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Moms with school-age kids....summer

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Moms with school-age kids....summer

Moms with school age kids...what are they doing for the summer? We are only 1 week into summer vacation, and if I hear "I'M BORED, THERE'S NOTHING TO DO" one more time, I'm going to scream Chat Icon Chat Icon

My stepdaughter is 12...she didn't want to go to the town camp, because "it's stupid" Chat Icon She is going to Florida for 3 weeks to visit her grandparents, but she doesn't leave until July that's almost 3 more weeks of "I'm bored". Whenever DH and I say to call or go find her friends, it's "nobody's home"

We bought her a Wii for her birthday (which is Monday), but I won't allow her to sit in the house and play all day, but I bet her "friends" will suddenly appear after Monday!

So...what do your kids do all day? I work from home, so it's not like I can take her out everyday to different places.

Posted 6/30/08 3:36 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 6/08

286 total posts


Re: Moms with school-age kids....summer

sign her up for day activities like swimming lessons or a kids kick fit program or golf, bowling, etc. It means you have to drop her off/pick her up but if you do it locally you can likely manage.

Past that the pool is a lifesaver!

You can also encourage her to work -- babysitting, planting flowers, etc

Posted 7/2/08 1:42 AM


Member since 8/06

13803 total posts


Re: Moms with school-age kids....summer

My sons are home this summer with Daddy while I work. Monday was his first 'full day' with them and although I can complain... I won't. He's doing a pretty good job. He is incorporating them into his own day to day chores and whatnot - and it gives them a sense of importance and esteem.

For example, yesterday he really had to get the lawn taken care of. So he hired them to help him. He told them he would give them each $2 dollars if they helped him get the yard done by the time it got really hot at noon. And they did! And they were very proud of their achievement - couldn't wait to wave their dollars at me and tell me all about it!

I don't know much about 12 year olds - but my kids really just want a lot of interaction. So making them part of the daily routine and incorporating them INTO the chores and whatnot really seems to give them a feeling of purpose. Maybe you can 'hire her' as your mother's helper? Make her part of the games you play with DD? She might resist a little at first - but I really think 'I'm Bored' is kind of a keyword for 'I need some attention'.

Outside of that - my kids love the beach, going to visit horse stables to give the horses treats, Walks to the water at Gardiners park (but any trail at any park will do!), Bike riding at Bethpage State Park, making new (weird) flavors in the ice cream maker, helping me plan meals and cook them and playing board games. If I need them out of my hair we do a quick 'scavenger hunt' game. I tell them that if they find 10 things that I can think of they get a special treat. And if all else fails I pack a backpack full of snacks and drinks and their 'camping' gear and send them out to the fort to rough it while we get some stuff done.

I wish I was home this summer too.Chat Icon

Message edited 7/2/2008 5:41:54 AM.

Posted 7/2/08 5:41 AM


Member since 12/06

16001 total posts


Re: Moms with school-age kids....summer

Does your town have a recreation program where you drop them off? I know that many do. That's a hard age because they are always "bored"!!

I signed Nicholas up for bowling camp and since it's a block away, I can walk him up there and come right back home. They are flexible so I can sign him up without advance notice. It's only $20 a day too!

Posted 7/2/08 9:18 AM


Member since 2/07

17374 total posts


Re: Moms with school-age kids....summer

ds is 13. he was to spend a week with my mom.. but that's being cut short (re: my post).

he tends to entertain himself well. i've "hired" him to do things around the house... like walking the dog every morning, feeding the cats, and some other stuff... keeps him out of trouble for a bit each day.

he also spends a lot of time at the neighbor's. they have a pool and three kids. ds is just like one of her own. this way he gets exercise in the pool. what i do to thank them is i bring lunch or dinner over once a week.

Posted 7/2/08 10:00 AM

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