleeps through the night.....

She did it on her own.

Posted 1/14/08 12:18 PM
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